On the morning of December 13, the Rockets held a mobilization meeting before the game.

D'Antoni carefully analyzed the characteristics of each key player of the Lakers at the meeting and described the main tactical arrangements against the Lakers.

He said: "Gentlemen, this game is very important! Tonight, we are going to face the powerful Lakers! We must pay attention to it! Why do we pay attention to it? Because there is a very powerful guy in the Lakers, LeBron James. The Lakers were a fish belly team last season. But since LeBron joined, they have had an earth shaking season Changes! Their current position has come to the fourth place in the Western Conference! They have defeated many strong teams. LeBron, who is 34, is still omnipotent. He has promoted this team to a big level. Now the Lakers have become a strong team in the Western Conference! And we are aiming to win the championship this season, so playing against each team may create a challenge for us in the playoffs Troubled teams, we have to beat them with all our strength! Are you confident? "


"We can beat the Lakers!"

The players have expressed their confidence in winning.

De Anthony nodded with satisfaction and said, "OK! Very good! We need such strong confidence! I think although they have James, they should and can't cause any trouble to our home! Because we have a superstar killer like Wang!"

The Lakers arrived in Houston on the morning of the 13th.

After staying in the hotel, the Lakers also held a pre game mobilization meeting.

Lakers coach Luke Walton spent nearly half his time arranging tactics against Wang Fei at the mobilization meeting.

"Gentlemen, Wang is really great. If we can't guard him, it's really difficult for us to win at the Rockets' home. My requirement is very simple. We must resolutely defend Wang. We should try our best to compress his offensive space so that he can't attack or pass the ball smoothly. I prefer to arrange the candidate for the main defense king Lanzo, LeBron, what do you think? "Luke Walton finally looked at Zhan Huang's face.

Zhan Huang is recognized as the first person in the league. Although he has just joined the Lakers, the Lakers still need to take him as the core and follow his lead.

This is Zhan Huang's high Jianghu status after years of efficient output and entering the NBA Finals for eight consecutive years.

"I think this arrangement is very good! I have carefully studied every Rockets game Wang participated in. I have also seen that in every game, the Rockets opponents take the defensive king as the focus and core. However, no one can really limit Wang. Even if it is close to the defense, it can not bring him a little trouble and trouble! Therefore, what I want to say is to implement it It's important to be resolute and thorough. I think maybe I will try to help the defensive king in the game. I hope we can succeed! "James said.

The pre war mobilization meeting is over.

LeBron James went back to his room.

He hesitated and decided to call Wang Fei to see if he could invite Wang Fei out before the war and have dinner together.

Zhan Huang took out his mobile phone and dialed Wang Fei's number.

Wang Fei has been practicing in the training hall for a while now.

"Wang, your phone rang." at this time, the staff standing by the court shouted Wang Fei.

Wang Fei stopped training, went to the sideline and picked up his phone.

He was stunned when he looked at the screen.

It can't be true?

How could Zhan Huang call himself now?

But Wang Fei answered the phone quickly.

"Hi, Wang, how are you?" Zhan Huang's voice sounded in the microphone.

"OK! How are you? LeBron, welcome to Houston!" Wang Fei said with a smile.

"Ha ha! Thank you! Houston is really a very beautiful city. I like it very much! Wang, what are you doing now?" Zhan Huang said with a hearty smile.

"I'm practicing," Wang Fei said.

"Aha! Man, can we have dinner together at noon? It's my treat. I really admire you for a long time and want to see you urgently. I hope you can give me a chance," said Zhan Huang.

Zhan Huang said that he had admired himself for a long time and was eager to see himself?

Hearing this, Wang Fei was very happy.

However, Feng Chao was very vigilant about Zhan Huang's invitation.

Because, this is before the game, before the game to see each other's players, I'm afraid it's not very good?

Wang Fei hesitated.

"Ha ha! LeBron, I'm afraid I have to apply to Mr. D'Antoni. If he agrees to see you, it's certainly no problem." Wang Fei said with a smile.

Wang Fei would certainly be happy to meet Zhan Huang.

After all, this is a superstar I've been infatuated with since I was a child.

I never had a chance to meet before.

Now he has the opportunity to see living people and talk to idols. Of course, Wang Fei doesn't want to let go.

"Well, tell D'Antoni. In fact, I have nothing else to do. I'm just very interested in you and hope to make friends with you, that's all." James said.

Wang Fei said a few more words to Zhan Huang, and he hung up.

Wang Fei went to de Anthony's office.

When he arrived at D'Antoni's office, D'Antoni was very surprised by Wang Fei's arrival.

"Wang, what can I do for you? Just talk to me." de Antony asked Wang Fei to sit down on the sofa and said kindly.

Wang Fei thought about it and said, "Mr. de Anthony, LeBron James just called me. He wants to see me and have dinner with me. Look, can I see him?"

De Antony was stunned.

He did not expect that LeBron would call Wang Fei immediately after coming to Houston with the Lakers and wanted to see Wang Fei.

He thought for a moment.

I think it would be a little unkind to stop Wang Fei from seeing Zhan Huang.

However, let Wang Fei go. He was worried that Zhan Huang would deceive Wang Fei.

Thinking about it, de Antony smiled and said: "Wang, you can go to see LeBron, but you must be careful not to be lobbied by LeBron. He is a smart guy. He must have some idea. If he tries to persuade you to go to the Lakers, don't be fooled by him. The Lakers can't give you better treatment. Only the Rockets will try their best to cultivate you and make you the future leader of this team."

Wang Fei smiled in his heart.

D'antony is a little worried about himself.

He was afraid that he would be lobbied by Emperor Zhan. He softened his ears and agreed to what emperor Zhan asked.

"Mr. de Anthony, please rest assured that I will never leave the Rockets. I want to see LeBron for two reasons. First, he is my idol and I like him for many years; second, I want to inquire about the tactical arrangement of the Lakers." Wang Fei said frankly.

De Anthony smiled, patted Wang Fei on the shoulder and said, "well, go. Have a good chat with LeBron. In other words, he is really a very interesting guy."

When Wang Fei came out of de Anthony's office, he called Zhan Huang.

"LeBron, where would it be better for us to meet at noon?" Wang Fei said.

"I think I'll find you. Let's find a restaurant near the rocket base and talk while eating." James said happily.

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