In short, the players from both sides rushed together and began to argue about the theory.

Finally, the referee went to look at what happened when Patty mills defended Wang Fei.

The results showed that when Patty mills defended Wang Fei, they didn't have much physical entanglement.

Wang Fei didn't make any small moves.

The only time the two sides entangled, mills threw Wang Fei in his arms. Wang Fei fought back and gave mills an elbow.

However, the entanglement in this case, no matter how it is said, is mutual, which can not explain what excessive things Wang Fei did to mills.

The video just played out on the big screen.

The Spurs were silent.

They stopped pestering.

Popovich, standing on the sideline, sighed sadly.

Patty mills is his student. Mills has been with the Spurs for more than seven years and won the championship with the team.

In Popovich's impression, mills has always been a very obedient player.

He's not a prick.

He has a good relationship with everyone in the team.

He works hard and does whatever the coach asks.

This is a model player!

Unfortunately, he died on the field today.

It's really sad.

But what's the use of being sad when people are dead? I can only dry my tears and continue the game.

Popovich called a pause.

This team has just had such a sad event. I'm afraid it won't work if we don't calm the players.

So, you have to call a pause and steady.

Spurs players are back on the court.

Everyone was silent.

Everyone's face was full of grief.

Just now, their good brother died.

It's really unacceptable to die in front of all of them.

Popovich looked serious. He looked at the players in front of him one by one.

Then he sighed and said: "Gentlemen! I know that each of you is very sad, and my heart is actually very uncomfortable! I have deep feelings for Patty. He is a good boy. He implements my tactical arrangement thoroughly! Even if the opponent is so strong, he has never flinched! However, such an excellent and great player, he has left us forever."

"However, the game is not over! More than 20000 spectators in the stands are still waiting for us! Countless fans all over the world are also waiting for us to continue the game!"

"At this time, we should turn grief into strength! We should rise up in despair! We have no choice but to try our best to play this game! If we can dedicate a victory to Patty, I think this is the best memorial to him!"

"Let's put the sadness behind us first! We should cheer up! Continue the game! Come on! Our blood can't cool down! As long as we live, we must work hard to defend our honor!"

Popovich's tone is impassioned. He is encouraging the morale of the Spurs players.

Aldrich said first: "Gentlemen, people can't come back from death. Patty's death is unacceptable to everyone! He is our good brother! He wants to win! He wants the team to move forward! That's why he runs so hard and tries to limit the king! I think Patty will hope his brothers will win for him if there is spirit in heaven! So, let's continue to work hard ! nothing else, just for Patty! "

"Yes! For Patty! We fought!"

"We need a victory to pay tribute to our dead brothers! We are not cowards, we can't give up!"

The mood of the Spurs players was aroused again.

They roared excitedly.

Rockets side.

Everyone's mood is not much better.

After all, a living life disappears in front of us, which is something that makes people sigh and sigh.

We are all players. Although we play for different teams, we also have the same spirit.

D'Antoni sighed and said, "I'm sorry that this happened tonight. There has never been a sudden death of a player on the field before! This is the first time today! It's a pity."

"But what I want to say is that the death of Mr. Patty mills has nothing to do with us, and we don't have to feel guilty about it! This is the NBA, this is a cruel game! All of us participate in this series for one goal, that is, we need to sprint towards the Championship! We need to win this game tonight! We can't be responsible for our opponents What mercy! "

"Gentlemen, come on! The dead are gone, and we need to continue our efforts for our own future!"

De Antony said, glanced at Wang Fei and said, "Wang, I know you're not in a good mood at the moment. Why don't you have a rest."

Wang Fei is really in a bad mood at the moment.

Patty's death had a big impact on him.

A living man suddenly died in front of him, and he watched his life drain from his body.

It's really hard to accept.

Wang Fei saw someone die in front of him for the first time.

Although Patty mills didn't die because of him, he felt he had a little responsibility.

Therefore, Wang Fei's mood is a little low at the moment.

Hearing what de Antony said, Wang Fei raised his head.

He took a deep breath and said, "Mr. de Anthony, I'm going to continue the game! I'm fine!"

The task is not finished yet.

Moreover, Wang Fei doesn't want to sit on the sideline and rest with psychological burden.

He thinks he should keep playing!

Should use wonderful performance to eliminate their own inner shadow!

"Really? But you seem a little depressed to me," said d'antony.

"I'm fine now," Wang Fei said with a smile.

"Yes! You should cheer up. Patty's death has nothing to do with you, and you don't have to feel guilty about it! This is the game. He is performing his duties, and you are also performing your duties. You are in charge of your own affairs, and none of you is wrong. Patty's death can only be said to be an accident. He may want to prevent you too much, resulting in his excessive physical exertion. Of course, it may also be because He had some hidden diseases. During the high-intensity competition on the field, the disease was triggered, "de Anthony patted Wang Fei on the shoulder.

Wang Fei actually thinks so.

The main reason for his depression is that Patty's death in front of him makes him feel the fragility and impermanence of life.

D'antony's persuasion made him figure it out slowly.

Wang Fei smiled and said, "I've completely figured it out now."

"That's good! Don't have any psychological burden! Come on, boy! You're creating your own history! You've become a legend in the NBA! This season, you're destined to create many immortal records! Fans will still talk about it many years later!" de Anthony said.

Wang Fei was talking to de Anthony. He heard a woman's voice nearby: "you damn chinese! You are a murderer! You will feel guilty for the death of spurs No. 8 all your life! This sense of guilt will punish you! Let you exhaust your genius!"

Wang Fei was stunned.

He turned his head and looked over.

But I saw the white woman who had just accosted me stand up from her seat and try to walk in front of her.

Of course, she was blocked by the security guard on the sidelines.

So the woman yelled loudly.

Wang Fei frowned.

Is this woman crazy?

Just now I tried to seduce myself, and then I began to make unwarranted accusations against myself in a twinkling of an eye.

However, Wang Fei knew that he could not conflict with each other.

The NBA stipulates that if a player conflicts with the spectators, the player will be severely punished.

This punishment even includes a ban!

"Ignore her," d'antony said faintly.

"Who is she?" Wang Fei asked.

"It's a third rate little star. What's her name? I forgot her specific name. These stars are very rubbish. They are very mean. They rub the heat and traffic desperately in order to keep themselves hot by the media!" de Anthony said contemptuously.

"I feel that her companion looks familiar to me," Wang Fei said.

Wang Fei saw that the companion of the woman who accused her also stood up from the chair. She used to persuade her friend to go back to her seat.

"She? She's a real big star, ha ha! Wang, don't you even know her?" de Anthony smiled.

"I really don't know," Wang Fei said.

"Her name is Taylor Swift. She is a talented singer. She has been famous for a long time. She has become famous all over the United States in less than 20 years. It seems that you Chinese also have many fans of her." de Anthony said.

Wang Fei was a little surprised when he landed.

Taylor Swift he still knows and has seen some pictures of her.

Well, he has also heard her songs.

Because, for a while, listening to English songs seemed to be a fashion in Yuzhou University.

"It's her!" Wang Fei nodded.

However, he said in his heart, isn't this Taylor a die hard fan of the Lakers? How did you get to the Houston Rockets' home to watch the ball?

However, Wang Fei turned to think and understood.

The Lakers didn't make the playoffs this year.

Taylor Swift, a woman, seems to really like basketball. She has a good relationship with many NBA stars.

It is said that LeBron James is her fan.

Maybe she was attracted by herself.

The pause is over.

The game continues.

Because of Patty's unfortunate sudden death on the pitch, tonight's game stopped for more than half an hour.

Wang Fei stepped onto the court.

Zhou Qi, Gary Clark and others followed him.

Wang Fei looked at the lineup of the Spurs.

He found that the Spurs also maintained the lineup just now.

However, Patty certainly can't be here. Patty mills was replaced by No. 4 Derek white.

Derek white is a rookie in 2017, and the 19th place in the first round was selected by the Spurs.

Now, he is gradually playing out. This season, Derek white can average 15.1 points, 3 rebounds and 3 assists.

This data is already quite good.

Wang Fei also noticed that every spurs player had a solemn and stirring look on his face.

This is a mourner. Wang Feixin said that he should be cautious anyway.

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