820. Chapter 820

    Chapter 820

    Colin stayed on the ground, and the eyeball was filled with blood, and that was the aftermath of the outbreak of his breath, too many supermagic skills.

    But at this point, he has nothing to do with the aftermath.

    When he sees that he can’t even get close to each other, his thoughts have no idea what to do.

    A blank in the brain, as if the storm had shattered all ideas, there was only one empty shell left.

    “You…” He lifted his hand, and his face turned on Lin Sheng.

    Lin Sheng microwave.

    “I said, whatever you do, I forgive you. So you can probably relax.”

    He took a big move towards Colin.

    “Don’t be afraid, you should start joining the formal ceremony of the Secret Society. Just as you’re hit by the outbreak, you need a cure.”

    “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. Come on, I’ll take you to try and feel the light of our secret society.”

    The key side of the corner showed mercy and watched Lin Sheng faint and forcibly dragged out of Colin. He knew that soon there would be a new companion in the organization.

    No matter how violent it was before, whatever it was.


    long as joining the organization, it will be too new to become a human being.

    So in this organization, once all members are at risk, the most frightening thing is to hear the word “treatment”.

    Treatment does free itself from all the injuries. But a little longer, a little more effective, and that might be completely different.

    In the course of treatment, everyone thinks he’s back to mother’s hug. But I never thought I’d relax for a long time, and I’d lose myself completely, and that would be integrated.

    Soon, Earth Palace, in a quarantine tunnel, sends a bitter cry. Then it was a fierce struggle. Last half a minute, everything calm down.

    Lin Sheng returned to the lobby, followed the dead blood clothing Collin.

    Collin’s tears are full of face, emotional pain and guilt.

    “Now I know how serious it was before! Thank you, Chief. Thank you for giving me a second life. Give me a chance to make up for the past!

    I pray to Saint Light and pray to those who have been hurt by me to give me an opportunity to forgive me and forgive me! “

    Collin’s eyes reveal deep remorse.

    Saint Light’s strong negative energy is purified not only by purifying his body, but also by sweeping up with the enormous amount of soul energy that he had accumulated before.

    After all, he was also a good and spiritual young man.

    Unfortunately, the secrets of the wife found on the night of the new marriage eventually let him completely collapse. It ended up on the path of crazy killing everything.

    “Don’t worry. I gave you the strength of light, the consciousness of it, the excavation of it, and you’d get incredible strength.”

    Lin Sheng looks very good at this bloody man Colin. Not just his strong war experience and slaughter skills.

    There is also a very strong consciousness.

    When he just guided Saint Force into the body, Lin Sheng helped him to flash Saint Light seeds, he was found to be a mystery of ancient gods hidden in the body.

    It was not possible to discover this mystery at the level of power he was now able to do.

    But with the help of the Holy Shadow, he soon found this fact from the Spider-Mart.

    This mystery has its own special effect of fanaticism.

    According to the Holy Shadow Analysis.

    Unfortunately, the mysterious number of Colin in the body, if one hundred and thirty-second times more, can create a true integrity of the Units.


    would then be possible to formalize the spiritual reinforcement of Colin’s body, with a mental capacity.

    “Colin, you might need to work with me to complete some relevant research. This is for the major research of all of us, can you answer that?” Lin Sheng is right at the request.

    “No problem. It’s all under light, brother and sister. If I can contribute to all of you, I’d be happy to.” Colin is very generous.

    “Good, I didn’t look right at you.” Lin Sheng shot his shoulder.

    Since you’re human, you don’t have to smoke all the blood samples. Different drawings can also slow down human resilience and effectiveness.

    Disposal arrangements for Collin after.

    Lin Sheng looked to wait for more time for the key.

    “Send an organization-wide directive.”

    “Say,” The keys are busy and humble.

    Almost all of this is the supreme talent organization that Lin Sheng each and everyone recovered. Once he speaks, no one will be easy to go.

    Because members, most of them were genius who had been destroyed.

    It was God Saint Force Saint Light who saved them.

    Saint Force Light, the god of Lin Sheng, is essentially different from traditional Saint Light.

    In particular, with blood mysteries, God Saint Force Saint Light’s therapeutic role can even heal the body wounds and regenerate the body.

    This, in other temples, can actually be done. But he’s not even professional.

    Other temples may require the mobilization of Archbishop to release the top Divine Technique in order to do so.

    And God Saint Force Saint Light, only the whole body that needs to shower the wounds once and for all, can be effective.

    After all, Saint Light was not used to fight. It’s therapy and purification.

    “Issuance of instructions.” Lin Sheng calmly said. “From today on, capture or kill more than five extraordinary creatures in Level. Its magic organs can be used in exchange for internal exchange points within the organization.

    In addition, Babut and Villa, build hands, recruit enough students from innate talent in ordinary children to join the organization. “

    “Understood.” The key’s nodded. “But the chief, with a strong enough number of students in innate talent, should all go to the big tissue? Can we get people like this?”

    “You think more.” Lin Sheng said with a slight smile, “There are more children in the world, innate talent, but among the law-enforcement, innate talent is only a foundation that really needs to transform innate talent into strength, wealth, long time, hard-won behaviour.”

    “That’s right.” The blood clothing next door, Colin, is following nodded, “especially in the poor, where there are too many children with lawmakers, innate talent. For them, the lack is not innate talent, but money.

    Even if you’re not thirty special races, you need at least 200,000 gold coin. And at least ten years. “

    “Ten years to feed a full jurist, and there is a way to find a good legal mentor, how many families can do this?” Colin is sighted.

    “I’m sorry, I’m a magician, so I don’t know that.” The key shake his head.

    “So, the magicians are very handsome and all the winners of life, and that’s all right. There is no need for learning, and a certain degree of law enforcement will naturally be available as long as the time comes to age.

    This is a source of jealousy for the jurists. “Colin is a source of generosity.

    Lin Sheng has nothing to say about it. The world does not seem to have many restrictions on underground civilians, but, in fact, it is sufficient to crush 90 per cent of the civilian population by nature alone.

    (This chapter is over)

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