651. Chapter 651

    Chapter 651

    Look around, roommates go outside and Cyber Café plays games.

    Just Zhao Hung is learning in the bedroom.

    No one else can find a problem!

    Zhao Hung’s heart is tense.

    This world is likely to have this opportunity on his own to get out of it.

    So when he’s not strong enough, he must never let the foreigners find out about him.

    Otherwise, if he was found, he would be caught in the research institute’s cutting study, that would be really tragic.

    Zhao Hung looked like a bottle of liquid bombs, pretending to leave the bedroom without anything, and then moving quickly to the hotel entrance to the school.

    He intends to open a clock room and formally try the effects of the holy water.

    Just went down to the dorm building, and I saw the captain Zhang Zhang Zhenwei standing at the door of the dormitory building, and he was talking to the boys in both classes. It seems that the school festival festival festival festival festivals are reported in various classes.

    See Zhao Hung coming out, Zhang Wei blinking.

    “Zhao Hung, how’s it going? Teachers are still waiting for us to get on the show.”

    Zhao Hung is the leader of the boys’ side, although he occasionally goes to Cyber Café and occasionally plays cards in the dormitory to drink and eat boilers.

    But in the eyes of the teacher, he’s still a good student.

    “Well… Something’s going on in my house, maybe there’s no time to help, Jovi. You can do more, I’ll buy you dinner.”

    Zhao Hung is not in any mood to go to the celebration show now. After knowing that everything on the rainlight might be real, he’s all over it now.

    If he doesn’t even know how stupid it is to be.


    tail behind Zhang Wei’s head was shaken, and the big eye looked at Zhao Hung and looked at two eyes.

    “If anything happens at home, you can go to the teacher for a vacation. Don’t hang on, you look tired.”

    Yes, the current Zhao Hung landscape, together with the excess exercise and the extraction of spiritual force, is now able to stand up and talk unconscious, all right?

    “Know!” Zhao Hung Wang, “I’m leaving first. It’s hard for you to be Violet.”

    “Well…” Zhao Huang Huang left the scene until he walked out of sight and went back to his face and went back to the arrangements for consultation with the other two.



    Somewhere in the Holy Spirit.

    Lin Sheng walked in the sky, dumped with his hands, and flew out with a big white light, wrecked up like a shell.

    After successful promotion to Demi-God, he was experiencing changes in his body and soul.

    In addition to those changes that had been summarized earlier, his overall control and operation of energy had reached a new height.

    “An ordinary Units Saint Light, in my hand, can do more than triple. What a shame is Demi-God’s body.”

    Lin Sheng looks at the suburbs covered by Saint Light, and his heart is quite satisfied.

    Those days of insanity turned the line of willpower, so that he finally moved his full will to the guarded Black Tide monster.

    After completion, he now has a tremendous black will at every moment, and these sources of energy continue to inject into the fire and then turn into fuel.


    flames of the fire began more than three times more than they were.

    The fire itself is also constantly working to strengthen Lin Sheng’s body.

    This reinforcement, according to Nurgana, will continue to be a threshold.

    “A divine flame that strengthens to the limit and can reach the limits of normal Demi-God.

    If there are two mysterious flames of flames, then the first is fully adapted, and the body is able to accept the second Type neurological fire, and the intensity is higher.

    This can be almost as sharp as Demi-God. “

    Lin Sheng has been thinking about it.

    The more the gods, the more the fire is, and the more the flames are stronger. The intensity and strength that can eventually be achieved in the exercise of the body.

    But, likewise, it is not the greater the type of fire.

    The more the fire, the more it is to be integrated, the harder it is to be integrated into complete Divine Spark. Simply speaking, it’s breakthrough realm harder.

    So Lin Sheng does not intend to pursue the limits of physical strength, but only the Lord is dominated by Guardian God. The Godspeed goddess are complementary.

    In the middle of the air, Lin Sheng felt comfortable that the source of the body was constantly barbecued and practiced by powerful gods.

    “General Demi-God, what’s my luxury? It’s always been possible to burn the fire, to exercise the flesh. They have done everything they can to maintain the fire base.”

    Sources of constant will can bring with them a constant fire.

    And what can God do with the fire?

    Divine Artifact!

    Lin Sheng thought for the first time that he had always been the most dependent devil.

    This Divine Artifact, actually, is now, the most powerful might have been a little short of his footsteps. It’s becoming a complementary tool.

    So, while he is now willing to have the source of power, he can just reinvigorate the devil rotation.

    The head moves, Lin Sheng automatically builds a circle of dark red circles.

    This is the common form of a trans-shipment device today.

    It looks pretty ordinary.

    Lin Sheng took the game and threw the circle light.



    circle is high and then falls down and floats in the air behind him.

    Under one breath, a colour flame automatically floats from the bottom of the circle and starts to move from the bottom to the bottom, with a little burning of the dark wheel.

    This is the fire of Lin Sheng, which, in theory, should have two identities.

    One is the speed characteristic, and the second Type is the custodian of the seal.

    “It’s starting to burn up anyway, and it’s better to burn things more once.”

    Lin Sheng’s heart moves, all dressed with armor, and it starts to burn out of the air.

    The color of the fire is intense and terrifying. One moment, he was thrown into a colored torch.


    the one hand, Divine Artifact, Lin Sheng, on the other hand, opened the rainlight and looked boring at the situation of invaded Superman.

    This is the next source of his imminent frontier.

    From previous and invincible speeches, the opposite world seems to be in an extremely peaceful environment.


    ‘s no threat, there’s no human race.

    In such a completely peaceful world, it is not Lin Sheng’s will to seize the source of the border if a disturbance is to take place, causing countless deaths and injuries.

    His purpose is to save, not to conspire.

    So this time, he intends to slow down a real spokesman. And then in that world, spread Saint Light.

    Changes in the mainstream of the world through ideological changes have forced the emergence of frontier sources.

    Every world has its own destiny track.

    That is also why many predictive capacities can see the future. Because many of the world’s future is fixed.

    But if the future of fate is significantly reversed by external power, then the world could have tried to correct it.

    If it is not possible to correct it, then the emergence of the source is almost inevitable.

    (This chapter is over)

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