877. Chapter 877 Vision 1

    Chapter 877 Vision 1

    As for Lin Sheng’s identity, the small hiding of that kind is naturally meaningless under the sight of God.

    No, rather than being found, Lin Sheng didn’t mean to hide it.

    That’s why Ms. Forest knew that the other side was the big guy behind the Sunshine Society.

    It is also the first person directly associated with the powerful battleship in the sky.

    “You have not won yet, and the gods are really powerful, in God’s kingdom.” She’s silent and slow down. Although God has abandoned many unnecessary emotions, it has been so lightened that she is still unhappy.

    “The Gods? How long can the gods who have no ground faith persist?” Lin Sheng shakes his head said with a smile.

    Ms. Forest has nothing to say.

    “Consider that there is no direct conflict between the natural god, the ocean god and my Lord.

    The gods of my Lord are only in conflict with the light system, and the rest of us can all share the rule of law as long as we do not take the initiative. “

    Lin Sheng opened his arms with a slight smile.

    “Our goal is only to resolve the brightness of the Lord of Light. The rest of the gods have nothing to worry about, and we have no evil, even the arrival of my Lord, to bring the world more knowledge to a crystal of civilization.

    My Lord has sent the messenger to contact the gods of knowledge, the temples of war, the abyss, even the land, the purgatory, etc., and I have been waiting for contact.

    Believe in our sincerity, we will soon make it clear to everyone. After all, in comparison with the shocks that we bring, it is more beneficial for all than evil. ”

    “I would like to believe in your sincerity, just that the power you display, the power that comes down, is a little too much.” Ms. Forest was silent and slowed down.

    “We are too naughty. After all, God is the Lord of Light. His kingdom is more susceptible to attack, and my Lord has been running away for a long time and wants to have a home.

    Just want to have a real place to belong to. ”

    Lin Sheng pointed to the great battleship of the sky, which was abruptly deplorable.

    “Don’t look at those battleship sizes, but, in fact, it’s already clear from my Lord that the last point of cohesion is at the bottom.

    You see battleship destroyed, and no soul wakes.

    They all died in silence, and the silence endured everything. Pay everything.

    Well, actually, it’s for the sake of race.

    They’re willing to pay everything! ”

    Lin Sheng was silent, pointing to a huge battleship that relied on hypocritical life, saying that he had to believe.

    The forest lady beside him was also said to be a little bit of a mood.

    “cocoa.” She would also like to find a loophole in each other’s words, but although there are many loopholes, it may be possible to actually take out the opposing ones.

    Moreover, what would be useful if words were to rebut success in the face of such a huge force of war?

    Silence for a moment.

    Ms. Forest stretched her hand lightly to the forehead.

    She has not experienced such a weak sense of fatigue for too long since the lightning of the fire.

    Strong gods continue to flow in the body, and solid Divine Spark remains prudent and perfect.

    But at that time, she looked forward to slowing down a lot of interstellar battleship in the distant future, but she was relentless in her heart.

    “Think about it.” Lin Sheng smiled and turned around, “I’ve got something to do, and I won’t be there.”


    cane was lightly stopped on the ground, Lin Sheng slowly entered the white portal open and disappeared.

    He doesn’t care if the other side will destroy the day tower.

    Because he knew she wouldn’t dare.

    Yes, as one of the mighty gods, Ms. Olokora, the forest lady, dared not to do it.

    After Lin Sheng left, she could only look far away at the battleship of the long day, and, while still moving towards the magic tattoo of Trigreen, there was no threat or sanctity in the past.




    Light missionary, capital, Jetila.

    Thousands of Paladins bathed divine light, prayed, shouted, wore armor to the battlefield plains outside the capital.

    They play long knives, war axes, arrows, etc., riding horses, Earth Dragon, even lions and double Chimera. From the ground and from the sky to the battlefield.

    And just a few hundred meters away.

    A platoon of cannons and missile nests, which have been set long ago, is slowing down and slowing down.

    Just drilled into the ground, automatically building completed laser tanks, like rapidly growing seeds, breaking out of land and pulling up quickly.

    A transformed warplane in the sky, with the white light of the gods Saint Force, came from a distance and brought a white wave.

    each and everyone are wearing mechanical and sacred armaments silhouette, slowing down from the backward battleship and looking away towards the opposite capital, Jetila.

    There is no word, a sound, a calibrated signal bomb coming out, and suddenly exploded in the sky and turned into countless interference in dust scattered.


    In that brake, tens of thousands of artillery fire erupted simultaneously, as the thunderstorm struck by the clouds.

    The earth is shaking, the sky clouds explode, and it’s just a shock and a sound wave, and it makes people in the capital, Jetilani.

    Thousands of smoke dust float, and Paladin Legion’s position has been steep down a large amount.

    A large number of artillery fire, like rubber, will easily be wiped out by the Legion warriors on the earth.


    Once again, a long day of artillery erupts.

    Throughout Paladin Legion, a large number of beasts were blown apart and flew away.


    Legendary Paladin, the Regimental Commander of the Legendary Paladin, was mad, shaking the shield, sweeping up like water waves and turning into ripple to guard against the gun next to him.

    Large quantities of artillery fire were hit by his forcibly, and he jumped up, and the gods rushed into the barracks. Turn a whole mechanical around from Mecha and cut off.

    His giant sword was great, and there was no unity of enemies everywhere, and a sword could cut off a Mecha.

    For a while, the Legendary powerhouse, like War God, came back to the slaughter in a vast artillery position.

    He killed a lot of Mecha, 100, 1,000, 2,000.

    I don’t know how long to kill.

    His giant sword has begun to be retarded with saws, and his side ripple is slowly changing.

    But the sky landed in large quantities of Mecha, still densely packed, as if it hadn’t ended.

    Just one battleship stored hundreds of thousands of autonomous Mecha.

    Paladin tried to do all he could, but it was just a futile struggle.

    “Ah!” He’s going crazy again towards a new group of Mecha.

    Close bullets and lasers and artillery strikes on his front ripple, respectively.

    Legendary’s defense is indeed strong, but it is also extremely limited.

    Legendary Paladin is very high, and the last Legendary brings together a little bit, and then…



    sky landed steeply in a huge black light and drowned it completely.

    Gas exhausted the artillery, which brought together the special light weapons of the gods Saint Force, destroying all Legendary Paladin’s flesh in an instant.

    Previous fighting, in fact, was just a data test.

    To test the power gap between Legendary and self-walking Mecha. Of course, Legendary Paladin doesn’t know anything at this time.

    (This chapter is over)

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