Morey felt that Wang Fei was a little excited. He quickly smiled and said, "Wang, this is a matter of team management. You are an important member of the team. Of course, we can listen to your opinions. However, I think I may be more professional in the overall consideration of the improvement of the team's strength. I think you should not interfere too much in this aspect. What do you think?"

Although Morey spoke with a smile, the meaning of his words was still very strong.

He directly told Wang Fei that please don't interfere in the transaction of the team.

Wang Fei took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Morey, you just said that I can make suggestions, right?"

"Yes! Of course you can make suggestions. You are the leader of our team. We are happy to listen to your opinions. If you make a good point, of course we will listen to them," Morey said.

Wang Fei said: "I think it's a losing deal to exchange Zhou Qi for Devon Harris. We can't do it! Harris is just a player with very ordinary ability. Moreover, he is not young and his data has declined sharply in recent years. Changing Harris can't improve our strength on the outside! On the contrary, without Zhou Qi on the inside, we will be in the playoff series Suffer a big loss, our inside players are not surplus, and Zhou Qi has just played his strength. Zhou Qi is a good supplement to Capella. If Zhou Qi is traded to a lone ranger, Capella's basket must not be strong. This is my opinion! "

Zhou Qi is now averaging nearly 10 points and has a strong ability to protect the basket. He is very strong in both attack and defense under the basket.

The most important thing is that Zhou Qi can help defend. He can also throw 3 points when necessary!

Where's Harris?

The decline of his data is really too big. His peak period has long been over.

Of course, the former Devon Harris is also very good and belongs to a quasi All-Star player.

After listening to Wang Fei, Morey nodded and said: "You're right, but apart from Capella, we also have Kenya Farid. But where are we on the outside? The depth of the bench is really poor. We only have one Daniel house who can barely use it! We can't even gather a complete backup guard team. How can this work? Also, although Devon Harris is not young, his experience and skills are not good Yes, he played with great toughness. I think we need such an old man to help us in the playoffs. "

That means we should change Zhou Qi.

Wang Fei shook his head and said, "Mr. Morey, if you place your hope on a 36 year old Harris, I don't think we will have any hope in the playoffs!"

His brain is also turning in a dramatic circle.

It doesn't seem very good for Zhou Qi to quarrel with Morey.

isn't it?

However, he really thinks Zhou Qi is playing well now. He needs to be in charge of the inside line of the Rockets now!

Wang Fei couldn't figure it out. In order to strengthen the so-called lineup, he replaced a tomorrow star and traded an old guard. Is it really good?

He's a little angry now.

Suddenly, he had a flash in his mind. Didn't Terrence Ferguson of the thunder say that the thunder were likely to fire him?

If Terrence Ferguson is really laid off, the Rockets can sign on the firing line.

Terrence Ferguson is a sophomore rookie. He is very young and reaches 2.01 meters tall. Such a defender has great development potential.

Morey was still very tough when he heard Wang Fei speak, and he was a little angry.

But even though he was a little angry at the moment, he still didn't dare to say too hard words to Wang Fei.

He doesn't want to get into a stalemate with Wang Fei.

Because Wang Fei is the hope of the rocket in the future!

The playoffs are coming soon. How far the playoffs can go depends on Wang Fei's play.

Morey underestimated Wang Fei's determination to protect Zhou Qi.

He had always believed that Chinese people were docile and obedient. He just needed to say hello to Wang Fei with a good attitude and say a few good words, and Wang Fei should agree with the team's decision.

In the past, Wang Fei really listened to the arrangement of the top management of the club.

But this time, it's really different.

"Wang, you are still young after all. Your overall view is still limited. Please believe the decision of the team management. Doing so will help our team!" Morey said.

Wang Fei suddenly asked Morey, "Mr. Morey, what do you think of Terrence Ferguson?"

"You're talking about the second year guard of the thunder?" Morey asked.

"Yes, that's him." Wang Fei nodded.

"He's very good. He should have more potential. Why do you suddenly talk about him?" Morey asked curiously.

Wang Fei said: "he may be cut by the thunder team."

"What? How do you know?" Murray asked in surprise.

"Because he just sent me a private letter telling me about it," Wang Fei said.

"Yes, you are friends. Right? But I don't understand why the thunder cut a fairly important player in their rotation team before the playoffs?" Morey said.

"Because Terence Ferguson did something sorry for the thunder," Wang Fei said.

"What's up? You're very well informed. Wang," said Morey.

"Because, he was fired because of me." Wang Fei told Morey that Terence Ferguson reminded himself of the thunder plot.

"It's despicable! I didn't expect that they would have such an arrangement. Wang, you must protect yourself in the future and don't have too fierce confrontation with them. The league has never been clean, especially in the playoffs. In order to win, many teams and players will use some inferior small moves. Many times, such small moves are impossible to prevent." Said Morey.

"Thank you! I'll try my best to protect myself. Mr. Morey, I hope you can confirm whether Terrence was really cut by the thunder. If it's true, I hope you can bring him to the Rockets. I think he can help us win the championship!" Wang Fei said.

"I'll confirm it. Besides, Wang, don't you really want Zhou Qi to be traded?" Morey said seriously.

"Yes! This is not only out of selfishness, but also, I really think that Zhou Qi's stay will play a great role for us! He will certainly become an important person in our championship puzzle!" Wang Fei said decisively.

"However, Wang, you should understand that the playoffs are very cruel and require everyone to make 200% efforts! Your physical strength is not enough to support you to play for too long, which requires us to find a stronger and experienced backcourt substitute! When you rest next, he can help us bite the score! I think Devon Harris should be able to do that." Said Morey.

It seems that Morey still wants to replace Devon Harris.

"Mr. Morey, please rest assured of my physical fitness. I think I should be able to play longer and play for about 40 minutes in each game." Wang Fei said slowly.

"What? You think you can play for about 40 minutes? My God! If so, it would be great," said Morey with surprise and joy.

All along, Wang Fei has little playing time.

He played a total of 58 games for the Rockets this season. The most one was about 30 minutes, and the rest was 24-5 minutes.

But unfortunately, the Rockets can still win.

It can only be said that Wang Fei's efficiency in just more than 20 minutes is really terrible.

"Yes! I don't think there's a problem playing 40 minutes per game!" Wang Fei nodded firmly.

As long as you can take drugs, it doesn't matter if you play all over the audience!

"It's just your own feeling? You've never tried that in a game." Morey is still a little worried.

Wang Fei smiled: "that's because I don't have a chance to try to play for so long! I only need to play for less than 30 minutes to end the game."

"That's right! Your scoring ability is really great. People used to say that Durant is an omnipotent scoring expert, but Durant is still a lot worse than you," Morey said.

"So, please be more patient with me! I will certainly surprise you!" Wang Fei said.

"Wang, you have given me too many surprises. Ha ha! Of course I have no doubt about what I said to you!" Morey said with a laugh.

"So, don't trade Zhou Qi. If it's convenient, bring Terrence Ferguson here, okay?" Wang Fei said.

"OK! I listen to you! As long as I can win the championship, I can obey you! Ha ha!" said Morey.

Morey has been the general manager of the Rockets for many years. Generally speaking, he is very effective in doing this job. He has done many transactions that are very beneficial to the Rockets. Among them, bringing harden to the Rockets is his most successful transaction.

However, although the Rockets have achieved good results over the years, they have not even reached the finals, let alone won the championship.

This is a big stone in Morey's heart.

After all, the general manager who can't help the team win the championship can't be regarded as a too successful general manager.

isn't it?

New owner Dilman feldita is also eager for the championship trophy, which puts great pressure on the rocket management.

Wang Feixin said, don't pretend to force at the moment, when?

He said in a very firm tone: "with Mr. Morey's words, I can tell you for sure that this year's championship must be the Rockets! Just wait and plan the celebration!"

"Ahaha! Your words make me very happy! Wang, I'm seriously discussing it with you! Since you think I only need to prepare for the celebration, I'll really do that!" said Morey.

Their conversation ended in a happy atmosphere.

Morey said goodbye and left.

When Wang Fei looked at the time, it was already early in the morning.

He hesitated and sent a wechat message to Zhou Qi: "Zhou Qi, don't worry, you'll stay in the team! Let's work together to attack the championship trophy!"

Then Wang Fei sent a private Facebook message back to Terrence Ferguson.

Just now he was thinking about how to return a message to Terrence Ferguson. Morey called. Up to now, he hasn't returned a message to Terrence Ferguson.

Wang Fei sent a private letter to Terrence Ferguson: "Terrence, I just talked to our general manager. He is full of interest in taking you to the Rockets. Maybe we can join hands in the playoffs."

Although the NBA written by the author is very similar to that in reality, it is YY after all. It can be regarded as a story of dimensional space. There are some plots different from the real NBA rules, just to facilitate the development of the plot. Therefore, please don't be too serious. Thank you for your understanding.

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