Of course, this is also a concentrated display of Wang feiqiang's great offensive ability.

About 5 minutes, 24 points!

Two steals!

Cause the opponent to foul 3 times!

Seven three-point shots, seven shots, plus three free throws!

Wang Fei returned to the court and was immediately treated like a hero.

Other members of the Rockets came to greet him and clap hands with him.

"King, you should have opened your fire like this! My God! You are omnipotent! They can't limit you at all!" harden sighed.

"I'm just forced to do this by them," Wang Fei said. "Their fans are too unfriendly."

"For these sons of bitches! Don't take it seriously! Just think they're bullshit." harden burst out a rude remark.

On the live booth.

Mike brin smiled and said, "mark, you've lost your bet."

"Yes, I lost," said Mark Jackson, shaking his head.

"So, now, can I ask you?" Mike brin said with a smile.

"It's not the end yet, Mike. You don't have to win! There are three quarters left! Maybe Wang really could get 50 points!" said Mark Jackson.

"In fact, Wang has the chance to score more than 50 points in the first three games. Don't forget that he has assisted his teammates in the whole game in the previous games. If he has been full of vitality, maybe his highest scoring record will not be 43 points, but 53 points or more. In short, this is an attacking madman! His accurate three points are really enviable "I admire it," said Jeff Van Gundy.

However, it is clear that many people do not agree with Wang Fei's performance.

Marcus is one of them.

"He can only throw three points. He doesn't have any inside impact. Seriously, if such people can become superstars, I'm very disappointed in the NBA!" Marcus shook his head and said.

Jordan nodded: "I agree with you! If the basketball game wants to look good, it still lies in the confrontation! Now the NBA team has almost completely become a three-point running and bombing team. The intensity of the confrontation has decreased sharply. However, even so, Wang Fei is still a very powerful guy. He can be regarded as having entered the ranks of superstars."

"Dad! I don't think he's a superstar. He's far from you. I think I'm much better than him except for three points!" Marcus said.

"Ha ha!"

Jordan shook his head and said, "Marcus, don't deceive yourself. You're really not his opponent. It's time for a break. Maybe you can ask Wang Fei if he wants to fight two goals with you."

Jordan wants to let his arrogant son hit a nail!

"Dad, can I really?" Marcus was a little eager to try.

"Of course you can try, but I don't know if Wang Fei will agree to compete with you. After all, it's in the game," Jordan said.

During the break of the first and second quarters, now the cheerleaders of the pistons are dancing hot.

This is a reserved program of the NBA.

Marcus got up and went down.

They were sitting in the VIP box, not too far below.

Marcus quickly reached the sideline.

However, he was blocked by piston guards on the sidelines.

Since the Auburn mountain palace incident, security measures have been strengthened in the stadium during NBA games.

"What can I do for you, sir?" asked Marcus politely.

Marcus pointed to his face. "Don't you know me?"

A black security guard glanced at Marcus, shook his head a little confused and said, "sorry, sir, I don't think I know you well."

"I'm Marcus Jordan. Now, do you know who I am?" Marcus said arrogantly.

The black security guard shook his head again. "No, I really don't know. But I think you should go back to your seat instead of trying to get through here and run to the court."

This made Marcus Jordan a little depressed and angry.

My Marcus is not so unknown, is he?

Isn't my popularity also very high?

How come the security here doesn't know me?

Marcus had to report his father's name: "my father is Michael Jordan, he is the owner of the Hornets!"

Now, the black security guard suddenly said, "so you're MJ's son, sir, what can I do for you?"

Marcus said a little angrily, "I want to talk to the Chinese boy of the Rockets."

The black security guard was hired by the pistons.

So, as soon as Marcus wanted to find Wang Fei of the Rockets, the black security guard shouted to one of his colleagues and asked the other party to talk to Wang Fei, saying that MJ's son Marcus had something to do with him.

At this time, Wang Fei was talking to his teammate Gary Clark. A stadium staff came over and said to him, "Wang, MJ's son Marcus wants to see you. Would you like to see him? He said he had something to talk to you."

Wang Fei was stunned.


That's Michael Jordan.

MJ's son Marcus, Wang Fei also knows something about Marcus. Of course, Wang Fei watched the affair of Marcus when he was watching the gossip.

"Did he say anything?" Feng Chao asked.

"Sir, he didn't say he wanted to come down from the grandstand to see you in person, but he was stopped by our security personnel," the staff member said.

Wang Fei thought about it. He glanced at De Anthony and asked for instructions from de Anthony: "Mr. de Anthony, Marcus, MJ's second son, asked me to see him. He said he had something to talk to me. Can I go there?"

Wang Fei thought to himself that it would be better to ask d'antony's advice.

De Antony frowned slightly: "Marcus? He wants to see you? Wang, I don't think he's good. He's a dandy. He acts absurdly just because his father is MJ. However, MJ himself came to this stadium to watch the ball tonight. I think maybe Marcus came to you with some words from MJ. It's not impossible. You can go and see him. But if he has any What excessive request, refuse him directly! Don't be polite to him. "

D'antony agreed to see this Marcus himself?

Wang Fei followed the stadium staff to the exit to the grandstand.

Marcus watched Wang Fei approach slowly. He looked down at Wang Fei. However, he couldn't see anything magical from Wang Fei.

How can such a boy play such a daunting performance on the court?

Marcus is a little confused.

This boy is a head lower than himself, isn't he?

Moreover, he is so thin. Look at his small arms. They are really too thin. They are thin and have no muscles. They don't look strong at all.

Marcus said in his heart, can this boy do any witchcraft?

Wang Fei came to Marcus.

He stood on the steps.

Wang Fei is under the steps.

This makes Wang Fei look even smaller.

"You are the king?" Marcus condescended with arrogance on his face.

Wang Fei frowned. What's the spectrum of this goods in front of me?

"What's the matter with you? Come on! If there's nothing important, I think I should go back and prepare for the next game." Wang Fei said coldly.


Just because you are MJ's son, can you feel superior?

I really don't think you have anything to respect.

You're nothing but a good tire!

Marcus was stunned.

He could see that Wang Fei didn't mean any respect to himself.

Moreover, Wang Fei didn't intend to tell himself more.

This made Marcus a little angry, because in the past, as long as he told people that he was MJ's son, others would generally respect him.

This Chinese not only has no respect for himself, but also is very cold.

"Wang, I want to compete with you! I think I'm better than you!" Marcus said loudly.

The fans sitting next to this channel heard Marcus shouting.

Immediately someone laughed and said, "Marcus! You first enter the NBA to play, and then say that!"

"What the hell! People say that a tiger father has no dogs! But what are you? Your father used so much energy to help you enter the NBA. You don't even have the qualification to be a water dispenser player. Now, you dare to say to a rookie with Superstar potential that you are better than him? I think you should see a psychiatrist, young man!"

"Rubbish! You may be better at picking up girls!"

"Wang, don't pay attention to this self righteous guy! He's just smearing his father's face! He's a waste!"

Wang Fei was a little surprised to hear these piston fans sarcastic about Marcus.

He could hear it clearly. It was the fans in this area who hissed loudly.

Now, they speak for themselves.

Wang Fei smiled and nodded at the outspoken fans. He said to Marcus, "you can think you are better than me. I won't have any objection. You are arrogant in your dream. Don't go to the real world and ask for trouble! I don't have time to play with you. Please go back!"

When Wang Fei finished, he turned and left.

However, what he didn't expect was that his conversation with Marcus had been photographed by nearby reporters.

Marcus is a little depressed.

He really didn't expect that Huaxia boy should be so rude to himself.

Shouldn't that boy just give his name and bow down?

I'm MJ's son!

"You coward! I knew you didn't dare to compete with me! You were afraid of being beaten by me! If only you knew yourself!" Marcus shouted.

He's looking for a step for himself.

Marcus turned and returned to his seat.

Jordan shook his head and said, "Marcus, your performance is very inappropriate. Now, I guess you'll lose face again. Those reporters will ridicule you! Or I'll be mercilessly ridiculed by them for your sake!"

"Dad! I don't understand why you say that. I'm sure I can beat the boy, but he doesn't dare to fight with me. What can I do?" said Marcus.

Jordan sighed.

This son really doesn't have any self-knowledge.

Wang Fei returned to his seat.

D'antony came to him.

"Wang, did Marcus challenge you just now?" asked d'antony.

"Yes, he said he would blow me up. I let him dream and play by himself." Wang Fei said with a smile.

"This is an opportunity to hype big news! You can take the opportunity to brush a wave of sense of existence around the world. I think you can accept his challenge! This single challenge is simply carried out in the middle of the field, beating him hard and looking for his teeth. I think people all over the world will laugh at Jordan's son! Then, they will be more impressed by the rockets and you "Said D'Antoni.

Wang feileng.

D'Antoni thought he should accept Marcus's challenge?

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