661. Chapter 661

    Chapter 661

    Alansie, be careful to wipe short blade in his hand.

    shoshort blade is like a sophisticated artist, and silver’s hands are full of sophisticated flowers.

    Like cats, like a lion’s flower tattoo, you keep your hands on the knife.


    edge of the blade has a long blood tattoo. That’s what he did with his own blood.

    Every time he’s going to kill a man with a weight, he’ll start with his own blood.

    As the first of the five-round organizations, sunflowers, Alansie had absolute self-confidence to carry out this task before Beatrix arrived.

    Pack up, he changed the dress of a regular student, and looks younger than ten, and seems to have returned to the old university age.

    Before the big library at Minann University, Alansy pulled off the campus uniform and seemed to walk into the library as much as the boys who usually went into school to learn.

    “Find the target, the location has been positioned.” Microears have been sent out of subordinate voices.

    Alansie, bend with a smile, looked at the glasses showing up to the map.

    There is a slight, concomitant red point on the map, and a photograph of Zhao Hung’s landscape is also marked on the red point with a cartoon case.

    “Alence always likes to play this little thing all day.” Alansie was laughing.

    Along the library’s first floor corridor, he’s been moving forward, moving towards the third self-study room.

    Target positioning, right in the third self study room.



    Silent lion Chen, it’s been a long time since I felt that kind of trouble.

    He saw each other’s strategy at the first time, split up, drag him and wish the stars well. On the other hand, individuals were sent to schools to arrest Zhao Hung.

    But even though he saw each other’s intentions, he had no way to break it.

    Because the man who came to haunt him, there were only two ranked killers. There are more than 10 auxiliaries, each of which has a mixed strength.

    Not the first ten in rank, actually the difference between other ranked killers, not as big as possible.

    In the face of this level of opponents, even silent lions, have some power not to arrest.


    A steel needle flies through his ear. Take out the slightest sharp blast.

    Chen Shenzhen, one side of the road on the other, continues to bypass the road moving towards Minon University.

    His men can only drag ordinary attackers, and he can only handle them himself.


    second of the five rounds of flowers is not so good.

    In the case of normally, Chen Shenzhen met with two people, he would generally have avoided three shelters.

    But at this point, there are things he has to do, and he has to do.


    leader had given him a blessing for his life, and it was time to repay it.


    He’s got a cool face, and he dumps a black gum thing behind him.


    The little thing suddenly explodes, explodes a lot of intense black smoke, and covers the entire alley completely.

    Chen Shenzhen is accelerating, moving all the way to Min ‘an University.

    Almost. Almost there!

    Out of the alley, on the right side of a red runway, the next swing, just stopping in front of him.

    Chen Shenzhen doesn’t look at drivers, turns around, and in the engine’s noise, the car starts quickly, and moves all the way away.

    “Are you all right?” The driving was just the wish of the former squad.

    “It’s okay. Others I’ve told them to evacuate separately and go straight to school to gather. There are too many people here, too hard.” Chen Shi Shak Road.

    “After this, take the flood out of here. If we stay there, we can’t protect others’ physical safety.” Wish the stars said solemnly.

    “That’s all.” Chen Nodded.

    A little bit. Run fast, turn a bend, keep moving towards college crazy.



    Ah, wu!

    Zhao Hung has hit a debt and wiped out the tears that flow out of his eyes.

    “Well… Does it still lead to tears? Strange…”

    He didn’t know, so he took the book back before himself, and continued to be ready to sleep on the table.

    Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

    Suddenly, in his pants, he came out of the noise of the razor.

    The phone rings.

    Zhao Hung has not moved.

    Phone shocked a while later. He just swallowed out his cell phone, with a attitude of caring for the baby, with absolute care for the lightning of the screen and the opening of the keyboard.

    “Someone’s gonna catch you! Watch out, Zhao Hung!” A very exciting woman on the phone is coming quickly.

    Zhao Hung blinked his eyes, put it down and watch the phone call show.

    It’s an unknown number.

    “Patient.” He pulled off the number.

    Although this number looks a little familiar, it seems like the woman who called Star Chung left it to him.

    Just he didn’t keep it.

    Zhao Huang looked at the next time and slept two hours early.

    He decided to continue to sleep on the ground, and the hard work of these days just made him tired. Unself-evident fatigue.

    Just as he intends to continue his recreation.

    “Zhao Hung?” A whispered woman child voice, coming from the right.

    A bit familiar.

    Zhao Huang was relentless to support his head and look towards the direction of the sound.

    Captain Zhang Zhang Wei holds a few books, and some confusion looks at him sleeping.

    She’s wearing green little shirt, color under bright lights, and she’s coming out with some fantastic beauty.

    It’s just a cowboy’s shorts on his legs, showing white thighs. The skin looks like Zhao Hung likes some china cake.

    “Did you come to the library too?” Zhang Zhang Wei was a little surprised.

    In her impression, Zhao Hung has always been a sleepy, desperate state.

    Now suddenly in the library’s self-study room, it makes her feel blind.

    “Captain…” Let me rectify, you leave me alone. ”Zhao Hung is sleeping on the streets, and then he goes down.

    “…… Remedies.”

    Zhang Zhang Wei watched the surrounded seat, from the left to the right, and from the left to the right, as a whole strip of studying the serious face of the problem, one of the dogs fell on the table and slept on the edge of his mouth.

    She corner of the mouth twitched, what she wanted to say, but nothing.

    Because there’s no place, Zhang Zhang Wei can only stand there and wait.

    It’s good that after a while, the people on the Zhao Hung landscape seemed to see her and Zhao Hung, and smiled and moved her to a place.

    After Zhang Zhang Wei thanks, the truth is sitting next to Zhao Hung.

    What she didn’t think was that Zhao Hung didn’t have much time to sleep, just a few minutes to get up.

    He rubbed his eyes, and he really started reading the book and writing it up.

    “Are you really here to learn?” Zhang Wei can’t stop talking.

    “Of course.” What else does Zhao Hung want to say, suddenly the phone is shaking again?

    He took out his eyes, he was a stranger phone.

    Take it up and push the key down, put it in the ear. That’s where Righton passed the sound.

    “You’re in danger now! Zhao Hung, someone’s on your side, and it’s possible to do it at any time! You have to…”

    (This chapter is over)

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