"OK, I'm glad to learn from you. It doesn't matter whether you make money or not." Wang Fei said.

Hung up.

Eliza, who was cleaning, came over.

"Wang, are you going out?" Eliza asked.

"Yes, I'm going out to have a chat with Dilman fieldita, an old man, and see what he means," Wang Fei said.

Wang Fei said as he looked at Eliza.

The girl is now dressed in a maid's dress and a big apron. She really does housework in a regular way.

Think about it now, there is only Eliza around Wang Fei.

She is also an agent, a mother and a part-time driver.

Wang Fei is really a little sorry that he works for several people and doesn't get a high salary. He is still so hardworking.

In fact, when Wang Fei came to this class, he could hire his own team like LeBron James, hire two bodyguards, hire a full-time driver, and engage in personal medical consultants, trainers and nutritionists. That was a team.

And Wang Fei, he hasn't even had a bodyguard when he goes out so far.

"Eliza, do you feel wronged following me?" Wang Fei asked.

"What's wrong? It's my honor to work for you. Thinking about the days before, I think I'm very lucky. Wang, you let me live a full life. I'm really satisfied with my current life," Eliza said.

"Don't you think I gave you too many jobs but didn't raise your salary?" Wang Fei said.

Eliza still has a basic salary of $15000.

Of course, she acts as an agent for Wang Fei. If the cooperation is negotiated, she will get a bonus.

Eliza's agent usually draws about 3% of a single contract. She also got a $12 million bonus. But that's what she deserves.

After all, Eliza also won a lot of interests for Wang Fei.

"Wang, I've made a lot of money. Up to now, in less than a year, I've got more than $1.5 million from my agent. This is all the opportunity you gave me," Eliza said.

Wang Fei nodded.

It's not easy to meet such a high-quality employee.

"Come on, you can actually get more," Wang Fei said.

"I will! Wang, aren't you going to see Dilman now? Should you leave?" Eliza said.

"Well, clean up and see what kind of business Mr. fieldita wants to cooperate with me," Wang Fei said.

They cleaned up and set off.

When I arrived at the rocket base, it was more than 10 a.m.

After parking the car, Wang Fei took Eliza straight to Dilman's office.

At the door, Wang Fei knocked gently.


The door opened.

Dilman stood at the door with a red face, a smile on his face and said in high spirits, "Aha! Wang, I said I would pick you up downstairs. I didn't expect you to arrive."

"You're welcome, Mr. Dilman. How can I ask you to pick me up? You look great today," Wang Fei said.

"Thank you! Because I'm excited to see you! Child, you are now the source of my happiness! Come in quickly!" Dilman quickly let Wang Fei and Eliza sit down on the sofa in the office.

Naturally someone came and offered coffee.

After a few greetings, Dilman fieldita smiled and said: "Wang, let's talk about cooperation! You know, I started in the catering and hotel industry. Now, there are chain restaurants and hotels under my name everywhere in the United States! As for me, I want to cooperate with you to build a Chinese fast food brand. The brand name is your name. Then, I have to use your image, just like McDonald's. If after many years, we can It's big enough. I also hope that the Chinese fast food chain named after you can grow into a world-class catering giant! As long as you agree, this cooperative subsidiary doesn't need you to invest a sub company, you can own 20% of the shares, and pay dividends according to shares at the end of the year. Do you think so? If you promise, our first store can open within a month, I plan to open at least 10 branches this year, covering the whole downtown Houston! With your reputation as the support, as long as we make the classic Chinese fast food categories, the business will not be too bad! "

Wang Fei watched the old man as Dilman fieldita spoke.

He wanted to see whether Dilman was fooling himself or really wanted to partner with him and use his fame to set up such a Chinese fast food chain.

He found that Dilman fieldita was very serious when he said these words, his face was very excited, dancing and excited.

Look, the old man really wants to make things happen.

If you can really build a Chinese fast food chain in your own name, Wang Fei thinks you can still make money?

After all, I am now at the height of the sun, with many fans and strong appeal.

In fact, Chinese fast food can be done very well.

Foreign fast food, that is, fried chicken, hamburger, French fries, coke and so on.

But in Chinese catering, there are also food types that can be operated in a pattern, such as steamed stuffed buns, fried dough sticks, baked cakes, pancakes, fruit, rougamo and so on. Drinks like cola are sold as usual, and all kinds of fragrant and sweet brewing milk tea and fruit juice drinks should also be popular, right?

Let alone dumplings, noodles, wonton and other choices.

The most critical point is that American labor is too expensive. If it is produced on site, it needs to hire too many people. It is still necessary to process the main food varieties in large quantities in the factory. After appropriate and simple treatment in the store, they can be sent to the diners.

Wang Fei thought a lot.

In fact, the food Wang Fei thought of is available in Chinese restaurants.

But if we can really use the business model of foreign fast food such as McDonald's and KFC to build a Chinese fast food chain, should it be much more competitive than ordinary Chinese restaurants?

Wang Fei doesn't want to rely on his own fame to attract customers like other celebrities who open restaurants. Then the price is set to be too expensive. It's not too delicious. Customers will never come again after eating once.

In that case, don't want to develop into a world-class fast food chain!

If you want to be bigger and win the favor of customers, you still need to have some affinity for pricing and cultivate more and more old customers, so as to become a climate.

Wang Fei told Dilman what he thought when Dilman fieldita finished talking.

Dilman was excited at the moment.

"Wang, I didn't expect you to have such an idea in business! You're very right! I fully accept it! I think we are bound to succeed!" Dilman fieldita said.

Speaking of this, their conversation was quite harmonious.

Wang Fei coughed a little and said, "Mr. fieldita, if we really cooperate, I think we should sign an agreement."

"Of course! Wang, if you like, I'll have someone draft a cooperation agreement right away. After we sign the agreement, we can immediately invest in the preparation of a new Chinese fast food chain," Dilman said.

He's happy, too.

As long as Wang Fei is willing to do business with him, is Wang Fei almost locked on his chariot?

That's his purpose.

He has great ambition.

He wants the Rockets to build a dynasty or Empire like the Lakers and Celtics in the past.

Not much. As long as the Rockets can win three consecutive titles, a great dynasty will be established!

With Wang Fei's ability now, the Rockets may win more NBA championships.

Five consecutive titles?

6 consecutive titles?

Anything is possible!

In NBA history, the Celtics have won the most Championships. They have a total of 17 championship trophies!

The second is the Lakers, who have 16 NBA championships.

The Celtics are the team that has won the most consecutive titles in NBA history. They won the NBA championship for eight consecutive years from 1959 to 1966.

This is unprecedented.

Since the Celtics, the strength of NBA teams has gradually become balanced.

Now, not to mention eight consecutive titles, even three consecutive titles are very rare.

The winner of three consecutive titles so far, in addition to the Celtics in Russell's period, only Jordan's bull Dynasty has won three consecutive titles twice, followed by the Lakers' three consecutive titles in OK combination.

There are only two championships in the history of the Rockets. They were won under the leadership of Olajuwon, which happened to be completed during Jordan's retirement.

If Jordan doesn't retire, the Rockets' two championship trophies may not be won at all.

Dilman feltita hopes the Rockets will become one of the greatest teams in NBA history under his administration.

It is for this reason that he is now trying to make up for his mistakes and trying to keep Wang Fei.

"I'll leave it to my agent, Miss prince," Wang Fei said with a smile.

"OK, Wang, you don't have to worry about anything else. You just need to play well now," Dilman prince said.

After talking about cooperation, both of them were in a very happy mood.

At noon, they had lunch together.

The next day, the Rockets set out from Houston to San Antonio.

San Antonio, located in Texas, is the second largest city in Texas.

The largest city is Houston.

San Antonio has a population of less than 2 million, mostly Hispanic.

If the Spurs were not located in the city, it is estimated that many Chinese people would not know it.

From this point, the Spurs is a symbol of the city of San Antonio.

The plane landed at San Antonio Airport.

As soon as the Rockets came out of the airport, they saw that the hall was crowded with people. Wang Fei thought he was welcoming his fans. Unexpectedly, he soon saw these people holding protest signs.

When they saw the Rockets coming out, they all roared and protested loudly.


"Damn little Chinese, get back to your own country!"

"The Rockets are not welcome here! You are all murderers!"

"I must apologize! You killed Patty!"

If the police hadn't maintained order, these protesters might have surrounded the rocket team in the middle and might attack the rocket team members.


Wang Fei is very depressed.

Unfortunately, it has happened. No one wants such a thing to happen on the pitch, right?

How did you and the Rockets become murderers?

Isn't that funny?

Anyway, San Antonio is not very friendly today. Wang Fei thinks there will be more twists and turns in tonight's away game.

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