"What are you doing?" Wang Fei stopped and looked at Andrew Ferguson coldly.

"Damn bastard! I just want to teach you a lesson. When I kindly ask you to come to my party, you should give me a little respect!" Andrew Ferguson said angrily.

Wipe it!

Wang Fei thought it was really funny.

Why should I give you face?

Why do you have to go to your shit party?

What are you?

"Mr. Ferguson, you'd better put your gun away, otherwise you'll get into a lawsuit," Wang Fei said with a sneer.

"I'm not afraid! You damn yellow monkey, you have provoked me. You make me crazy! You know? In reality, yellow monkeys like you are low-level people. When you see me, you should be respectful! Instead of putting on airs with me! Now, I invite you again to come to my party. Would you like to? If you refuse again, I'll drill a hole in your head! I'll do what I say! "Said Andrew Ferguson.

Special, is this bastard crazy?

Wang Fei quietly purchased the single skill of mind Royal object three times.

"Fuck you! You white pig, sell your white supremacy in front of Lao Tzu! When my ancestors created a splendid civilization on the ancient land, your ancestors were still eating their hair and blood and living a chaotic and ignorant life like animals! If you have the courage, shoot me and I will make you regret that your mother gave birth to you!" Wang Fei snapped.

"Wang, what's the matter?" Eliza rushed to the balcony at this time.

When she saw Andrew pointing a pistol at Wang Fei, she screamed and stood in front of Wang Fei.

"Mr. Ferguson, please don't be impulsive, please calm down, will you? Please put down your grab," Eliza said to Andrew Ferguson.

"Ho ho!"

Andrew Ferguson laughed wildly.

He shook his head and his eyes were full of madness. He pointed a gun at Eliza and said, "chick, I've been greedy for you for a long time. Now you're naked. Dance to me and I'll spare you, otherwise you'll all die!"


Wang Fei was very angry.

At the same time, he was also very moved. He didn't expect that Eliza would stand in front of him?

The current situation is very critical.

Look at Andrew Ferguson, it should be that he took drugs and drank a lot of wine. Therefore, the goods are not clear now. He is crazy to the extreme.

Such a guy, that's quite dangerous.

He could really pull the trigger.

In that case, Eliza, who stands in front of Wang Fei, is very dangerous and may encounter life danger at any time.

Wang Fei grabbed Eliza's arm and said, "go away. It's none of your business here."

"No! Wang, I can't put you in any danger! I want to protect you!" said Eliza.

"You can't protect me. He has a gun in his hand," Wang Fei said.

"I'm not afraid! He won't shoot unless he wants to sit through the bottom of the prison!" said Eliza.

Wang Fei kept his eyes on Andrew Ferguson's hand.

He could see clearly that Andrew Ferguson's hand was firmly fastened to the gun, and the safety of the gun had been opened.

In other words, as long as Andrew Ferguson's fingers use a little force, the bullet will be fired.

After listening to Eliza's words, Wang Fei was very moved.

"Eliza, he's drunk, and he probably took drugs. He's a dangerous person now. Aren't you afraid he accidentally went off and hit you?" Wang Fei shook his head and said.

"I'm not afraid! Wang, I can die for you!" said Eliza.

This woman is really a little stupid

Life is so beautiful that no one has the obligation to die for others.

"Falk! Woman, take it off! I have little patience! Take it off, dance for me, and then come to my house with the boy to a party! Otherwise, you'll all die miserably tonight!" Andrew Ferguson said.

"OK! I, I take it off, just please, don't hurt Wang," Eliza said.

As she spoke, she was really ready to take off her clothes.

"Hahaha -"

Andrew Ferguson laughed wildly.

Wang Fei took advantage of this time. He used a skill of thinking and resisting things.

Andrew Ferguson's gun was slammed down.

Almost at the same time, Andrew Ferguson subconsciously tightened his finger on the trigger.


A sharp shot rang out.

Andrew Ferguson shot himself in the thigh.

There was blood on his thigh.

The shot hit the big artery in the leg.

Because the bullet jammed the artery, the blood flow was not too much.


Eliza screamed, too.

As soon as she was soft, she fell on Wang Fei.

Wang Fei reached out and held her.

"Wang, I may be dying. It's really a beautiful thing to die in your arms. I'm very satisfied," Eliza said.

Wang Fei can't laugh or cry.

"You didn't get shot at all," Wang Fei said to Eliza.

"What? Didn't the bullet hit me?" Eliza looked at herself, and there was no sign of being hit by the bullet.

"That bastard, he hit himself in the thigh." Wang Fei said with a smile.

"Oh! He's to blame," Eliza said contemptuously, glancing at Andrew Ferguson, who was squatting down and howling.

"Let's hide back in the house. We should call the police as soon as possible and let the police deal with the case." Wang Fei took Eliza's hand and returned to the house.

Wang Fei called the police.

Soon the police arrived.

Police broke into Andrew Ferguson's house.

I saw some meat worms doing something indescribable in the room.

Those people are obviously taking drugs, maintaining their animal instinct and venting their animal nature.

These guys didn't know that the male host had shot himself in the thigh, bleeding all over the ground and fell on the balcony on the second floor.

Naturally, all those guys were taken away.

Then the police came to Wang Fei's house.

"Wang, I'm really sorry that such a thing should have happened," the white police officer who led the team said to Wang Fei.

"It's nothing. I want to thank you for arriving in time. Otherwise, our lives may be threatened," Wang Fei said to the police officer.

"Can you tell us what happened?" asked the officer.

Wang Fei explained what had just happened.

The officer shook his head and said: "It's terrible. Andrew Ferguson has no criminal record before. He is an executive of an IT company. People say that he is kind and decent. How could he suddenly do such crazy things to you. Of course, he has committed a felony. Once we verify it, he will be severely punished by the law. I'm afraid you need to cooperate with the investigation."

"No problem. If I have time, I will cooperate with the investigation." Wang Fei nodded happily and agreed.

"Wang, play well. I don't want you to be affected by such a thing! I won't disturb you during the game. All of us are looking forward to you leading the Rockets to win this year's championship." the police officer said.

"Don't worry, I am a strong person in my heart. This matter can never affect me," Wang Fei said.

Seeing off the police officer, Wang Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

The damn neighbor won't quarrel in front of himself at last.

"Oh, my God! I was really scared just now," said Eliza, patting her heart.

Wang Fei took a look at the ripples in front of her, and his heart swung for a while.

"Ha ha! Everything is over. Eliza, I also want to thank you. You stood in front of me at such a dangerous moment." Wang Fei said.

"Because, in my heart, you are more important than me," Eliza said.

"Silly girl! Don't think so. At any time, protecting your safety is the most important. Go to bed. After all, it's late at night," Wang Fei said.

"Yes, can we?" Eliza looked at Wang Fei pitifully.

Her heart surged with excitement.

"No, really not." Wang Fei's heart beat for a while, but he refused.

"Oh! Good night, dear!" Eliza waved to Wang Fei in disappointment and walked towards her room.

The girl is really infatuated with herself.

Unfortunately, I have to fail her.

Wang Fei turned and went back to his room.

At this time, it was already more than one o'clock in the morning.

After such a toss, Wang Fei was also a little tired.

However, lying in bed, he was still a little tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

The main reason is that I was provoked by Eliza just now, and my blood surged a little.

It's still too young.

A little stimulation makes the blood boil.

Wang Fei narrowed his eyes and pretended to sleep for a long time, but he couldn't make himself fall asleep.

Finally, he simply did not force himself to sleep.

He turned on the lamp and picked up his cell phone.

He read Facebook for a while and opened his Baidu Post again.

At the moment, it is noon in China.

Wang Fei looked, good guy, the post bar is really lively. There are hundreds of thousands of new posts today. There are tens of thousands of main posts.

Among them, one post attracted Wang Fei's attention.

The theme of this post is like this: I'm a fan of CAI Shukun. I dare say that Wang Fei, who can only throw 3 points, can't even beat my kunkun!

Just Shh, who is Kun?

This is a newly famous little meat idol star.

This idol trainee made his debut and was criticized by domestic people for buying hot search and high-profile operation on microblog.

It is said that this person's most powerful microblog has been forwarded one billion times.

Send it out and forward it to tens of millions in a few minutes.

So as to create their own popularity and popularity.

Cai Shukun was wantonly spoofed in the mainstream public opinion, and even the official media once named him.

However, Cai Shukun was once employed by the NBA as China's image spokesman to show his basketball skills in TV advertisements. This gave birth to many expression packs.

The most famous is: I heard that someone is going to play basketball? Is there a shortage of people?

Wang Fei took a look at this post and said in his heart, is this a fishing post?

The so-called fishing post is to deliberately make some divisive remarks, and then attract netizens to reply, so as to achieve their own ulterior purpose.

This post has now become the hottest post. There have been millions of replies to the post, which shows how much wind and waves this post has set off in Wang Fei's post bar.

Wang Fei opened this post and read it.

The text of this post reads:

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