Wang Fei doesn't know what happened to the thunder team.

Wang Fei didn't appear at the beginning of the second quarter. The Rockets were led by Eric Gordon.

Wang Fei sat on the sideline and watched the game with ease and joy.

He saw that the warriors changed into the full main lineup at the beginning of the second quarter.

The thunder team No. 23 who snitched to himself just now was not on the court.

Wang Fei stabbed Capella sitting next to him with his hand and asked, "what's the name of No. 23 of the thunder team?"

"Eh? I really don't know." Capella glanced at the thunder bench and scratched his head.

Wang Fei shook his head regretfully. He said in his heart that he'd better go back to the dressing room and search the thunder player information on his mobile phone at half-time.

The NBA stipulates that players are not allowed to watch any electronic devices even when sitting on the bench during the game.

So, if you want to look at your mobile phone on the sidelines, it is absolutely not allowed!

If you watch your mobile phone illegally on the bench, you will be punished by the league or the team.

"I know him. His name is Terrence Ferguson. He is a good little guy, very diligent and has great potential," PJ Tucker, sitting on Capella's right hand, said.

"Oh! His name is Terence Ferguson. I remember him." Wang Fei nodded.

"Wang, why did you suddenly want to ask him?" Capella asked a little curiously.

"Because of his shirt number, ha ha!" Wang Fei laughed.

Wang Fei did not tell the truth.

Because he was worried that this matter would spread to the media and be reported all over the city.

After all, it's a scandal within the league, isn't it?

"Ha ha! Now some people are really funny. They dare to wear No. 23 shirt without considering anything." PJ Tucker shook his head and said.

Number 23 is the number used by Michael Jordan.

Since MJ, the No. 23 shirt has a special significance.

Even Kobe didn't dare to choose the No. 23 shirt directly, but chose the No. 24.

Wang Fei smiled and looked at the thunder bench.

He saw Terence Ferguson stooping in his chair, his face in his hands, and his will looked very depressed.

Wang Fei was stunned.

What's going on?

Terrence Ferguson looks in a bad mood. Something bad must have happened to him.

"Wang, why don't you choose No. 23 shirt? I don't think anyone will gossip when you choose this number." Capella said to Wang Fei at this time.

Wang Fei smiled and said, "I just want to be me, not a copy of someone, so I choose my own number 99."

"Wang doesn't need to compare with anyone. Your data has surpassed all NBA predecessors. I think you have become a legend." PJ Tucker looked at Wang Fei with admiration.

Wang Fei smiled and waved his hand.

A legend?

That's a little exaggerated.

You'd better wait until you win a few Championships.

On the court, the Rockets' full reserve lineup and the thunder's main force can match at the beginning.

However, soon, they were suppressed by thunder.

Under the leadership of Westbrook, the thunder team made waves of offensives.

But the Rockets' substitutes also played tenaciously and were not completely defeated.

After playing for more than 10 minutes, the thunder slowly reduced the difference to 13 points.

D'Antoni stood on the sideline watching the game. He didn't call a pause.

In his opinion, tonight's game is not important at all. It doesn't matter whether you lose or win.

But thunder coach Billy Donovan is a little dissatisfied with the performance of his players.

I'm the main force on my side. I can't crush the other side. The original gap of 43 points is 30 points.

It's a little embarrassing.

Besides, it's a little invincible, isn't it?

When Billy Donovan saw that d'antony had never changed into the main force, he really couldn't hang on his face.

So he called a pause.

After Westbrook left the game, he sat down on the bench and asked unhappily, "Billy, what's the matter? We're playing well now. Why did you call a pause?"

Billy Donovan said: "Russell, you've been playing against base, but you're just the substitute players of the Rockets. They don't mean to change to the main force at all. Therefore, I think it's more reasonable for us to change to the substitute team for the sake of fairness."

Westbrook frowned and said, "they don't play the main force. It's their own business. It's not our fault, right? Now it's the second quarter of the game. If we change substitutes, will the Rockets think we'll admit defeat in the second quarter?"

Billy Donovan was a little unhappy when he saw Westbrook, but he wouldn't make a lot of trouble with Westbrook.

Billy Donovan said: "Russell, tonight's game is meaningless. The playoffs will begin soon. I think we should also start to accumulate our strength and prepare for the playoffs. Therefore, I decided not to play the main force in the follow-up time. I believe the fire arrow will not let Wang play again."

Westbrook shook his head and said, "well, you have a point."

Seeing that he had persuaded Westbrook, Billy Donovan breathed a long sigh of relief.

Therefore, after the suspension, the thunder team also changed to the full reserve lineup.

The Rockets, of course, are also substitutes to continue to play.

Wang Fei watched the thunder change into the reserve team. He looked carefully and found that Terrence Ferguson was not on the court.

Just now, Wang Fei has learned more about Terrence Ferguson from others.

Wang Fei knows that Terrence Ferguson is the role player that the thunder focuses on training.

Now, the thunder has replaced the full bench and left Terrence Ferguson off the pitch. What does this mean?

Wang Fei's face became dignified.

He thought of a possibility: what Terrence Ferguson said to himself may be known by the thunder manager. In that case, Terrence Ferguson will become a traitor in the eyes of the thunder?

If Terence Ferguson is really regarded as a traitor, Wang Fei estimates that he may not be long in the thunder.

Wang Fei shook his head. He felt a little sorry.

The second quarter ended in a scuffle between the thunder and the Rockets.

The Rockets are obviously more awesome, and the difference between the thunder and the Rockets has been extended to more than 20 points.

Back in the dressing room, Wang Fei was lying on his recliner. He was a little absent-minded.

He was wondering how he could get in touch with Terrence Ferguson and ask him for details.

If the situation is not very good, Wang Fei feels that he has the responsibility to help each other.

Wang Fei took out his mobile phone and opened Facebook.

He searched and found that he really found Terence Ferguson's Facebook authentication ID.

The above certification content is the NBA thunder guard.

Wang Fei applied to add the other party as a friend.

After he applied for the addition, he waited for a while and found that he didn't reply through the application.

Wang Fei shook his head. He thought, forget it. I don't think people are in the mood to watch mobile phones now, do they?

"Wang Fei, you seem a little unhappy. What's the matter?" at this time, Zhou Qi came over.

"Ah?! no, I just thought about something." Wang Fei said with a smile.

"Oh, Wang Fei, I have something I don't quite understand. I want to ask your meaning. Do you think it's ok?" Zhou Qi said.

"What do you say? If it's too sensitive, I suggest you go to my room after the game and let's sit down and talk slowly." Wang Fei smiled.

"Oh! Well, that's after the game." Zhou Qi said with a pursed mouth.

Wang Fei took a deep look at Zhou Qi. He said in his heart, what does he want to tell me?

The Rockets have decided to execute the third year contract signed with Zhou Qi.

He is also a rising star in the Rockets. Zhou Qi has been a stable second center candidate in the last thirty or forty games. His scoring data has reached an average of 9.7 points and 5.3 rebounds.

This data is already very good.

If the data can be further improved, Zhou Qi is expected to get a big contract of more than 10 million a year when the rookie contract ends.

Forget it, don't think so much.

At the end of the half-time break, Wang Fei walked back to the court with the team.

He glanced at the stand and found that the audience was obviously much less.

Wang Feixin said that it was estimated that the thunder played badly and had no hope of winning, so many fans began to withdraw.

The third quarter begins.

Wang Fei and the main force of the Rockets are back on the stage.

However, he immediately found that the thunder team was still on the bench.

Which one is this?

Did the thunder play a little discouraged and give up the whole second half?

Never mind. Now that you're on the court, you'll fight directly.

Wang Fei took the main force of the rockets and easily played a wave of 18-0 climax in the first three minutes of the third quarter.

No way, the other side's substitute is really too delicious.

Wang Fei himself hit three three points and sent out two assists and three blocks. As for steals, he was too lazy to steal.

The difference between the two teams widened again to more than 40 points.

"Di -"

Wang Fei took the initiative to ask for a pause.

We can't go on like this. The main force plays as a substitute. It seems a little shameless.

After the suspension, the Rockets also replaced the full bench.

The next time, the substitutes of both sides played with passion and the game was also very intense.

However, because the outcome has been divided, the audience is interested in watching the game. When the fourth quarter starts, Wang Fei finds that only a small half of the fans in the stands are left, and most of them have left the game and returned home.

Watching a doomed game is like being cut by a blunt knife. No one wants to be abused.

The final whistle sounded, and the Rockets finally defeated the thunder on the road and won the end of the regular season.

After the game, Wang Fei went to the thunder team to find Terence Ferguson.

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