815. Chapter 815

    Chapter 815

    Lin Sheng is going to put white crystal stones in the chest like a ghost, and hear that.

    “Got it.”

    Looks like uncle’s there for a while.

    But Lin Sheng remembered the anxiety on his face, and felt it wasn’t that simple.

    “Noble silk.” He gently put white crystal stones into the chest.


    The crystal stone is just a match.

    Stone like a ghost red’s eyes are on the rise.

    It’s the cheapest material made up of rocks like ghosts. Cost is only 150 gold coin. And start using 20 minutes once, and you need to consume a white crystal.

    But if you take it out, you can sell at least 10,000 gold coin’s price.

    And there’s no market, because the building of stones like ghosts is extremely troubling. So a lot of decorators are lazy enough to waste time doing this.

    Such a rock like a ghost, after its inception, battles are equivalent to a standard 3Level Warrior, with a strong motivation and a second Level forensic capability called the burning ray.

    Its sharp sharp claw and powerful power are also extremely eloquent defensive choices for many jurists.

    “It seems necessary to address the dependence of the body on the rule of law.” Lin Sheng has been silent in staring at the rocks that slowly popped up and stuck into thinking.

    Just when Lin Sheng was stuck in the depth of the structural research.

    In a wide range of areas near the White Rock Forest and the Language Hightower, dozens of noble territories have begun to spread a mysterious rumor.

    In the rumors, a mysterious organization known as black veil pots is claiming uninterrupted infiltration of powerful corporate organizations.

    The black veil had not been so famous, though it had been there for decades.

    But what really makes it famous is a powerful monopoly, suddenly assassinated.

    The local judicial authorities then sent inquiries, but accidentally found that the sole legal lawyer was a member of the black veil pot.

    And this lawyer was also involved in a number of murders in the black veil pot.

    As a result, a number of previous killings had taken place. And the black veil pots are becoming more famous.

    In the past few days, Lin Sheng was in the second month after Uncle Kenhart, formal legal breakthrough to Level 5.

    He was also really able to start research, the exotic experiments that middle-class jurists could involve, and the magic certainty.

    And in the white rock forest, it’s not enough to meet his growing research needs.

    He therefore decided to apply for promotion before leaving, and then to establish an interim legal research base for operations near the White Rock.

    This could also maximize the use of resources from White Rock Lands without compromising the progress of research.



    “What? Are you going to apply for promotion?” The mentor Dora is shaking his hand when he’s remembering a magic tattoo, and is completely annihilated.

    She didn’t care about that, but she looked up in the lab and stood in front of her disciple Lin Sheng.

    How long has this been? This kid’s going to prom again?

    Is she crazy or is this world crazy? If not all the other students were as usual, she would have thought that the world had changed dramatically. From 2nd Level to 3rd Level, it’s a watershed for the jurists.

    Because of the third Level, this great murderous tool can be used in Fireball.

    There is no exaggeration that a Fireball technique is equivalent to a formidable power strengthening grenade artillery. Once it explodes, it’s 10 metres wide, and it’s completely covered by the flames.

    The teachers at this level are already eligible to become the slaughter machine on the battlefield.

    “Yes, mentor, my strength has met the standards. The law at hand was also successfully completed, and it was therefore to be hoped that the promotion would be applied.

    In addition, I would like to build a private laboratory belonging to me near the White Rock. ”Lin Sheng seriously replied.

    “There’s nothing wrong with the private lab, and a lot of the lawyers are nearby. Just your promotion too…” Dora has nothing to say about it.

    “Actually, it’s okay. Many of the genius talents recorded in the literature are at a remarkable rate than my promotions. And I’m eight now.” Lin Sheng is serious.

    “Well, I’m sure you’re a grown man now. However, the promotion of Justice 3rd Level, without much preparation, will go straight over. This is the case for junior jurists. But if it’s the fourth grade of promotion, there will be a lot of manners.” Dora Tinker will. ”

    “Well, okay.” Lin Sheng nodded.

    “Turn around, you’ve been here for a year. As a mentor, I’ve never sent you anything. Since you’re in the third Level now, then… Here you go.”

    Dora took one thing out of his robe and dumped it to Lin Sheng.

    Lin Sheng picked up, take a closer look.

    It’s a black gem that was sculptured into eyes.

    “The Cylon eye, with magic on it, can resist all three of the magic under 7th Level. Careful to use it.” Dora’s on the sidewalk.

    7th Level Law!

    Lin Sheng immediately learned the value of this thing.

    This is a expendable magic item. Although only three times can be used, it is sufficient to allow the value of this equipment to be counted in the amount of 100,000 United States dollars to resist all the magic under 7th Level.

    This is enough to reverse the power of the Bureau of War, treasure.

    “Many thanks mentor!” Lin Sheng seriously bowed down and expressed his gratitude.

    “No thanks. All you have to do now is grow up quickly. Okay, now let’s go straight over, you know what the test site is?”

    “Well, I know.”

    Dora doesn’t have much to say, wave a finger, and there’s a archaeological white light door across the air.

    This is arbitrary, fourth level of law, Lin Sheng actually will, but he does not always use it, because, after all, he’s just a second Level 3rd Level.

    Dora took a step forward and walked into arbitrary doors, Lin Sheng to follow closely from behind.



    In the prom hall.

    The apprenticeship’s promotional hall and the teacher’s promotional hall are approaching.

    At this point in the apprenticeship hall.

    Cinderella was mixed up among a group of apprentices, looking up and standing up and preparing for many of their companions to receive a new apprenticeship hierarchy card, and was heartily pleased with them.

    “What’s so exciting about that? Isn’t that how Level 9 was promoted?

    On her side, Miss Olola, who had previously been swept out by Lin Sheng, was at a time when she was upset with Great Dao of Fire.

    Sindra twitched his lips, disinclined to pay attention to this guy.

    This Olola thinks he has the strength of Level 9 apprentices, so he comes to the woods and examines the level of the madness of applications.

    As a result, her bottom could still be in the eyes of those wild lawyers, but here, in large organizations such as the White Rock Forest, there are also surprising and many deficiencies.

    After several exams, her shortcomings were exposed, understanding of the common knowledge of many jurists and the speed at which the model of law was built, leaving her far from other apprenticeships.

    She even believes that as long as she can use two teachings and zero law, he can become Level 9 apprentices.

    It’s kind of ignorant.

    (This chapter is over)

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