785. Chapter 785 Growth 2

    Chapter 785 Growth 2

    “Hello, Senior Sister, I’m Mafa Riverly, and you can call me Lin Sheng.”

    Lin Sheng smiled and threw out his real name.

    “Well, let’s go.” This Senior Sister looks cold, turns around and says a lot more lazy.

    Lin Sheng is following him and flying fast in the woods.

    Soon, the automatic rolling of green fluorescent under the feet of the two people formed an green path, and the slightest fluorescent allowed two people to move towards mountain range depths.

    Lin Sheng clearly felt that, under the role of the green road, they were faster than expected.

    “Should be some kind of magic?” He’s a low head to watch these green roads.

    ‘Set up analytical work.’ Feedback from the Holy Shadow begins immediately.

    “Engineering analysis…”

    A moment later, the Holy Shadow gave the results.

    Lin Sheng is not surprised that these green roads are a vibrant micro-organism that brings together. Instead of purely legal power or with elements.

    There’s nothing to say. Soon, the two people don’t know how to cross the chips through the shrimp, from a former army cliff.

    Finally came to an ancient Castle Manor complex embedded in the mountains.

    The gray-black Castle Manor size of a seat is different, dispersed on the hills. Some Castle Manor’s windows shine with a long, mysterious white light.

    There’s a lawyer riding like a giant lizard, moving in and out of Castle Manor.

    There are also jurists drops from the sky, suddenly appearing from the invisible.

    “Here, the flight is allowed, but it’s invisible.” In front of Senior Sister Lisbon, all of a sudden, the voices are explained.

    “Oh.” Lin Sheng should have said something.

    He’s not even an apprentice, who flies this middle class of law or anything.

    The two men went along the road to the mountains and quickly found a small area of black Castle Manor.

    Castle Manor’s doorstep has been quietly waiting.

    In a look, Lin Sheng astonished saw that they were greeted by a short mud full of black brown mud.

    “The master has waited a long time. Come on in.” The mud use the royal tongue with strong rural accents.

    Senior Sister is all nodded, walking in the Castle Manor Gate with Lin Sheng, into a building.

    Unlike elsewhere, the first floor hall is not a general reception hall, but a row of black rock like ghosts.

    A lot of rocks like bat monsters can be said to be the matching of the architectural system by the jurists.

    When Lin Sheng entered the door, he was able to see a purple long, cold woman with black masks, and he was on his desk and completing a new structure of stone like a ghost.

    The stones were opened in the chest, flashing at the heart of purple fluorescent, and constantly spreading soft and breathing rhythm.

    “Mafa Riverly?” This purple woman looks less than thirty, and the whole person is like a sophisticated peach, mature beautiful and alluring, with some kind of weird temptation.

    “Yes.” Lin Sheng nodded. Show the color of respect on your face and stand silent on the ground.

    Li all walked to the side and stood still.

    “My name is Dora, and I pray to your uncle, who is responsible for teaching you all the basic Course from now on. Of course. If you finish the base, you can’t pass through my hunger test, I’ll consider not accepting your student status.”


    hair of purple women does not rise, sooner or later.

    “Okay.” Lin Sheng’s face is calm.

    “Looks like you’ve got a mental readiness. Well, Ledo, take him down, my students are the three of you. From today on, you have been working together.

    Mafa Arias needs to learn the foundation of the jurists and complete apprenticeship accumulation. Ledo, you take him to base class, and you go to class with new trainees. ”

    “The course has begun for more than a month, and the backward part needs you to catch up. Is that all right?” Lawyer Dora Lalington looked towards Lin Sheng.

    “No problem. I’ll try.” Lin Sheng nodded.

    “Well, good luck.”

    After the final irresponsible loss of the next sentence, this cheap mentor has once again invested in research into the structure that cannot be exaggerated.

    Lin Sheng has also formally joined the White Rock Land under the Ledo team and became a member of its Chinese jurists.

    The White Rock Forest was brought together by a large number of leisure jurists, and a semi-annual, decentralized organization was established.

    The highest presiding officer is Legendary, the Speaker of the Forest Landscape under the name of Dark Star Guardian.

    Throughout the forest, there are more than 100 legal sites, each of which is entitled to independent students, and, of course, they are equally obliged to help forest land guide a trainee every year.

    And Ledo, the purple mentor Dora, was the forest cadets that were collected only this year.

    Lin Sheng was thrown into an apprenticeship course in the forest to learn the legal basis. With him, and Ledo, and another Senior Brother named Henri. And the other mentors have nearly 100 apprentices.

    Henri, Ledo, Lin Sheng, three are instructors Dora’s disciple.

    Lisbon and Lin Sheng were here this year, while Henri followed Dora for more than a decade. It’s real old man.

    Although this is still a Level 9 apprentice, it is still not possible to become a full jurist.

    Life in the white rock forest is completely different from what Lin Sheng thought before.


    Life in the woods is dry and simple.

    Lin Sheng goes to the Lin Sheng area every morning to attend public classes and then to the underground library to search for information. Then back to Castle Manor, where the mentor was located, completed his mission.

    And like Lin Sheng thought.

    Being a jurist, the conditions required are more complex and difficult than all the other professions he has encountered.



    Black Stone underground library.

    Lin Sheng took several basic educational materials, found a place to sit down and prepare for the formal start of today’s enriched life – reading.


    ‘s been more than a week since we got to the White Rock.

    It’s not enough here to rely on the content of the basic curriculum.

    And his apprentice during the same period did not come to the library for electricity, or to the laboratory practice, or to the academic stone to pray to Goddess on the magic network.

    Lin Sheng put today’s book on the table.

    Learning lives are rather dry, and his curriculum is relatively slow than other apprentices. More content needs to be added.

    After sitting down, Lin Sheng is ready to read again, like, slowly until dinner starts.

    “How’s it going? Come here and feel it.”

    Senior Brother Henri did not know when to sit opposite Lin Sheng, but also took several heavy books in his hand.

    “In this group of learners, learning tricks, formal meditation, memories.

    The best of you is to be able to evaluate the 3-Level apprentice, and even some are already in contact with the French trick. “Henri is sighing.

    “That’s awesome.” Lin Sheng nodded.

    “If there’s anything you need to ask, you can just ask me. I can’t stay much longer anyway. We’re about to start a formal trial.

    This trip I should be able to pass. “He sighs.

    “Nothing to ask.” Lin Sheng answered.

    Henri’s skin smoked, and even the cold face of Rindo comes from time to time to ask him questions.

    But Lin Sheng never asked him once.

    “Ugh. After all this time,” Henri’s back in the chair, lazy, just in the heart.

    You know, in the White Rock, a normal jurist, typically needs a minimum of one year of basic pre-school science.

    It was then eligible to grow spiritual force to the level of formal meditation.

    Then it will be necessary to complete a whole range of miscellaneous studies and to have more than three zero tricks in full control before being eligible for the move towards formal jurists’ assassination.

    Think about it when it was hard.

    Henri looked at the underlying elements that Lin Sheng had in front of, and gradually fell into memory.

    (This chapter is over)

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