853. Chapter 853 trap 1

    Chapter 853 trap 1

    “These… Is it a man?” Purgatory Commander is confused.

    He didn’t see anyone, but he didn’t see so many people without any faith.

    Without the light of faith, they are the unbelievers.

    The unbelievers are no good players in countless faces.

    When they die before and after they die, will not have God’s blessing, and they will be eaten by countless Demonic Spirits Evil Spirit, dispersed by soul or nature, or translated into experimental material, as a tool for the lawmakers.

    Since the unbelievers do not have a backyard, almost all those who have the necessary means to study their souls will first use the souls of the unbelievers.

    And now, before his eyes, is there a huge city that is entirely composed of the unbelievers?

    The first thing to doubt is whether your eyes and perceptions are wrong.

    Soon, a few minutes later, he determined that his feelings were fine, and there was a real gap between the rest of the world.

    On the other hand, the gap is probably the city of the unbelievers he sees.

    “I was sealed for thousands of years, and I just died, and I met such fortunate things, and it seems that fate is helping me get back on the path of revenge!”

    It’s a long sigh, a time of tears.

    When he was purchasing, he had been very lucky, and sometimes faced different problems and obstacles in a row, leading to the goals he wanted to achieve, and always failed.

    But now it seems like he was thinking wrong before.

    The destiny is not ever vertical to him.

    It’s just that he used to be lucky, all of which came to this moment of eruption.

    O unbelievers!

    Run carefully, even enough for him to light the fire and walk on the real path of God!

    The command of the Purgatory Command drowned with silent roars, and then the one who had nothing to do with his head was stuck in a very near gap, and turned his eyes away.

    Lin Sheng, from Castle Manor, is eating dessert, passing images through the gap, and he sees an outrage into the middle of the prison, Commander.

    The heart is not immense.

    “Do you think you’re lucky that you’re lucky to be running, or do you think you’re going to walk on Peak right away and become the only one you never imagined before?”

    He shakes his head, looks at that purchasing command, showing a fantastic gap, and then gets caught by a bunch of starships over there.

    With 15 Legendary Level Saint Light’s corpse, and nine St Jin-crystal Death stars, as well as a number of clergy commanders, the Joint Linkage Syndrome Network, has already spread inescapable net across the gap.

    Don’t say that Legendary’s purchasing commander, Demi-God, or even the true God, was a bunch of star-class bombardments in the past, and then locked everything by resorting to Half-God Level, which erupted through a crystal network.

    Plus Lin Sheng’s instinct is sitting behind town.

    Lin Sheng sat in Castle Manor and looked at the gap between the combustion of the purchasing command, and then two minutes later, it was also slowly flowing out. Peace on your face.

    And he knew that the light society had another strong bone.

    “Today, Miss Jenny from Count Mordridge’s house is coming and having tea with Sheriff. Mafa Ria, may I ask you to accompany two ladies?”

    On the table, mother Lin Sheng, who looked at the goddess, suddenly smiled at the opening of the mouth and said.

    “Well, no problem.” Lin Sheng is willing to nodded.

    “Miss Jenny has studied in the high art Academy and has obtained professional certificates from the elite of the highest Level 5, and is also a fairly good example among the lawmakers.

    As for those who practise the law, you will have a good time, and you can exchange more questions that you like. ”

    Linwei’s words are abnormal, and there’s almost no way to let Lin Sheng kiss each other.

    “Know.” Lin Sheng knew that evasion was not possible, and that was Righteous Path only if the idea was completely resolved.

    “Come on, it’s the genius of the lawmakers. You must have a lot of friendship.”

    Lin Sheng is naughty.

    The elite musician, this profession, is equivalent to the weaker version of the groaning poet. The gap is much greater than the formal teaching profession.

    In the white rock forest, the elf musicians only play music for them. The hierarchy gap is very large.

    Of course, for Mother Linwei, she has no idea of this, and she only knows that it is the rule of law who can control the mysterious forces and does not understand the gaps in it.

    It was mainly the last incident in Kenhart, where she was too far apart to feel the same.

    “Be nice and be with people.”

    Lin Sheng should be.

    And the Sylvie sitting opposite Lin Sheng, looking at the temperature and the younger brother, who once differed completely, shined a little bit on the beautiful face.

    “Mother, don’t worry, younger brother, this way I’ll arrange for him.”

    And now, more than before, the Sylvie temperature is closer to that kind of cultivated Eldest Young Lady.

    From outside, she’s clean, beautiful, like a pure water fairy.

    At the Academy, Sharvey and men were always talking to each other with a clear, poor water howling in their eyes, with a slight look at each other.

    the move just played her purity with vividly and thoroughly, and it had a very big impact on men, especially those who were heroic hormones.

    This is also the second way that Sheriff can break into the upper circle of the Academy.

    At the same time, because she entered the upper circle, she was working with her colleagues.

    She was also growing up in the marketing process, leading to a slight word in the home.

    “In that case, please help you, younger brother.” The mother Linwich watches daughter, who is now undergoing a dramatic change in the temperature, and she still has great confidence in other aspects of the harvest, in addition to being too hard for money.

    This time came back, and at several consecutive festivals, daughter Sheriff gave her a few winds.

    According to the colleague from Sharvey, in the Academy of the King’s capital, Sylvie was also ranked as one of the ten most wanted Academy girls.

    After dinner, Sheriff went to prepare some tea with Miss Jenny for a while.

    Some cakes can replace the maid, but some can’t. We have to do it now.

    Lin Sheng went back to his room and said it was midnight sleep.

    But in fact, it’s a long way to look at what happened to the demon, which was blocked.

    Lin Sheng gave her a unique nickname because she had a corner with a bent.

    Yes, it’s her, and this purchasing commander itself is a female.

    Lin Sheng thought for a moment.

    Soon, let the unicoronary cautiously disguise the gap that they opened up.

    Then, let Commander of the Prison be kept on a path to the raging forest and begin preparing material landscapes.

    Then let’s split up one of its own magic fantasies and direct it to the command of the purgatory. Mobilizing a bright society’s faithful members in the past.

    Then you can’t do it, and you can see how you command and behave.

    (This chapter is over)

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