811. Chapter 811 Development and observation

    Chapter 811 Development and observation

    That’s the real purpose of Lin Sheng.

    What he needs is the continuing production of milk pigs by energy sources, not a one-time hammer.

    Introducing two people in the body’s silk, Saint Force, is just one of his examinations of the world powerhouse.

    Although the world’s water is deep, there should be no problems in low-level areas.

    Because he’s not moving through his own God, Saint Force, but under the Demonic Spirits Frente, the altar of summon, officially recruited a piece of Saint Force.

    In that way, even if he was found, he would be the best of the wild believers who were thought to be in contact with other cold-door gods. This phenomenon is in a lot of noble circles, and there will be no problem.

    And the goddess, Saint Force, have all been used on two people, and they’re on the surface. Don’t leave a piece. That would make it impossible to detect energy.

    But, in fact, in the depth of one’s soul, all were placed in a very small God Saint Force.

    And the influence of God Saint Force on ideas is permanent.

    In the black woods, Lin Sheng was looking far away for two people who showed a little bit of fame on their face.

    “Let me see what happens to Saint Force’s breath on you.”

    Those two do not really know that, in the next few days, they will be experiencing a slower and more ideological impact.

    Eventually, if it is ignored, the gods on them, Saint Force, are weaker and will be put into an exaggerated position. To become the followers of the Holy Divine.

    Of course, if the goddess Saint Force in the depth of one ’s soul can be found, then only a little deportation can be relieved. There will be no problem with that.

    If you want to find out. Otherwise, it’s too long to be deeply entrenched.

    Lin Sheng smiled and turned around moving towards the elite Spirit King’s giant tree.

    His current mission of investigation has not been completed, and while the harvest has been far enough to return, there will be no suspicion of wasting more.

    Sold two killers after that. Lin Sheng continues, and it seems to be because the force fluctuations that arose before he started are too obvious.

    In the follow-up journey, there is no higher presence except for some ordinary dead creatures.

    Lin Sheng Sophisticated surrounded a large circle under the shadow of the giant tree, and found a bunch of remains that appeared to be left by the investigators, who took some of the remains from the label item as a messenger and then returned quickly.

    Out of the forest, the horses didn’t know when to get rid of the ropes, they didn’t know.

    “It seems my animal security has worked out.” Lin Sheng, regrettably, checked the scene, and he found no signs of struggling, apparently after the horses slowly ripped off the rope and fled.

    Sophistication, Lin Sheng tied six bodies up with a tree skin and then sat up his ass.

    The floating power generated by the six floating dishes has allowed him to move forward nicely.

    This simple spontaneous blanket returned with him on his way back.

    It takes only one day to get back to the White Rock, from Spirit King’s ruins, not far, at the rate of normal people running.

    It is also because it is so close that there is a continuing mandate to issue investigations.

    The problems associated with such a nearest ruin naturally lead to the response of forest lands.

    Back to the lab, Lin Sheng fully met, what was High-Level’s shadow relatives and formidable power.

    As long as he’s practically exhausted, he goes to the shadow station, the body immediately absorbs the shadow from the shadow, breeding the body, and then accelerates the response to dry power.

    In this world, shadows are everywhere, and this has also led to a significant increase in the pace of Lin Sheng’s restoration of the rule of law.

    As a result, there has been a significant increase in his various experiments.

    Life after the mission was restored to a fixed legal day before.

    But more than ever before, Lin Sheng participated in a number of elite jurists Club.

    In his talent name, participation in these clubs is easy.

    Thus, following several Club events, Lin Sheng, in addition to senior Sister mentors, has a few more regular circles of activity.

    Then occasionally out, take a perimeter patrol. Give the killers hired outside a chance.

    Unfortunately, after four homicides in a continuing pit, no one will answer.

    In exchange, Lin Sheng has four more permanent solidification of innate talent. It also upgraded the firearm relatives and innate talent to High-Level.

    It’s been more than three months since this unusual day.


    Love Liese Club.

    Mr. Bo heavy the glass in his hand on the wood table, and the look.

    Club’s bars are very small, and there are no more than half of the elite and water elements.

    Looking at Lin Sheng, sitting opposite, drinks of metal juice in his barbecue with burning hands.

    “Do you have any more legal status today?” But what he wants to say is that it’s so wasteful, really?

    It was also a genius elite, who was 19 years old, and had been promoted to 3rd Level. This is also unusual in the white rock forest.

    Even though not Lin Sheng, it’s not bad.

    Just, since he met with Lin Sheng, he felt Lin Sheng, the most natural lawyer he had ever seen using the law.

    For a jurist, it is important to consider what kind of magic is prepared every day to respond to the situation. After all, only so few laws can be put.

    Few jurists will use the law in irrelevant life like Lin Sheng.

    He looked at the red flame from Lin Sheng right hand, and tacitly calculated the total number of methods.

    “The burning hand is the 1st Level Act, and you are the second Level Judge, who certifies that, according to the criteria, can release up to one second Level, or five 1st Level. Aren’t you prepared for an emergency defensive system?”

    Lin Sheng wiped out the flame on his hand, lightly burned his mouth and burned out with a little hot juice.

    Sweetheart’s perfection juice, so he’s been doing experiments a little slower.

    “It’s okay, anyway, I’ve been in the woods, not outside, and I don’t need to be prepared for that many. And I used Arcane. Do not occupy legal positions.” Lin Sheng’s simple explanation.

    “Arcane… You pervert!” Bullshit to the right.

    He spent five years working in the White Rock Forest, reaching the 3rd Level, with the 3Level magic.

    And Arcane doesn’t have time to reach out.

    Arcane, for his part, was struggling to pursue Atmight, and the pace of implementation was still slow, and the time and the strength of the model was consumed, far beyond the general magic.

    Most importantly, formidable power will also be weakened.

    So, instead of taking one year to get a Zero Arcane edition, it took more than a year to study a 1st Level.

    After all, both of them consume a lot of energy and strength.

    “But Arcane, can you put a couple of 1st Level Techniques?” And then, according to the legal ceiling of 2nd Level, even if you’re a genius, you can put up two more Arcane versions of burning hands. “

    Lin Sheng laughed.

    “Yeah, just two.”


    actually uses not the hand of the Arcane version of burning, but rather the second Level, sharp sharp claw that he gets on the bloodline.

    That’s what he got in a mission, from a demon bloodline giant wolf who attacked him.

    Anyway, there is a sacred shadow that optimizes his bloodline level and structure in the body, a low-ranking innate talent technique that doesn’t matter much more.

    (This chapter is over)

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