788. Chapter 788 Promotion and research 2

    Chapter 788 Promotion and research 2

    Two hours later…

    Lin Sheng eyes opened up, standing up, taking all the zero laws in hand and putting them back to the original shelf.

    He was ready to leave the library and try the test site.

    Roadway over to Senior Sister.

    She was sitting with another group of apprenticeship girls, and a group of people were reading basic physics teaching materials.

    This door, Lin Sheng, seems to be extremely difficult for them to have access to basic disciplines for half an hour.

    Look at the crowd, the atmosphere is tense, and Lin Sheng is not good at good-bye to Ledo World, and Sophisticated leaves.

    Out of the library, it’s a dense forest.

    The tall trees, like a iron plug on the ground, are straight and tough.

    Lin Sheng wore a little while in the woods and finally walked to the final paragraph of the White Rock forest site – the snake test area.

    He didn’t know why that name was called, maybe the founder liked snakes like fruit?

There are

    few experimental areas, and most formal lawyers have their own laboratories, and they rarely come to such public laboratories in order to prevent leakage.

    Only scholars who learn the law do not care about it.


    benefits of experimental surgery here are cheap, and the service comes around. There is also a free supply of quantitative methodological materials for some specific low-level techniques.

    Lin Sheng registered his identity and mentor information to the guards of the doorstep.

    A small amount of gold coin has been surrendered to enable it to enter.

    Under a mudman’s team, he quickly split into an experimental room.


    mud are back, the door is closed.

    Lin Sheng looked at the various methodological materials in the crystal locker on the right. It’s full of lyn, zero level 1 Level, and even 2nd Level’s law-enforcement material.

    “Well, first look at my spiritual force strength.”


    spiritual force level of the judge is generally judged by the quorum.

    The criteria are simple.

    What level of law is the highest possible release, then he is the judge at that level, and spiritual force is naturally what level.

    “I now have access to the law, and there is only a zero trick, so it can only be tested with a zero level. It will then be possible to convert the amount of the method.”

    Lin Sheng looked at metal experiments across the edge and fixed God.

    “Start, trembling.”

    The model of law, which belongs to a tremendous electric shock, was shaped in his spiritual force at a moment. And the precision is very high. Almost can be said to be the perfect textbook model.


    model of trembling electric shocks is a flower like five petals that is not complex, but not simple.

    But Lin Sheng is the master who manipulates the soul, and this spiritual force is used, almost as breathing as he is, naturally relaxed.

    Less than a second, the entire model is complete.

    Then automatically trigger the magic network.

    Right away.

    Lin Sheng, in front of his body, flowed the lengths of an instant model of magic, and then the tattoos disappeared and turned into an blue arc and jumped forward.

    blue’s only three metres from the distance. Fly out less than a second and disappear in the air.

    And then the air spreads out the freshness of the smell.

    “Too short.” Lin Sheng frowned.

    Just as soon as he released his success, he felt a huge intangible force, slowing down the slightest touch, stabbing into the legal model he built.

    This trigger had to eat the whole model instantly, and then triggered a microelectromagnetic launch.

    It’s like a deal.

    The model he built was an item of the deal.

At the

    end of the operation, Lin Sheng felt that the brain was empty.

    How can it not be remembered at a time when it was also remembered as a new model of seismic shock law.

    “This part of spiritual force was taken away by the magic network, so he can’t remember for the time being?”

    It’s the first time that he really did it, but there’s a lot to see from it.

    “In any case, this model of magic, which shakes the electric shock, is not enough to trigger real natural archs, so it is obvious. It’s all done by the magic network.”

    Lin Sheng has a heart.

    He built models, up to a key, a symbol.

    After being sent to the magic network, the magic network feeds him a corresponding legal effect according to the corresponding number.

    “Such a law is meaningless.” Lin Sheng slight his head.

    But it was good that he would have completed all the more difficult Arcane basic disciplines before.

    So another way of thinking about shaking electric shocks in Arcanist’s way, perhaps a viable way.

    Lin Sheng thought about it.

    Raise your hand again.

    This time, his fingertips slipped out a little bit of white French fluorescence.

    The fluorescent is under Lin Sheng’s control, like the stones that fell into the water, and a complex, new model of law was spilled at the moment.

    The model chart and the front are completely different, and its complexity is much more complex than the previous model.

    If it is a common person, perhaps the optical structure of this model chart, it will take at least twice as many times as before. And spiritual force consumption is several times larger than it was before. It’s even harder to raise more than one.

    “Again, trembling.”

    Lin Sheng’s finger a little bit.


    Another blue archer hit.

    Effects are similar to those of the front, and there are only about three metres of range.

    Lin Sheng has carefully argued that his formidable power is even a little weaker than just now.

    “formidable power is unlikely to be constructed at a far distant pace, consuming or twice as many copies of the magic web. It is no wonder that Arcanist can only be Scholar and cannot compete for Magnets.”

    Lin Sheng is a little bit emotional. The advantage is not to be forgotten.

    He also has finger connections, a path of Arcane’s version of the legal model that continues to flourish and disappear.

    a The path of tremendous power sources has been released continuously, almost in a flash chain, and has been floating in half the air.

    Lin Sheng’s spiritual force is also being consumed by sources.

    One minute later.

    Lin Sheng’s brackets are slowly extinguished.

    “99 per cent of spiritual force was consumed and 32 shocks were released. All the Arcane versions.

    Five zero laws correspond to the consumption of one first Level.

    In other words, I can now release the spiritual strength of the six 1st Level laws, in accordance with Arcanist’s standards. ”

    Six first Level laws, converted from five to one, allow for the release of a second Level.

    “So, I now have the total legal power of the second Level Arcane.” Lin Sheng is very calm about this outcome.

    after all is a holy shadow control body, 24 hours of continuous deep meditation.

    Plus, he’s a natural spiritual force strong. There’s nothing to do with that.

    The effort was exhausted, nor was Lin Sheng recovered so quickly. Even if a sacred shadow falls into deep meditation, recovery can be accelerated.

    But it takes at least an hour.

    So he walked to the material counter and looked closely at the same methodological material that was put in it.

    Information on the materials was swiftly in his mind.

    In the closet, he stretched his hand to extract a number of different materials.

    (This chapter is over)

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