744. Chapter 744 Search

    Chapter 744 Search


    a The path of white smoke was flown from three adjusted helmets, densely packed.

    It’s just how far it is, and a powerful twisted power comes, and the precision falls on every missile.

    bang bang bang bang bang!

    The brakes, the three adjusting helmets, were trapped in the fire at the same time, surrounded by huge explosions.

    Lin Sheng’s face is calm and looks at the fireworks that the three groups of the sky have been detonated by themselves.

    These so-called science and technology have no defence against mystery.

    They seem strong, but they are fragile. There is no way to isolate them from mysterious forces, and as long as they are inspired by a little detail, there will be a general destructive effect of a chain reaction.

    Science and technology, in the end, is precisely control.

    The more sophisticated and complex, the more questions cannot arise. Otherwise, it would take only a few means to paralyse the entire instrument.

    Lin Sheng didn’t ignore the fireworks of the sky.

    For him, Mecha, which could not resist the cloud power, was also garbage, regardless of the size of the module it could carry.

    So Mecha’s fine. Adjustment of the helmets and the helmets are fine. There is no difference before him.

    “Mecha Helmets are useless to me, and I need authority.”

    He concluded by looking at more uniformed helmets, naughty shakes, micropower under his feet, and Lin Sheng’s body slowed down into Remnant Shadow, dispersed in the land.

    This city is no longer worth it.

    “Target’s gone, requesting a repositioning of headquarters!”

    Another group of Mecha fast approached by far from the air. But there are no targets at all.



    Catherine Star’s second largest city, white tree.

    The Great White Tree City is famous for a giant white giant tree all over town.

    This giant tree is known as Camildale, which in its native language means a tree.

    The White Tree City and the Camildal giant trees are intertwined, the buildings and the roots are mixed, and in many places the roots are used to build houses.

    The city of white trees is at a time when citizens are about to leave work.

    As in the case of water flows in general, the flow of vehicles continues to float on the road to the city. Like blood flowing in the veins.


    That is when a daoist silhouette came out of the white tree market.

    That silhouette slipped a few times, and it was quick and clear.

    “second 3rd Level 权限,就在这里么?”Lin Sheng 居高临下俯瞰全城。

    Before the shovel of the city, he was given a third Level, even though he had not found the second Level.

    From the minds of some researchers, he was informed that, even if only three Level competences were found, five three Level competencies could be merged into a 2nd Level.

    By the same token, if five lines of 2nd Level are found, one Level power can be brought together through an indefinite transmittal.

    This is also a key reason why the powers of collection are being collected everywhere.

    Lin Sheng is floating in the sky, and the surroundings are constantly starting to ring up the RUF alarm. He also ignored it at all.

    It was not reported that the developed communications network had already sent his information images to every city of the planet.

    There was no warning, nor did Mecha send.

    The White Tree City is far stronger than the previous port city.

    Lin Sheng only showed up, facilitating densely packed flights out of large black bombs, and moving towards his rainy spot.

At the

    same time, in a while of shock, large artillery shells fired at him at very high altitudes.

    There is also a tower far away, the top of which shines with a tattoo blue electric flow.



    top of the tower suddenly fired a huge blue light.

    blue light speed was the fastest, and then he was on it, and the hectare was in front of Lin Sheng.

    “Doesn’t mean.” Lin Sheng’s lights are being twisted with the power to protect. And with no difficulty, blue lights are twisted and left behind.

    As for other missiles and artillery shells, he did not attend to the Council.

    Bang bang bang bang!

    The bulk of the artillery shells were wiped out of him, and countless missiles were only very few targeted at him.

    All the rest were overflew by him and injected into space.

    For Lin Sheng, who already has the world’s basic science and technology sciences,

    The response to these weapons, in fact, requires only a small measure of influence positioning, sufficient to reduce more than 90 per cent of the offensive formidable power.

    After all, the weapons formidable power is growing, as is the positioning system. Easy enough to interfere.

    “Found it.” 3 Level of the city. ”

    Lin Sheng closed his searches in the middle of the air and opened his eyes again soon.

    He quickly focused his eyes on a hidden institute in White Tree City.

    “Come on.” Lin Sheng took his hand for a little bit.

    The Institute began to slow down its breakthroughs with a tremendous twist.


    A silver metal matter, forcibly, came out of the top of the Institute, smashed the ceiling wall, moved towards Lin Sheng’s flight speed.

    Lin Sheng took the silver object with precision.

    It’s a short blade that looks like some years old.


    knife was wrapped in a brown knife made up in hand, and the knife seemed to have been used for many years, and it seemed to be a long history of sediment.

    Lin Sheng swept his eye knife, and the powerful twisted power of the Shaitan wheel went on instantaneously.

    shoblade broke his silence, with a slice of blue fluorescent coming out, all of which was absorbed by Lin Sheng.

    “Success, then… It’s time for the next!”

    The third 3Level competencies have also been identified.

    Lin Sheng is very pleased with the journey.

    It is shameful that the most central planet of the entire Aerospace Union has three Level powers on a planet.

    After the God’s speed, Lin Sheng’s speed could not even be locked up by modern instruments.

    Together with himself, he has the means to interfere with locking.

    Less than 10 minutes after leaving the White Tree City, the third third Level was once again taken by him.

    And left behind is a large number of Mecha troops who were wrongly injured by themselves, as well as a wolf military base of operations.

    At this point, Lin Sheng’s actions have finally provoked the real core of the Aerospace Alliance.

    And before it was just a meeting chaired by the Kesla Planet.

    The current Speaker of the Federal Parliament, officially because of the case of Lin Sheng’s seizure of power, convened the Union Parliament.

    It’s open in the House of Representatives.

    a The Virtual silhouette of freshblue has been activated and appears on the seats.

    Four marshals are also one after another.


    Speaker of Parliament has long been seated in the Chair and awaits the presence of all members of Parliament.

    “What are the good proposals for the continued robbery of war helmets by mysterious criminals?”


    Speaker of Parliament has spoken with no rhetoric.

    “According to previous warring records, neither the ordinary Mecha nor the adjusting of the helmets pose much threat to them.


    is recommended that the King be redeployed for trial and that the rest of the fighting helmets be supported by fire and that the siege be carried out. “

    A member of Parliament who will be present spearheads the proposal.

    “The true identity of the person has been initially determined. He appears to be from Camlan Star, but it should actually be Green Lake Star.” Another congressman speaks.

    “Green Lake Star… It’s Green Lake Star again.”

    “The question now is, I doubt that even the King will not be able to block this man. We need to use special weapons!

    Because this man has great special value!

    He has the special power of his own, so he can hardly fight so many Mecha and adjust the helmets. This has a landmark meaning for our area of biological research. ”

    The deputy chairman of the researchers, Bilan, made a generous statement.

    “Special weapons? A member of Parliament questioned whether it was not worth fighting a super capable offender, naturally very easy, simply using it alone for the sole purpose of a criminal.”

    “In the absence of a means of stopping this person, I agree to launch a special weapon.” The Speaker pleaded and answered.

    “But after a special weapon kills that person, we have to dig from each other to enough value.”

    He looked at the line, Deputy Speaker Bill Laran.

    “The body will be yours by then. Please maximize the role!”

    “I will!” Deputy Speaker Bila took an excitement and a glimpse of expectations, low commitment.

    (This chapter is over)

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