Seventy-two. Chapter 772 Stolen fire 1

    Chapter 772 Stolen fire 1

    Lin Sheng predicted that Teacher, called Cohen, had not given him the first time to start practicing his body.

    Instead, he was given a lot of medicinal soup every day by Willy Earl.

    And then, with medicinal soup, give him a constant washing of the body.

    Not just him, but even the cheap old man, Kittens, was so bubbled to the present.

    Only Chávez seems to be forced to learn every day of noble girl-child, tea, painting or something.

    Girls seem to learn mainly from literature.

    Once Lin Sheng thought that was the custom of the world’s heavy male and female, but then a waitress said he’d leak his mouth.

    Sharveel had to learn the fighting techniques before, and then he had to stay in custody on his horse and fall off his legs and bones.

    Anyway, it’s a nursing day, and it’s not a skill. Sophistication gives her some other school.

    That’s what Dad Willy Earl said.

    Life is not much different than before.

    From the church home, Lin Sheng’s daily days, with the exception of a lot of drug-baths, were taught to him sooner or later.


    history of war has been edited into the funny little story of each and everyone, and it makes him sound interesting.

    After all, Lin Sheng is also able to reach many of the depths of the world by analogy.

    Many of the rules and phenomena that it should be by rights seem to ordinary people, and many secrets will be found after he’s counted through the Simulation of the Holy River.

    As time passes, Lin Sheng is very good and quiet waiting. Wait till he’s old enough to start school.

    Time passes a little bit.

    Lin Sheng lives on the same side as an ordinary child, and continues to communicate the situation on the side of the holy river through a dispenser.

    He quickly found out that there seemed to be only a slight difference between the time of the World on both sides.

    The World’s time is one day, equivalent to one more day here.

    That is to say, the time flow of bilateral World is very close.

    That means that Lin Sheng is being blackened over the world.

    Time slows down.

    Turn around for three years.

    Lin Sheng was only occasionally contacting a holy river in order to enhance confidentiality. Well, right there, after he left, Black Tide attacked only twice.

    But all of them were united by God, and King of Night, and I resisted it.

    Over time, King of Night succeeded in reaching the Demi-God level after absorbing new gods Saint Force and Ash Seal.

    His promotion was also given to Lin Sheng as his own, a lot more.

    After all, as long as Lin Sheng is willing, King of Night’s power can be integrated at any time, because it is essentially all his power.

    King of Night’s promotion has also led to his own upgrading.

    He raised his own body, and he moved the river up.

    Over the three years, the Holy Spirit Palace has been working towards the elimination of Ash Seal technology from the Astronomical Union and Anseria, and Mecha science and technology. The overall strength has risen very rapidly.

    There’s nothing out of major event.

    Lin Sheng estimated the intensity of Black Tide and felt nothing wrong. Even if King of Night and the others were unable to carry, there were not a variety of guards he stayed there.

    There’s a lot of tough Black Tide monsters in the light of the guards, and there’s absolutely no problem with subsidiarity.

    And even if it is ultimately unsustainable, there is an Aerospace Coalition that can be evacuated.

    And then Lin Sheng put his heart down. The holy river is no longer frequently contacted so that it is not detected by the many perverts that the world may exist.

    In lieu of the day-to-day role of the Holy River, Lin Sheng Soo separates the Holy River from an independent identity and allows it to enter him in the depth of one ’s soul. Used as auxiliary.

    In this way, general support tasks do not require the search for a holy river, and the use of this identity can be easily addressed. Save the energy of the spirits.

    Much savings have been achieved by contacting the generator when it comes to major difficulties. It’s also a lot safer to hide.

    Three consecutive years of pharmaceutical baths, combined with improved diet.

    Lin Sheng is at this point sufficient to have a two-metre tall body absorption, blue eyes, white skin hair, and old brown black, soft and smooth hair.

    Succession to the solemn beauty of mother Lynn and father Villier Earl, at which time his five officers were able to carry a little bit of a natural indifference.

    It’s just a three-year-old brat, and when you look at someone else, you can hide a little pressure.

    At this point, he’s being called by the mother to the studio.

    In a noble library composed of silver lines and red wood, in addition to the dismissal of mother Linwei, a noble dress, with white flowers and white wigs of young and young beard.

    “Mafa Arias, my child. You’re three years old now, and according to the normal time of the nobles, it’s time for you to learn the noble ceremony.” Lin Sheng Avenue is soft.

    “Good mother.” Lin Sheng’s face is flat.

    “Well, you don’t seem to exclude, so this is Diman Teacher, who will be responsible for your noble ceremony, tea, chess, etc. since today.

    After all, as a true hereditary nobility, we have to learn more than basic learning courses.

    It’s gonna be good for your future intercourse. ”Linwey explained.

    “Okay, Mother, I’m not excluding these, you don’t have to worry.” Lin Sheng’s still on the line.

    “And from tomorrow, Master Cohen, will personally come to guide your basic exercise.”

    “Corn Master?” Heard here that Lin Sheng had a glimpse of expectations.

    He had long looked forward to this world’s power system.

    This is finally a very bright contact.

    It seems to be seeing Lin Sheng’s expectations, Levy slightly smiled, picking up a black box that had been put there long ago, and sending it to Lin Sheng.

    “This is a gift for you. I hope you can learn to have a good start. Of course, don’t have pressure, you’re still small, the future is long.”

    “Thank Mother.” Lin Sheng one after another presents to Linwei and Diman Teacher, and then picks up the briefcase lightly.

    The black silk in the box is in the center, lying in peace with a little blue ring.

    “Put it on, it’ll bring you good luck.” Lynny said with a slight smile.

    Diman Teacher on the side is a little loud.

    “A magic ring? Oh, really. Mrs. Willie, your love for your children also surprises me.”

    “Nothing, this is my younger brother, far away from the England tower, dedicated to the guardianship ring of Mafa Arias. It’s not just my heart, but also his uncle’s sincere blessing.” Lynn said with a slight smile.

    Lin Sheng has a slight head. He already heard of the mother’s family, and he had an excellent lawyer long ago.

    The uncle in his name, who was supposed to conduct forensic research and learning at this time, should be in the remote English-language tower.

    Lin Sheng pinned blue fingers with light on his little thumb, in the light of Linwei and Diman’s expectations.

    the world’s habits, apart from the name of innocence, represent marriage, have nothing to do with the ring of fingers.

    Because the ring is also an important part of the wearing of the magic item, it is stupid and dead to give it any meaning.

    A lot of jurists will be filled with magic rings, with more than a dozen of them. Can’t you think they all have a fixed meaning?

    (This chapter is over)

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