Wang Feiren was in the air. He saw that Drummond had completely blocked the front attack channel.

Even if you hit it, it's probably useless.

Because the weight difference between the two sides is too far.

It is of no use except that Wang Fei was hit and flew.

Drummond also saw this clearly.

Drummond was excited.

I can give this rookie a big hat, which can also boost morale!

It was this Chinese rookie who disrupted the team's offensive situation as soon as he came on the stage, so that the team was overtaken by the lead.

It's really hateful.


Drummond roared loudly. His hand was raised high and had aimed at the ball in Wang Fei's hand.

As long as the other party wants to slam the button across himself, that's nothing to say!

He will give him a hard hat and fan him directly to the ground!

As for whether this will lead to Wang Fei's injury?

Drummond won't think about it!

If you directly want to cut me off, I'll give you a break. You're asking for it!

Of course Wang Fei won't fight Drummond. He won't be so stupid!

Wang Feiren was in the air. He suddenly turned 360 degrees in the air. His body instantly faced Drummond from the front and came to the left of the rebound.

In order to perform this difficult action, Wang Fei also bought a one-time Lingbo micro step skill from the store of sports Tianwang app.

That's why he had such a big body transfer in the air.

And this action, seriously, has violated the law of gravity.

Wang Fei came to the left of the backboard and raised his hand to the basket, which was a one handed split button.

Drummond never thought that Wang Fei could turn around in the air and avoid his own front blocking.

He was already exhausted and fell to the ground.

However, his reaction was also very fast. His right hand still turned in a direction and hit Wang Fei's dunk hand on the left.

How can Wang Fei get him to hit the ball?

Gently hide, and then hide in the past.

Press the ball into the basket.


The ball was buckled into the basket by Wang Fei.

At the same time, Drummond's hand also hit Wang Fei's arm.

"Di -"

The referee's whistle immediately sounded without hesitation.

Drummond foul!

And there was thunderous applause in the stadium.

The whole stadium was shocked by Wang Fei's amazing goal.

These pistons fans are very unfriendly to the visiting players.

But Wang Fei's ball is really wonderful and rare. It's too difficult. Watching NBA fans for many years, I've never seen such a wonderful goal!

Many people stood up and applauded excitedly.

"God! That's great."

"God! I've watched the NBA all my life, and I've never seen such a wonderful dunk!"

"This dunk is comparable to the free throw line of the flying man!"

"MJ's dunk was made in the all star dunk competition! And Wang made it in the competition. Can it be the same?"

"He's stronger than Jordan in jumping! What surprised me was that when he could fly to the basket and face Drummond's defense, he could turn and move sideways to the side of the hoop and dunk. It's too difficult. I've never seen anyone do such a large turn and move sideways in the air!"

"Wang's dunk is enough to become an eternal NBA classic!"

"After watching this ball, I have been Wang's fan since then."

On the stand, the audience talked one after another.

They were excited one by one.

Those who come to the scene to watch the basketball game are basically true love.

Because NBA tickets are really not cheap. A ticket with a poor seat often costs tens of dollars!

If the seats are better, hundreds of thousands of dollars are possible!

If you don't really like basketball, who will spend so much money to go to the stadium to watch the game?

These fans support their team, but they also like wonderful games.

They will talk about every difficult and wonderful goal of the stars for many years.

Like Jordan's free throw line take-off dunk, it has been said for many years. Now it is still so classic that almost no one can copy it!

The three on the live audience were also very excited.

"God! This ball, he makes me crazy! It's incredible. Take off the free throw line, slide four meters in the air, face the defense of the opponent's high center, and turn around and traverse again when there is no leverage in the air! No one can do this before! Not even MJ!" Mike brin sighed and said excitedly.

Mark Jackson also smiled and said: "Wang, this is a tribute to Jordan! He knows that MJ is watching the ball today, so he wants to surprise mJ with a gorgeous goal beyond his idol! I think MJ must be stunned by this ball."

"This action is too dangerous. I don't recommend Wang Fei to take such a dangerous inside attack. Although such a goal is really wonderful! However, it is also too easy to cause injury! Wang is a kind of vulnerable glass physique. He should play smarter and shouldn't take risks. I know. Maybe he wants to prove his omnipotence. He wants everyone to know his body How terrible the body bounce and aerial skills are, but it's really unnecessary! He has proved himself with gorgeous data, "Jeff Van Gundy said.

"Jeff makes a good point, but I still like such a passionate way of scoring. The applause and cheers of the fans also illustrate this point: they don't like players to throw three points frequently. They still like to watch inside breakthrough and gorgeous actions under the basket." Mike brin said with a smile.

"Ha ha! I don't know what Wang really thinks, but I know that he conquered the hearts of many piston fans with this ball! He also made those who constantly questioned him have to shut up," said Mark Jackson.

D'Antoni, standing on the sidelines, also waved his fist excitedly.

Seeing that Wang Fei successfully scored this difficult dunk and was safe, he also put down his heart.

The Rockets also cheered on the bench.

Harden was so shocked that his eyes were about to pop out.

"God! His jumping ability is too strong. How high did he jump just now? Two meters? He can turn in the air? It's really a mystery physical quality." harden sighed.

"However, he is still too young to take care of his body. He can easily throw three points and get gorgeous data. He wants to play inside and play difficult layups. I can't figure out why. According to his playing method, maybe he won't play for a few years and his body will be completely useless." Chris Paul said.

"Never mind him, come as he pleases! Wang is really beyond my expectation." harden shook his head and said.

Jordan looked at Wang Fei's dunk. He didn't speak for a while. He was silent.

"Honey, what's the matter with you?" Yvette immediately noticed Jordan's change and asked with concern.

"This young man, he surprised me," Jordan said.

"Is this ball more difficult than your classic dunk?" Yvette blinked.

In her eyes, her husband is the supreme god of the NBA, and no one can compare with him.

"From this ball, we can see that his bounce is better than me, and his air skills are more powerful than me. He just took off and rushed to the basket. The turn facing Drummond's defense is that I can't do it at the peak!" Jordan doesn't deny that he is not as good as Wang Fei.

"Really? God! How could he have such a surging power in such a small body?" Yvette was shocked.

She did not expect that her God like husband would say that she was inferior to the Chinese boy.

"I think that's probably talent!" Jordan said.

"Dad, this boy, he jumps too high?" Marcus said to Jordan at this time.

"Yes, his jumping height should be unmatched in the NBA," Jordan said after glancing at his worried son.

Marcus shrunk his neck and said, "the Chinese boy seems really good. I'm more and more excited now. If I can beat him in PK, will there be many NBA teams waving big checks and crying to sign with me?"

Jordan gave his son a white look: "are you still dreaming of defeating Wang Fei? You can't, Marcus! I didn't pour cold water on you. There's a big gap between you and him."

"Dad, you shouldn't deny me. I've never been inferior to anyone. If I hadn't had bad eyes, I would have been a rising star in the NBA," Marcus said.


Still, so conceited!

Jordan shrugged helplessly.

On the court.

Wang Fei hit the extra penalty cleanly.

So his score came to 27.

But more than 50 points away, there is at least 23 points away.


A hint sounded in his head.

"Dear host, Hello! Congratulations on completing your temporary task: conquering the home fans of the pistons! You will get a 50% discount card for elite Shengli potion, a 50% discount card for elite fitness recovery potion and a 50% discount card for elite health recovery potion." the system said.

Wang Fei was a little confused.


What does that mean?

Gave yourself three discount cards at one go?

In other words, if you want to buy goods, you still have to pay.

How stingy!

However, it's good to have this 50% discount card.

Wang Fei has seen the price. The price of elite physical recovery potion is as high as 5000 US dollars, and the price of elite health recovery potion is as high as 10000 US dollars

Anyway, I can save some money.

Wang Fei's physical fitness is really a little wrong now. He hurriedly bought a bottle of elite Shengli potion and drank it.

Then, Wang Fei began to enter the hurricane mode.

He wants to get points as soon as possible. At the end of the half-time, he has to get more than 30 points. Can he have a bottom in his heart?

By the end of the second quarter, Wang Fei himself hit three 3 points, got one steal, one block and sent four assists.

You can't do without assists. These substitutes are counting on adding some data to themselves.

If you only care about yourself, regardless of them, they will play more and more boring.

If his teammates can't open, the pistons players can safely and boldly surround Wang Fei, which is also very unfavorable to Wang Fei's attack.

The whistle sounded at the end of the second quarter, and the Rockets led the pistons by up to 26 points 89:63.

Wang Fei's own score has reached 36 points. At the same time, he also got 6 assists, 3 steals, 1 rebound and 1 block.

The data column was filled again by Wang Fei.

At half-time, Wang Fei didn't go back to the dressing room with his teammates, but stayed on the court.

The DJ of the pistons loudly announced an amazing news: the Rockets rookie will compete with MJ's son Marcus at halftime!

The fans at the scene were boiling.

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