"Forget it, microblog companies are still losing money. It's not easy for them. Moreover, they are social media with great influence in China. I think they don't want so much money. The contract signing amount is 2 million," Wang Fei said.

"Wang, it's a lot of money to lose $500000 a year. It's just a business. Don't use your emotions too much," Eliza said.

"No, no, you don't know. This number is very bad in China. If it comes out, people will laugh at it. Just follow what I said." Wang Fei said without doubt.

"Well, Wang, I really don't understand why you should give back the money you can get." Eliza looked puzzled.

On the same day, Eliza and Xu Zhishan signed a new agreement.

Endorsement costs have also returned to 2 million per year.

Wang Fei also cooperatively opened the microblog.

After opening the microblog, Wang Fei sent such a microblog message: everyone, new arrivals, please take care of it.

The matching picture is a picture of yourself wearing a Jersey and sweating just after practice.

After posting such a microblog, Wang Fei stopped taking care of it and started training in the afternoon.

In the evening, when he got home and washed, Wang Fei lay in bed. Then he remembered that he had just registered his microblog.

Wang Fei thought, I don't know what's going on now.

Wang Fei picked up his mobile phone and opened the microblog.

When Wang Fei saw it, good guy, he sent a message. He just registered for a few hours. Now, his fans have reached more than 5 million.

Moreover, there are more than 20000 comments under his microblog. The number of comments is quite terrible.

Because even those big V who pay attention to tens of millions of fans send only one or two thousand microblog comments.

In this world, many people still eat melons.

At most, people who eat melons move a Mazar and sit down quietly to see the play instead of asking for participation.

Wang Fei's microblog information can reach more than 20000 comments, which is enough to show that his fans are quite active.

You know, Weibo big V actually has a lot of attention. Fans are zombie powder, that is, dead powder. There are many fans, but there are not many active ones.

Wang Fei opened the comment and looked at it.

He was immediately moved by the warm comments of his fans.

"Flying emperor, welcome to big Weibo!"

"Ha ha! I've been out of microblog for two years. I heard that you entered microblog. I immediately put down another microblog app, found my own number, and quickly came to support Feidi. Are you moved?"

"Feidi, you must send more information! I really like you."

"Come on, Feidi! I'm your iron powder and I'll be your loyal guard. Whoever dares to make trouble here, I'll cut him to death!"

"Feidi, you are my favorite star. You always inspire me. You let me understand that I can succeed as long as I don't abandon or give up!"

Of course, in addition to the warm comments of these fans, there are also some guys who come to make trouble.

These people come up and spray:

"Junk Wang Fei, what qualifications do you have to represent Chinese basketball? Won't you throw a three-point?"

"Disgusting, is it a shame that such a basketball player has been praised by you?"

However, so few posts that sprayed Wang Fei were soon drowned by the comments.

"Rubbish, Wang Fei can't represent Chinese basketball. Can you represent it?"

"Shameless bastard! Wang Fei's hair is ten thousand times more valuable than you!"

"Go back to your mother's stomach! You don't deserve to be a man! And you don't deserve to comment here!"

"Wang Fei has conquered the whole world with his own strength. He has become the strongest player in NBA history. He has become a legend and written his glory. What have you done? If you just came to scold, Congratulations, you did it."

"Boy, if your parents know you're here to pick a fight, they'll beat you to death, don't you know? You've called them too many names! Hurry up and press their coffin! Otherwise they'll climb out and take you away!"

Such maintenance is really warm.

Wang Fei smiled and sent another microblog: "Everyone's enthusiasm really surprised me. My God, I really didn't expect that in just a few hours, the number of fans has reached 5 million. This surprised me. Tomorrow night, the Rockets will usher in the second playoff against the Clippers. I hope you can give me more support! Let's impact more miracles together!"

After sending this microblog, Wang Fei refreshed it. He found that his microblog followers have increased by more than 300000 in such a short time.

Obviously, the number of his fans is still growing rapidly.

Wang Fei opened the home page of the microblog. He found that a banner ad was pulled on the home page: warmly welcome NBA superstar Wang Fei to the microblog! Pay close attention to him and interact with him!

For a long time, microblog has been promoting itself.

No wonder fans are growing so fast.

As it is now, it is estimated that it will not take long for his microblog to pay attention to more than 10 million fans.

Wang Fei turned off his microblog and opened Baidu Post Bar again.

At the first sight, he saw that there were many posts in his post bar, all about opening microblog.

"Brothers, Wang Fei's microblog has been opened. Let's go and watch!"

"Wang Fei opened his microblog for an hour and paid more attention to more than 2 million fans. It's really shocking."

"Within three hours after the first microblog of Feidi was published, the number of comments reached more than 20000, and the forwarding reached more than 500000 times. He directly rushed to the first place of microblog hot search!"

"Who is the best Chinese celebrity? It's the flying emperor, Lao Wang!"

"Brothers, if you don't register the microblog, download and register quickly! We Feidi is the first person in the world of basketball. He opened the microblog, and we all have to support him! Right? Strive to increase Feidi's microblog attention fans to more than 10 million as soon as possible!"

The post bar is very lively.

Of course, some post bar users expressed their concerns:

"Feidi has a microblog. Will he never post it and interact with us in the future?"

"Personally, it's still fun to play post bar. The microblog tear force is too strong. There are often some guys with ulterior motives to make trouble. There is really no post bar."

When Wang Fei saw these two posts, he thought for a moment and replied below: "please rest assured, I will often come to the post bar to interact with you!"

Wang Fei's reply was immediately seen by many netizens, and everyone began to reply to Wang Fei on this floor.

"Catch the flying emperor, touch him and take him away!"

"Squeeze, Feidi, they are women. I hope you won't squeeze them into pregnancy."

"Feidi, I knew you would never abandon our post bar! Let's Wang Fei bar. Now it's the largest Baidu Post Bar!"

"Feidi, people want to give their lives to you. Do you want it? People want to give you monkeys!"

"The foot pinching man upstairs, you are so disgusting. You can't have monkeys. You can only shit!"

The reply is very interesting.

Since ancient times, people have produced talents, and the comment area is even more interesting.

Wang Fei was laughing and watching. His cell phone suddenly rang.

Wang Fei took a look and the incoming phone number was a landline number.

He hesitated for a moment and got through.

"Is that Wang?" a rude and hoarse man's voice came from the microphone.

It is certain that Wang Fei does not know each other.

"Who are you? What can I do for you?" Wang Fei asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that if you don't cooperate with us, you will die!" the man said darkly.


Threaten me now?

"Hehe! Do you think I'm scared? Just scare a few words and I'll obey you? Do you think too much?" Wang Fei said coldly.

"Don't you believe it? Then I'll give you some color to see!" said the man.

As soon as the man's voice fell, Wang Fei heard a "bang".


The sound of something breaking came.


Eliza's frightened voice sounded outside the house.

Wang Fei took a look and found that the balcony glass facing his room had been broken.

Obviously, someone shot at the house from the outside.


Wang Fei was surprised.

This bad man is really rampant!

Temobi, shoot if you don't agree.

Wang flew out of the window and took a look. He saw a black car roaring away from the gate of the house he rented.

It can be concluded that the gunman was in the car. After the other party fired a shot, he accelerated and fled immediately.

"You hear me? Wang, you'd better be honest and obedient, or you may be killed at any time!" the man's ferocious and terrible words came from the microphone.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

There was a fierce knock outside the door.

Eliza's voice sounded outside the door: "Wang, what's the matter? God! It's so scary. It seems that someone is shooting at our house."

Wang Fei went to open the door and let Eliza in.

"It's all right, don't worry!" Wang Fei said with a smile to Eliza.

He asked to his cell phone, "who are you and what do you want to achieve?"

"Don't care who I am. I order you now. You must lose the second game against the Clippers! Otherwise, you will die! Also, don't call the police, it will make you more dangerous!" the man's ferocious voice sounded.

After saying this, the other party hung up the phone.

"Wang, what's the matter?" Eliza asked.

"Someone threatened me to lose the second game. Otherwise, they would kill me." Wang Fei shrugged and said.

"God! It's terrible. Who are they?" Eliza's face was filled with fear.

"I don't know who they are. We must call the police now!" Wang Fei said.

"God, how could this happen? I can't believe these people. Are they crazy?" Eliza shook her head with a bitter smile.

"They are crazy about money." Wang Fei smiled faintly.

It's absolutely false to say he's not afraid.

But now that the other party has found the door, he must face it calmly.

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