"Mr. fieldita, I think it's too early to talk about renewing the contract," Morey said.

"Early? I think it's late. It's a peerless genius. If we don't hurry up, if someone picks up the leak, we'll be in trouble." Dilman fieldita shook his head and said.

"However, as far as Wang Fei is concerned, there are still many uncertain factors. We can't guarantee that he will remain healthy all the time. We still hold the contract for more than three years, and the initiative has always been in our hands. As long as we negotiate with him one year in advance when his contract is about to expire, it's not too late. Therefore, Mr. fieldita, I don't think we need to do this And worry, "said Morey patiently.

Morey felt that his boss was a little too impatient.

We really can't worry about the renewal negotiation.

If you are too eager, you often can't get any good results.

After all, Wang Fei is suspected by many experts to be a glass man.

If you lock it early, you may hit it early.

At that time, the big contract signed will become a huge burden on the Rockets.

Morey thought, can't the boss even think of this?

Morey is an actuary.

He can always calculate every contract and the future development of every player.

Wang Fei is a super rookie. It's needless to say.

Everyone agrees.

But now, it really doesn't represent the future.

Dilman feltita nodded and said: "Daryl, you're right. It's just that Wang Fei, such a magical little guy, is really very important to the Rockets. Such a comprehensive super newcomer, no matter which team they go to, can make them reborn and become a strong team at one stroke. I think maybe the other 29 teams are desperately drilling or lobbying to persuade Wang Fei to join them? If we don't do something Well, my heart can't be stable. "

The NBA has a clear regulation: everyone is not allowed to lobby and solicit players from other teams to join their own team. If they find out, they will be severely punished.

However, the rules belong to the rules, and the temptation of lobbying is always inevitable.

You can't do the work in the open, you can do it in the dark.

Now social software is so developed, there are too many communication channels.

At the thought that other competitors may be greedily looking at their team's super newcomers and trying hard to dig the bottom of the wall, Dilman became less calm.

Morey smiled.

He knows what his boss is worried about.

He felt that Wang Fei was still young. If he was coaxed by other teams and wanted to change jobs wholeheartedly, it would be a disaster for the Rockets.

There's a lot of this.

Far from it, there was Owen, the second leader of the Cavaliers, who publicly announced that he would leave the team because he was unwilling to be the second leader of James.

Then, the Cavaliers had to rush Owen to the Celtics in exchange for little Thomas.

Owen's departure directly led to the collapse of the knight's dream of establishing a dynasty.

Morey said: "Mr. feldita, I don't think Wang Fei will want to leave as long as he can have a good time here. We can give him a high position in the team and give him the respect and attention he wants. In addition, he has a good relationship with harden and Chris Paul. He stays very comfortable. I don't think he will easily decide to leave. You can put that away Heart! "

Dilman frowned and said: "Wang Fei's contract has always been a problem. God! I'm a little sweating when I think that such a little guy with an average of more than 40 points now only has a contract of less than one million a year. We really pay too little. Moreover, up to now, there is no guarantee for two years of a four-year contract. Will it make him think more?"

That's true.

In the current NBA, if a player can average 13.4 points per game and have a little defensive ability, he can directly ask the boss for more than 10 million annual salary.

Even, some guys with an average of more than 10 points can sign a top salary contract and get $20 million or $30 million a year.

Compared with them, Wang Fei is a beggar with a superstar aura.

Morey said with a smile: "then when the game is over, at the press conference, we will immediately announce that we will turn Wang Fei's agreement for the next two years into a full guarantee agreement. Won't it be good?"

"Yes! Immediately, turn the two-year agreement into a full guarantee agreement, which is also a reward for his excellent performance," Dilman waved.

"OK, boss! I'll carry out your decision right away," said Morey.

"Well, we really don't need to sign a supplementary agreement or anything to raise Wang's salary?" Dilman fieldita said.

Morey smiled.

The boss is really cute.

"Mr. feldita, this is the spirit of contract. When Wang was discovered by us, he was just an unproven rookie. No one knows if he can play the NBA. We have signed a four-year agreement of 28.4 million with him, which is very sincere. He is a rookie, and rookies will always get such a low salary. Even if he passes the draft, it is the same "Said Morey.

"Well, that's right! It's the spirit of contract! So it's OK for him to get a salary of more than 800000 dollars in the first year. Fortunately, he can also sign some business endorsement contracts," Dilman fieldita said.

Dilman seemed to think of something. He slapped his thigh and said, "yes! I've found a way to compensate the king!"

Morey blinked.

His boss seems to be sorry that Wang Fei only took more than 800000 dollars in the first year.

"What's the way?" asked Morey.

"Well, I want to sign him as the spokesperson of my company and give him a endorsement income! I think it should increase his income and make him look like a superstar," Dilman said.

Dilman, the boss, is much richer than the Rockets.

This gentleman runs some seafood restaurants and owns BRICs hotels and casinos. He is an industrialist.

When he bought rockets that year, his net assets were as high as $3.1 billion.

Now, his wealth seems to have increased a lot. It is said that he has a fortune of more than $4.5 billion.

Morey smiled and said, "Mr. fieldita, I think this is a win-win way. Wang is really famous now. If he speaks for your business, he may bring you more good luck."

"Ha ha! I mainly think about the Chinese market. I want to attract those Chinese people who come to the United States to stay in my hotel and play in my casino. I also want to do the seafood restaurant business in China. I think Wang may really help me open a bigger market!" Dilman said with a laugh.

"Congratulations, boss! I think if you want to invite Wang as your spokesman, you'll have to hurry up," Morey said with a smile.

"Er? What do you mean?" Dilman was stunned.

"Because I heard that McDonald's also wants to sign Wang as their spokesman. Your seafood restaurant is also the catering industry. Maybe it has a conflict with McDonald's," Morey said.

"Really? I'll talk to him myself tonight!" Dilman waved.

Wang Fei didn't know that he had been watched by his boss.

At the moment, he was sitting off the court and resting comfortably.

Wang Fei has little pressure now.

After all, he has only rebounds left and hasn't been in double.

But there's still a whole quarter of the game. Just brush a few minutes and you'll have enough rebounds.

That's the first four doubles since he joined the NBA!

It's a little exciting to think about it.

In the NBA, it's really difficult to get four doubles. There are really few players who have got four doubles in history.

In history, only admiral David Robinson and other four players got four doubles. David Robinson once got four doubles of 34 points, 10 rebounds, 10 assists and 10 blocks. This data can be seen at a glance. It is deliberately drawn out. The last three data are all 10.

Of course, brushing is also a skill. I can't brush it if I want to.

The other three are: Olajuwon, who scored 18 points, 16 rebounds, 10 assists and 11 blocks in 1990; Robertson, in 1986, got 20 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists and 10 steals; Thurmond scored 22 points, 14 rebounds, 13 assists and 12 blocks in the game of 74.

But it is said that Chamberlain has seen super large 4 pairs, and all the data are up to 20. Of course, his statistics were incomplete at that time and did not get official recognition.

Among the active players, Drummond green is the only one closest to the four doubles. Once he got the amazing data of 4 points, 12 rebounds, 10 assists and 10 steals. If he scored double, it would be four doubles.

Unfortunately, fortune makes people.

Wang Fei clenched his fist. He thought, I want to make four pairs to shock the whole world!

But at this time, D'Antoni said, "Wang, you won't play in the fourth quarter."

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