Tonight's game is broadcast live by ESPN.

The host is Max Keller, and the two commentators are Buckley and McGrady.

On the eve of the game, when he got the news that Wang Fei could not play, Max Keller smiled at Buckley and asked, "Charles, I don't know how you feel after hearing this news?"

Barkley smiled and said, "I'm sorry! Seriously, Wang's performance was very good! Especially in the first game against the clippers, he even got a record playoff score of 101 points. Who can think of it? He is a historical scorer. No one can compare his offensive ability with him. Even Chamberlain can't!"

"Ha ha! Is it just a pity? You and McGrady still have a bet. If Wang can lead the Rockets to win the western conference championship, you will kiss McGrady's ass." Max Keller laughed.

Buckley shrugged and said, "of course I didn't forget, but I think judging by the current situation, I seem to win. Tracy, what do you think?"

Buckley looked at McGrady.

"That's not necessarily," McGrady said, raising his eyebrows.

"Ha ha! Do you still think Wang can continue to play? He may have been abandoned," Barkley laughed.

"No! I don't think so. I think Wang can definitely play again. Even if he can't play tonight, maybe he will continue to play tomorrow night! He is a fighter and a hero. He will never give in!" McGrady said.

"I hope so. But according to some grapevine news, I think Wang's situation is not very optimistic. His recovery is very slow. He is very weak. He has completely lost his antagonism. Such a king can't adapt to the intensity of the NBA!" Barkley said.

"But maybe he can recover in two days. Hasn't there been a similar situation before?" McGrady said.

In fact, McGrady was also very upset.

"In fact, injuries are normal for NBA players. Wang is still good. Although he was judged as a glass man by most experts as soon as he entered the NBA, he is very efficient this season and his attendance rate is not low. In addition, Wang's shooting percentage is very high. It's good for him to be only a pitcher, so he doesn't need to spend too much money at all Physical fitness. So, I think as long as Wang wants to play, he can still make a great contribution to the Rockets, "said Max Keller.

"That's right! Max, you're very rational! What I suspect now is that Wang is making trouble with the Rockets. Maybe he's just passive resistance. He doesn't want to play for the Rockets anymore," McGrady said.


Buckley raised a finger to his mouth and said: "Don't say that. No one will make a decision not to play in order to resist the team! That idea is a bit strange. Because if a professional athlete, he must talk about professional ethics and pursue supreme honor. Don't wang want to win the first playoff of the rookie season? Therefore, he must be out of action because of his health A big situation. "

When the three talked here, the game had already begun.

After all, this is the home of the clippers, and most of the fans are still on the side of the Clippers.

Every attack of the Clippers will be cheered and cheered.

The Rockets were booed.

Chris Paul starts the game tonight.

He really wants to win tonight's game and prove that he is still strong.

Therefore, Chris Paul played very actively and actively. He kept running, shouting and directing his teammates to run.

Throughout the first quarter, the Rockets were the first guest, leading the score all the time.

However, in the second quarter, the Clippers finally found a feeling. They attacked like a tide and disintegrated the advantage of the Rockets in half a quarter. Since then, the Clippers took the lead all the way.

The Rockets never caught up with the Clippers again.

102:115, the Clippers won the Rockets by 13 points.

The game is over.

The Clippers celebrated wantonly on the court.

Lu Wei was very happy. He hugged and clapped high five with all his teammates and laughed loudly.

He played very well tonight.

Although he was still a substitute, he got 33 points, 7 rebounds and 9 assists.

He became the greatest contributor to defeating the Rockets.

The Rockets left the field in a hurry and returned to the dressing room.

When they lost the game, they felt that there was no light on their face.

Wang Fei did not attend the post game press conference.

However, the main issues at the press conference were almost all raised around Wang Fei.

Because the next away game against the Clippers will be held in two days, traveling back and forth is not very good for the players, so the Rockets directly stayed in Los Angeles.

The next time, for Wang Fei is still a kind of suffering.

He hardly practiced with the team and rarely appeared in public.

He stayed in his room, played games and looked at the mall of sports King app.

To his disappointment, the mall never opened.

Over the past two days, Wang Fei's parents, Liu Meijuan, National Men's basketball coach Li Nan and even chairman Yao Ming of the Chinese Basketball Association have called Wang Fei.

Wang Fei just comforted them. It was no big deal that his body didn't adjust well, so he decided to take a break or two. It won't have much impact on the whole series.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was the morning of the 21st.

Wang Fei was playing games in his room when there was a knock on the door outside.

Wang Fei got up to open the door. He saw rocket owner Dilman fieldita, general manager Morey and rocket team doctor standing at the door.

"Hello, Mr. fertita, Hello, Mr. Morey!" Wang Fei let these people into the room.

"Ha ha! Wang, nothing. We just came to see you." Dilman feltita looked at Wang Fei and said ha ha.

"Thank you for your concern." Wang Fei smiled.

"Wang, are you feeling all right now?" Morey asked.

Wang Fei knew that these people came to persuade him to play the fourth game with the Clippers.

After all, the fourth war is very important.

If the Rockets win the game, they will win the match point of the first series. Returning to home may end the series and advance to the Western semi-finals.

But what if we lose the fourth war?

The two teams drew and everyone returned to the same starting line.

Of course, the Rockets still have home advantage, but the Clippers catch up from behind and have a momentum. It's definitely not a good thing for the Rockets.

"I still don't feel very good," Wang Fei said.

"Wang, you don't have any injuries now. You are in good health," the team doctor interrupted at this time.

The team doctor declared himself healthy, which is the first step to force himself to play again.

"Hewitt, you gave Wang a comprehensive examination. Do you think Wang can play in the fourth game?" Dilman fieldita looked at the team doctor.

This is obviously playing the double reed.

"He should be able to play. Wang doesn't feel very well all the time, perhaps because he has a psychological disorder," said the team doctor.

"Wang, I know it's definitely a difficult time for you. All of us want to help you and rebuild your confidence. I think you'd better play for a while in the fourth game, even if you only play symbolically for a while, which is a great encouragement to our whole team. Fans all over the world are waiting for you!" Said Morey with a smile.

They are talking inside and outside. They want to force Wang Fei to play again.

Wang Fei himself has actually evaluated his own situation.

He is like this now. Although he doesn't have the help of the system mall, he has King Kong's not bad legs. He has the S-level skill of taking things from space.

Maybe he's just a pitcher and can play for a while.

However, it's really hard to say how long you can play.

If he overdraw his body excessively, Wang Fei was worried about leaving more sequelae for himself.

He doesn't want to overdraft his career.

Wang Fei smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Morey, I really don't feel very good. I think I'd better rest for another game and come back when I get back to the home court, OK?"

Dilman fieldita frowned.

He felt that Wang Fei was deliberately passive and lazy now.

It's a little embarrassing to come and ask for it in person and refuse to go to war, isn't it?

"Wang, we are really in danger now. We can't lose both away games. In that case, it will make us very passive," said Dilman fieldita.

"I know, of course I know that. But, Mr. fieldita, don't you worry that my hasty return will cause more and more serious injuries to my body? It's not worth the loss for the Rockets," Wang Fei said.

"However, the team doctor has said that you don't have any injuries. You are very healthy. Maybe it's just your psychological disorder that leads to your fear. Wang, you should overcome your fear. You are a hero. Many Houston citizens think you are their hero. You can't let them down?" Dilman fieldita said.

Wang Fei was a little overwhelmed.

It seems that Dilman fieldita will not stop until he reaches his goal.

Wang Fei took a deep breath. He looked at Dilman fieldita and said: "Mr. feldita, I have no psychological disorder. My physical trauma is internal. My physical overdraft is very serious. Now I can barely recover. However, I know that if I forcibly return, it will cause a vicious circle. My plan is like this. I will rest all the two away games against the clippers, and then return to the home game, After my comeback, I will pay attention to the more reasonable distribution of physical fitness. Because I have now understood a truth, that is, it should be difficult to win this year's championship due to the unreasonable distribution of physical fitness. Mr. fieldita, please understand my idea! Like you, I am very eager to win the NBA championship! This honor attracts me very much! "

Dilman fieldita heard what Wang Fei said. He snorted coldly, turned and walked out.

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