In short, Wang Fei's life-threatening news spread all over the world in an instant.

In this chaos, time came that night.

After dinner, Wang Fei went straight from home to Toyota Center.

He hasn't got his driver's license yet, and Eliza is still the driver for him.

Wang Fei saw through the window that a police car was guarding him.

The protective measures implemented by the police for him alone were quite strict.

At the parking lot in Toyota Center, Eliza parked her car.

She looked at Wang Fei affectionately and said, "honey, good luck tonight!"

"Thank you!" Wang Fei smiled and nodded at Eliza.

"If, I mean if, maybe, it's OK to lose a game to the clippers, isn't it? It can protect your life," Eliza said.

Wang Fei frowned and said, "no! Eliza, for those bad guys, the result of your compromise will make them advance an inch. They will want to control all your freedom and turn you into their cash cow. Therefore, I will win tonight's game anyway!"

Eliza sighed, "I hope the police can solve the case early."

No one can still feel relaxed under the threat of death.

In fact, Wang Fei is also under great pressure now.

Wang Fei got out of the car.

As soon as he got out of the car, he heard a sound of clicking the shutter.

A group of reporters scrambled around.

Wang Fei shrugged. These reporters are really all pervasive.

"Wang, can you talk about your current mood? Will you deliberately lose to the Clippers because of that death threat tonight?" a reporter asked loudly.

"Impossible! No one can make me give in! No difficulties can crush me! Those guys can threaten my life, but they must not make my will give in!" Wang Fei said decisively.

"Some people say that the Clippers did it. They hope to save some face by this way and win the next game at the home of the Rockets. Do you believe this?" another reporter asked.

Wang Fei shook his head: "I don't believe it! They have no reason to do that! Besides, it's a stupid move! There is no airtight wall in the world. The Clippers should understand that they can't bear the results after the east window incident!"

"Wang, you should know that there are many conspiracies that cannot be revealed. In this world, there will always be many people who will take risks for interests!" a reporter said loudly.

"Of course, of course I know! The police are working hard to solve the case. I believe they can certainly tell the public the truth," Wang Fei said.

As Wang Fei answered the reporters' questions, he quickly walked down the channel to the players' dressing room.

At this time, a lot of Rockets players have come to the dressing room.

However, the Clippers' bus came to the Toyota Central parking lot and stopped in the exclusive parking space of the visiting team. When their players and staff got off, many reporters surrounded them.

"Doug, do you think you can win back tonight?" a reporter asked loudly.

Doug rivers frowned. He closed his mouth and didn't answer.

Doug rivers naturally knows the rumors on the Internet.

He felt that for the clippers and himself, he should not be interviewed by reporters at this time because he said more and made more mistakes.

"Doug, some people say that you hired someone to threaten Wang Fei of the Rockets. Is that so? Excuse me, are you very nervous now? Are you worried that the police will find out the truth, so you will be held accountable?" Doug rivers welcomed many sharp questions even if he didn't speak.

The above question almost made Doug rivers spit out a mouthful of old blood.

This problem is also a little shameless. It directly fastened the big hat of hiring people to threaten Wang Fei's life and safety on Doug rivers and the Clippers.

Doug rivers looked at the reporter with a livid face and said, "this is slander! I reserve the right to sue you! Although we lost!

This is the Toyota Center. This is the home of the Rockets. This bastard threatened Wang Fei. How can Wang Fei make him feel better?

After the warm-up, we returned to the dressing room for a short rest, and the Rockets returned to the field to prepare for the game.


At this time, a prompt sound sounded in Wang Fei's mind.

"Dear host, I'd like to tell you an unfortunate news. Due to the upgrading of the system mall, you can't use any system mall items in today's game. You can only rely on your real ability to play this game. Good luck! In addition, your main task of this game has been issued: you should get no less than 40 points and send no less than 15 times in this game Assist, grab no less than 10 rebounds, no less than 5 steals and no less than 3 blocks! Moreover, lead the Rockets to win! "The soft female voice of the system sounded.

Wang Fei was a little frightened.

what? Sports king system mall has to be upgraded? Then you can't take drugs?

It's a little dangerous for your physical fitness.

Moreover, the task requirements of this game are not low! 40 points, 15 assists, 10 rebounds, 5 steals and 3 blocks, which is a very versatile performance.

What worries Wang Fei most is that it's not so easy to lead the Rockets to victory when his physical fitness can't be guaranteed?

It's really a little big!

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