"Police! I saw them change their positions in the car just now. It was the car driven by the Huaxia boy!" just when Wang Fei was still happy, a white aunt poked her head out of a car, pointed to Eliza's car and shouted at the police.

Wang Fei was surprised when he arrived.


This woman has too many things, right?

The police had hurried to Eliza's car and motioned to Eliza to put down the window.

Eliza is also a little frightened. She doesn't know if anyone recorded the video of her and Wang Fei exchanging positions in the car just now.

If there is video evidence, their behavior is suspected of serious violation of the law.

Eliza rolled down the window.

"Ma'am, get out of the car with your head in your hands!" said the policeman outside the car very rudely.

That's why they suspect that the car is engaged in illegal activities.

Wang Fei even saw two policemen standing by the car take out their guns.

The black muzzle was facing the window.

Wang Fei has no doubt that if he and Eliza make a slight abnormal move, the policeman with the gun may shoot.

oh my god!

These policemen set up roadblocks here to check passing vehicles. Should they be arresting some important criminals?

Therefore, Wang Fei and Eliza did not dare to neglect. They hurriedly put their hands on their heads and walked slowly down from the car.

"Are you Wang?!"

When Wang Fei was worried that the policeman who pointed the gun at him would wipe the gun and go off, the policeman asked in surprise.

Recognize yourself?

Wang Fei nodded quickly.

"Yes, I'm Wang Fei." Wang Fei quickly smiled, nodded and said.

"God! I didn't expect to find your car! Eriksson, relax. He's Wang Fei. There shouldn't be any danger." the policeman standing next to Wang Fei shouted.

The policeman with a gun and a wary face promised to look at Eliza, and also inserted the gun back into the holster.

Next, the police made a few routine inquiries and checked Eliza's driver's license.

Then the police didn't embarrass them any more.

"Wang, I'm your fan. Can I take a picture with you?" the policeman who just rubbed his hands with a gun at Wang Fei asked.

Wang Fei smiled, nodded and said, "of course."

So the policeman took out his mobile phone and took a self photo with Wang Fei.

The play changed from police catching bad guys to fans chasing stars. This gap is too big. Seriously, Wang Fei really couldn't turn around for a while.

However, through this matter, he also understood that celebrities can also be given preferential treatment in the United States.

Get in the car again.

Eliza patted her heart gently while driving the car and said, "I'm scared to death. I'm scared to death, Wang. If those policemen are serious, we may be dead. We just changed seats while driving. It's a serious violation of the law."

Wang Fei looked at the beautiful ripples in front of her and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that they should like me so much."

"Wang, I'm afraid you don't know. Now, the whole Houston is crazy about you. There are really few people who don't like you." Eliza looked at Wang Fei and said with a smile, "In particular, you have a lot of female fans. If you announce on your twitter or Facebook account that you want to choose a female fan to spend the night every night, a lot of women will rush over and surround you with tears and shouts."

Wang Fei rolled his eyes.

He said in his heart, you can't do anything about shit powder.

Next, Eliza took Wang Fei to a parking lot to practice parallel parking and other items stipulated in the U.S. road test.

Without exception, Wang Fei finished it easily.

After the practice, Eliza said, "Wang, you've learned to drive. However, before signing up for the test, I suggest you find a driving test coach to take you and train you more systematically. In that way, you can ensure that you can pass the driving test more smoothly."

"I will." Wang Fei nodded.

They had a meal outside at noon.

Of course, it's Wang Fei's treat.

After dinner, he returned to Hudson's apartment. Wang Fei wondered if he would go to the car shop in the afternoon and buy his own car.

He now has tens of thousands of dollars from harden in his account, which is more than enough to buy a car.

When Alicia heard that Wang Fei wanted to buy a car, she said eagerly, "Wang, you'd better buy a bigger SUV. In that case, the driving experience is better. Why not sell Mercedes Benz GLC, and you can buy it for less than 40000 dollars."

BBA, that is synonymous with luxury cars in China.

Ordinary Chinese families can't afford it anyway.

Because the cheapest one is 300, 400, 000 yuan.

Moreover, keeping a car is also very expensive.

"Really? You're not talking about a two handcart?" Wang Fei blinked.

At home, Wang Fei knew that the second-hand car market in the United States was very developed. One or two thousand dollars can buy a used car.

"No, no! It's brand new!" Eliza shook her head and said.

"God! Less than 40000 US dollars? Isn't that equivalent to only 200000 Chinese coins?" Wang Fei exclaimed.

It seems that the cheapest GLC in China is four or five hundred thousand.

It's twice as expensive.

"Yes, if you want the top version, it may look like more than 40000 dollars. If you get it, it's almost 45000 dollars. I remember you said that harden gave you 70000 dollars last night." Eliza said eagerly.

"OK. Then buy Mercedes Benz GLC." Wang Feixin said. Let's try what it's like to drive a luxury car.

Wang Fei's current state of mind is still a hanging silk state of mind. He doesn't feel like a new local tyrant at all.

This is mainly because he has been living closely.

I didn't enjoy the taste of lying on my account and not knowing how to spend it.

Then he went back upstairs.

"See you this afternoon, Wang."

Eliza waved to Wang Fei, opened her door and went in.

Then she turned around and kissed Wang Feifei. Then she closed the door.

Wang Fei just wanted to take out the key to open his door, and the door opened.

Gary Clark said quickly, "Wang, you're finally back. A guy challenged you on twitter!"

Wang Fei walked into the room and said faintly, "what a normal thing. Big trees attract wind. I'm so famous now. There are naturally many right and wrong people. Ignore them."

"But do you know what that guy said? Especially, he said that you are a seller and ass, that your thing can only be seen with a magnifying glass in front of you, and that you are a patient with incompetence. Even if you send the most beautiful woman in the world to you, you can only use your tongue and hands to do what men do." Gary Clark chattered after Wang Fei.

Wang Fei frowned.

He said in his heart, is this man too vicious?

"Who is that man?" Wang Fei asked.

"Who else could it be, the city rapper Wallace Wayne. But this guy is not so famous in the United States," said Gary Clark.

"Why did he attack me like this?" Wang Fei rubbed his nose a little depressed.

"I don't know. This guy is a mad dog. He is famous for his big mouth. I think he probably wants to make a topic. You know, there are many people in the world who can do anything to be famous." Gary Clark said.


Wang Feixin said that this is probably the side effect of fame.

Before you know it, you will be targeted by some people.

"Forget it, I won't have the same experience with such a person. Let him live and die." Wang Fei shook his head and said.

"Wang, I think you should also set up a twitter account so that your fans will pay attention to you. This is also a channel to promote yourself, right?" Gary Clark said.

"Well, I seem to be lacking in self promotion. Eliza once helped me build a Facebook account, but I haven't managed it now." Wang Fei said with a smile.

"Yes, you haven't sent a message on Facebook so far, but you have more than 100000 fans. Many people are asking whether your account is true. Wang, you should verify your identity. Then, send some information about yourself. I'm sure your fans will rise faster," said Gary Clark.

"OK, let me see." Wang Fei said and went to his room.

After entering the room, Wang flew to sit on the sofa and opened the Facebook app on his mobile phone.

He looked at his home page and found that he now has more than 110000 fans. Moreover, he also received a lot of private letters.

Wang Fei opened the private letter and looked at it. He was startled.


What's all this hair?

Because many people's private letters are really yellow and violent.

Many female fans sent their own photos and asked for hi PI once.

Some people think they are beautiful and send a group of artistic photos to ask to be Wang Fei's girlfriend.

The key is that the photos they send have many indescribable features.

It's really an undisguised blending of red fruits.

Wang Fei shook his head as he looked.

This is too implicit.

How can this be? Even if you want me to enjoy your beautiful carcass, would you please beautify it for me? Hairy. I have no appetite after reading it.

Wang Fei still thinks that these foreigners are too real. They don't even know how to use the beauty filter function of the mobile phone.

However, the private photos sent by female fans are really eye-catching.

Wang Fei was enjoying the photos of women in these private letters. Suddenly, a picture of a man grinning and furry like a gorilla jumped out.

At first glance, Wang Fei thought he was wearing black leather bags and trousers. When he looked carefully, he turned out to be naked.

He also showed off his smelly and indescribable things.



Wang Feixin said, you are a man. Why do you send me such photos?

Then, Wang Fei read the information under the photo and worked for a long time. The man also came to courtship. He also said that he was very gentle and could cooperate with all kinds of postures

Is this really taking me as a mountain back?

After reading this message, Wang Fei almost didn't throw up.

He immediately deleted the nausea message.

However, when he turned down the private letters, he turned to more private letters sent by male transformer Tai, one more disgusting than the other.

It seems that the number of changes in the United States is really huge.

Wang Fei, novice, why can everyone send me private messages? I can't screen it. Can only certain people send me private messages?

Wang Fei thought it over and found that only his friends can send private messages.

He set it immediately.

Then, Wang Fei specially certified his identity information and noted his identity as a rocket player.

In this way, it is equivalent to clarifying your identity.

After doing so well, Wang Fei thought about it. He released his first dynamic message: Hello, I'm Wang Fei, a rocket player. If you like me, pay attention to me!

He also added a picture of himself.

Of course, this photo of Wang Fei is specially beautified and looks very handsome and free and easy.

As soon as Wang Fei sent this dynamic message, he refreshed it and found that someone had left a message below his message.

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