841. Chapter 841

    Chapter 841

    Discussions at the bottom have continued until noon.

    Woodier seems to be a little impatient.

    “With regard to day-to-day matters such as trade and the exchange of resources, as well as border issues, for the time being, need not be said much.

We shall

    now proceed with the application for the execution of Deputy President Kenhart of the original disaster Academy. ”

    “In accordance with the original judgement, the continuation of the execution will be possible, and the evidence is conclusive and will not need to be reconsidered.” The head of the Lankan Hightower trial, a serious teacher, categorically answered.

    “The place of implementation will be determined by the Secretariat.”

    “Implementation time will be determined by Celestial Phenomenon.”

    Woodier sweep down the crowd.

    “Anything else?”

    “There’s a little more.” Kim Wei Princess, a teacher close to Kimura, stood out and said, “

    “In any case, the relationships of those outside Kenhart may affect this execution, so I apply for more regulation and protection.”

    “Yes.” Woodier’s freshness nodded. “But lately, because of the frequency of new types of crystallized tidal catastrophes, there are not too many regulators to draw. Specific executions are handed over to the trial for completion.

    Well, now, the meeting is adjourned. ”

    He has been delaying too much time for these miscellaneous events, a meaningless waste that has made him more intolerable.


    Woodier disappeared on the throne.

    Lower people, slight relaxed, are thinking about the possibility of finding opportunities for their own benefit from the recent major event.



    Blue Eagle Prison.

    The most famous blue eagle statue in the Langen Hightower is down there.

    No one knows that under the blue eagle statue of as much as 10 metres above, there is also a hidden secret prison.

    This is where high-ranking high-ranking criminals are held.

    Kenhart was sitting alone on a simple bench in his cell, with a microyellow sand leak as a time-consuming tool here.

    Since then, the day of return from the slums awaiting follow-up support.

    He was taken away by the people in the courtroom, and he was prepared for thought.

    So far, he doesn’t even know where he is, what fate he will accept.

    “Just hope Dora doesn’t do anything stupid.”

    And it is he who came to this place today, and he believed in it, and He gave him a fair return.


    “Kenhart, someone came to the custody.” Suddenly, the jailman outside shouted.

    Soon, someone walked over and opened the door, and two jails took him out of jail, and then went to a specialized ward.


    mirror has been installed everywhere in the cellar of pure-white colored.


    are two benches in the room.

    There’s nothing but that.

    Kenhart was scheduled to sit on one of those benches. He has a hard lock on him, and naturally, don’t worry that he can escape at once.

    And soon, a middle-aged man with a pretty little beard, wearing a clean, clean dress, slowing in and sitting opposite him.

    It’s strange for Kenhart that he doesn’t know each other at all.

    In his long memory, he never saw this man before.


    The door is closed.

    The other party was able to find this prison, and was able to obtain permission from the bright and come in.

    This hidden meaning is definitely a force that is not surprising.

    “I am very sorry and angry about the series of events that have taken place in you, Judge Kenhart.”

    “Uh… Thank you very much for understanding, but do we know each other?” Kent Hart doubted.

    “No, but please be assured that someone is saving you, we are looking for a proper way out of formal channels.” middle-aged man indifferently said, “Our strength is beyond your imagination. Even if it was an England tower, it had to give us some faces.”

    “Somebody’s saving me?” Kent Hart’s face is gone. He was held in an England tower, and someone else was willing to help him?

    “Yes. Believe it won’t wait long, we’ll meet outside the prison.” Men smile.

    “…” Kenhart would like to ask who it is. But here, ask, first, if the other side does not answer, maybe it will pull the other into the mud of the England tower.

    “Please adjust the state of the body, and don’t affect your health for being too angry. This is the purpose of my visit, to be trusted, to come in and inspect.”

    middle-aged man did not say much, but that kind of self-confidence in the language, even Kent Hart, was somewhat infected.

    Although he still doesn’t believe that someone can really come and save him.

    “Next, we’ll visit you every day and take care of it.”

    In the end, middle-aged man left the prison and left a sceptical Kenhardt without knowing exactly what happened.

    In the next few days.

    He did also encounter a number of strangers on a continuous basis.

    These people seem to be just trying to confirm his state of health in order to prevent a bad accident, and there is no other purpose.

    And just as Kent Hartmore was amazing.

    The port of Bolton, where the England tower is located, and the second largest port in the Kingdom of Portman as a whole, is at a time when all kinds of darkness of large and small are being welcomed.

    The Langen Gate is indeed the strongest force in the region, but this does not mean that he is a voice and an invincible force.

    At the port of Bolton, there are large and small other forces.

    Leave the temple alone, gangs, various branches of the public, chambers of commerce, ancient families, etc.

    This vast port city is at a time when it comes to a wave of convergence.


    power of the light society, in the dark tide, is nurturing and progressive.

    A single unit or a bright or dark force, like the night breeding, climbs and, in a few days, extends to many policy makers within the England tower.

    There are other ancient gangs, which were buried in the dark line for a long time, and were slowly activated.

    Thousands of silk wires, countless fibres, like invisible giants, are strangled and surrounded by the decision layers of the England tower at a point.

    One week later, the second morning meeting.

    In the case of Kent Hart, objections were finally raised.

    It is also an objection to the bright light of the Taoist Woodyeh.

    The first to challenge was Lorenka, a teacher from the Crystal family.

    This legal teacher, who was more than 300 years old this year, taught no count of students, the Crystal family behind him, and Legendary powerhouse, which repressed the movement.

    So even in the Langen Gate, he dared to oppose the Lord’s opinion from time to time.

    normally, he’s almost lazy about anything.

    But this time, for the first time, he issued another public inquiry into the Kenhardt case.

    As soon as the Voice of Lawyers Lorenka was issued, it was supported by a number of high-ranking jurists present.

    (This chapter is over)

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