813. Chapter 813 Development and observation

    Chapter 813 Development and observation

    There are also few elements in the letter. It’s a description of the landscapes and delicious things over the Langen Hightower.

    It’s all boring.

    “等等。这次换了个方式?”忽然Lin Sheng 双眼闪过一丝光亮。

    He noted that, in the language of the letter, each paragraph would have a final word and a single sentence.

    他仔细将这些language 连接起来,然后再看。

    ‘The fog valley, 8: 00 p.m. Kelesa. “

    “This time again,” Lin Sheng’s heart flourishes with fresh expectations.

    A few months ago, Henry, the head of the Kareisha River, has been completely transformed into his own.

    He felt that two groups of Saint Light, which had previously been released, had been completely converted into faith and became part of the faith god Saint Force Saint Light.

    The two do not seem to have been detected at all by other powerhouse. And now, they have taken the most recent flash, ready to join Saint Light’s hug.

    Lin Sheng’s mouth is slight and light, and this letter is burned completely into black ashes.

    The analysis of several materials was slightly completed in the lab, and it was quick to wake up and give him dinner.

    两人用餐后,Lin Sheng 借口外出散步,便独自在天微微黯淡的时间里,走出实验室。

    In the Fermat car, Lin Sheng soon came to the edge of the White Rock, left the car, leaving a couple of 2nd Level Ofa boats to defend the surroundings. Then move towards the agreed place to go.



    The fog valley.

    The fog of the charming fog is long and tired here. The sun is stronger and can’t wear the fog here.

    The light, Henry and Kerresha, sat next to a creek, and waited quietly for the agreed person to come.


    are three of them on their side.


    breath on these three people is more weak than they are, and it’s different from their calm.


    emotional state of the three people clearly needs to be more anxious.

    They were three excellent assassins invited by Henry and Kerresha.

    Three people had been talented, but for some reasons, their qualities, innate talent, had been artificially destroyed or obstructed, and it was long overdue to recover their status.

    Serious injuries and symptoms have led them to lose confidence in the future.

    And that’s why Henry and Keleza chose them and brought them here.

    Because these three are the best suiters to become their companions, as required by Lin Sheng’s letter.

    “When’s the guy coming? We’ve waited for half an hour.” Of the three, the biggest human blood artery, Gus, some agitated stretches of hair.

    In an accidental battle, he was seriously reborn, and now, severe aftermath, he would have a slight campaign overflowing, gone to the temples and couldn’t cure it.

    So far, in order to treat the wounds, he has spent all his savings and has shouldered a number of external debt.

    This time, he was found by both Henry, and the mysterious organizations mentioned in their mouth have been treated as their last life-saving rice.

    “Don’t rush.” Keresha Seth, calm down for more than two months, and he’s strong innate talent, so he can have the Holy Force refined to the 3rd Level level.

    At this level, he has extremely strong therapeutic effects on his own wounds.

    So in the case of three, he had bamboo in his chest.

    “Here it comes!”

    Suddenly Henry stood up and looked at the depths of the fog.


    remaining three are following his sight, looking towards that direction.

    In the fog of grey, it was being slowed down by an intangible force to two, from which there was a slight silhouette.

    silhouette can’t see the face, but the magic hair, which covers rainbow fluorescent, leaves the three people present without a single head.

    Such demonization can only be seen in the upper class of law. It appears to be on this person.

    The silhouette slowed down at a distance of more than a dozen metres from them.

    “Your wishes.” Silhouette is crying.

    The three people looked at each other and exchanged their eyes, and the giant human blood artefacts took a step forward.

    “Rehabilitation of health, I’m going to restore my strength before me!” He answered it loudly.

    “I want to respond to the bodies that have been destroyed by the disorder of law!”

    “I don’t want any more leukemia!”

    Three people have spoken of their aspirations.

    Lin Sheng looked at two people next to Kelesa. Take your hands easy.

    Three white light storms into three chests.


    speed of the flow is too fast to allow three people to suffer from the failure to react to it.

    Immediately, their spiritual spirit began to rise up quickly.

    The body’s getting weaker.

    “You need a little surgery, sleep, then wake up, and you will be resurrected.

    And the price is to join us and become one of us. ”

    That fascinating silhouette said words in their ears.

    Three people are no longer in touch, slowly relaxing tensions and falling asleep.

    Kelekha and Henry bowed slightly towards Lin Sheng and then left a little further.

    And Lin Sheng slowed down to three people in a coma.

    In an hour, Lin Sheng slowly left the valley. The fantastic rainbows on your hair are stronger.


    new man is very pleased with him.

    To that end, he has finally collected all the common elements relatives and innate talent.


    help of relatives and innate talent to the legal profession in some sense is reflected mainly in the significant increase in the number of other methods of reciprocity, formidable power.

    Some relatives and innate talent also have the role of accelerating the restoration of law.


    response to these followers who joined Saint Light’s arms, Lin Sheng has established a secret organization known as the Light Society.

    Through the human development paradigm, the light will now have more than 30 acute members.

    Because all members are the top genius. And most of them are assassins of the assassins’ council.

    So the operational capacity of the Organization as a whole is itself strong.

    Lin Sheng, as head of the secretarial community, has occasionally placed some of the special structures that he has produced at the Secretariat’s location as a source of exchange.

    Similarly, he provided members with targeted rehabilitation and martial arts amendments.

    These two benefits will soon be enthusiastic to the expatriates.

    In particular, the White light, which can be quickly restored, regardless of the seriousness of the injury, and the strong force amendment capability.

    The former gave them no heed in carrying out their tasks. The latter, in turn, can immediately point out the shortcomings and bottlenecks of their weapons wrestling.

    At the same time, that wonderful white light seems to have some acceleration. We can get them all to speed up.

    Even though there is more than any other temple organization.

    There is no doubt, however, that the development potential of light societies is enormous.

    After Lin Sheng left, moved towards the White Rock. It is intended to go back to the lab before dark.

    When you’re going to enter the forest guard’s magic post, suddenly a giant black bat plundered over his head.

    Bat sat on, and he was his mentor Dora.

    Dora has an acute colour, and the pressure has failed to pay attention to Lin Sheng, a bunch of people entering and leaving the courtroom. Feel a few wings and fly away.

    “What happened?”

    Lin Sheng raised his eyes so that a mentor who had always had no interest in anything was anxious about exhibit feelings in one speech, and it was estimated that there were major events.

    He suddenly had a shock to establish his own intelligence network. It doesn’t feel good to wipe anything out.

    (This chapter is over)

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