Talking about this problem with a woman you don't know very well really makes people blush.

"Wang, you are a loving and righteous boy. I have noticed you for a long time. You don't have that chaotic relationship. It's really rare for a man like you," Taylor Swift said.

"Thank you!" Wang Fei smiled and thanked.

"That's why I pay special attention to you," Taylor said.

"Thank you for your attention, Miss swift," said Wang Fei.

"I won't give up. If you are lovelorn one day, welcome to me," Taylor said.


Wang Fei didn't know how to answer.

Is this looking forward to your lovelorn?

However, Wang Fei was also moved by Taylor's words.

But seriously, Wang Fei doesn't think Taylor is the seed of infatuation.

Just look at her speed of changing boyfriends over the years.

"I think I won't be lovelorn," Wang Fei said.

"I can wait, keep waiting. Maybe one day, we can have a love," Taylor said with a smile.

Wang Fei shook his head.

Life is short.

A dazzling Kung Fu makes a man old.

"Miss swift, I think love is not the most important thing. Maybe we just need a partner who understands ourselves and can support each other," Wang Fei said.

"No, no! For me, love is the most important. Without love, it's like no air," Taylor said.

Wang Fei rolled his eyes.

He thought it inappropriate for Taylor to say that.

It's normal for a young man of ten or twenty to say so.

But Taylor is now 30 years old!

After so many love breaks, I don't know that the so-called love is just a natural impulse.

Taylor stayed in Wang Fei's room for about an hour before she left.

When she left, she was a little disappointed and confused.

Taylor felt unfortunate.

Clearly met a loved one, but he had summoned up the courage to take the initiative to confess, but he was politely and cruelly rejected.

What a shame!

Wang Fei sent Taylor out.

To his surprise, a man suddenly rushed out, pressed the shutter one after another, and then turned and ran away.

what the hell!

Was secretly photographed

Wang Feixin said that it is estimated that he will be made up of a big gossip again.

"Quick news! Wang and Taylor are dating. They share a room for more than an hour!"

Wang Fei even thought of the headlines of gossip news.

Wang Fei shrugged, took Taylor to the elevator and watched her enter the elevator and go downstairs.

As soon as he looked back, he saw Gary Clark standing behind him with a smile.

"Isn't it great, Wang?" asked Gary Clark with a wink.

"Don't guess. Nothing happened to us. We just talked, that's all." Wang Fei said reluctantly.

"Haha! I don't believe it. You just talked for more than an hour," said Gary Clark.

"You don't believe it, but it's true," Wang Fei said.

Wang Fei looked at the time and found that it was almost 11 a.m.

In other words, it's time to go to Popovich's appointment.

Wang Fei returned to his room. He changed into a more formal dress and went downstairs.

On the first floor, Wang Fei met Molly fieldita.

"Hi, Wang, are you going out?" Molly asked.

"Yes," said Wang Fei.

"Going on a date? What kind of girl is she? I heard you just had an appointment with Taylor. Are you going to have another girl soon?" Molly tilted her head.

Wang Fei rubbed his nose depressed.

Unexpectedly, Taylor spent more than an hour in his room. It has spread. It seems that many people know it.

"No, no! I didn't date Taylor. We just talked. We're just ordinary friends. Don't talk nonsense," Wang Fei said.

"Giggle! Justin once said he and Taylor were just ordinary friends, but in fact, they have done everything. Wang, Taylor is not a strong girl. Maybe you should try me," Molly said.

Wang Fei was dizzy!

You volunteered?

Can you try that kind of thing?

No wonder the Yankees have a lot of unmarried girl mothers.

All these women are pregnant and have children.

"Stop it, miss fieldita. Goodbye!" Wang Fei waved his hand and said, unwilling to talk to molido again.

"Hee hee! Then tell me, who is your date? If you don't tell me, I'll go with you," said Molly fieldita.

Wang Fei shook his head and said, "I'm going to have lunch with Popovich."

If you don't tell the truth to the girl, she's really going to stick to it.

"Oh! Is it Mr. Popovich, the head coach of the Spurs?" Molly was very surprised.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Wang Fei asked.

"God! How could you go to dinner with him? It's really surprising," Molly said.

"Ha ha! Because Bobo and I hate to meet late. We have the same temper. I think maybe we can become good friends. Time is running out, miss fertita. Bye!" Wang Fei said and was about to turn around and leave.

"May I come with you?" Molly said after two steps.

Want to follow yourself to the appointment?

Wang Fei wouldn't take her as an attendant.

"No, just stay in the hotel." Wang Fei said, waved and walked out of the hotel.

Wang Fei took a taxi and went straight to the appointed hotel.

Molly watched Wang Fei leave thoughtfully. She frowned slightly.

"Wang went to see Popovich at this time. I have to tell Grandpa the news," Molly said to herself.

Molly fieldita went straight upstairs to Dilman fieldita's room.

She didn't knock. She tried to twist the door in.

But the door was locked.

"Dong Dong!"

Molly couldn't help it either. She knocked at the door.


Dilman's voice sounded in the door.

"Grandpa, it's me, Molly. Why did you lock your door?" Molly asked strangely.

"Cough! Molly, what can I do for you?" Dilman asked in an unnatural tone.

"Of course, I have something important. Grandpa, will you open the door?" Molly knocked hard at the door again.

Only Molly dared to be so presumptuous in front of Dilman fieldita.

"Cough! Molly, come back later, OK? Grandpa has a very important thing that needs to be done quickly now," Dilman said.


Molly rolled her eyes and said, "Grandpa, I know there must be a woman in your room! Open the door! What I want to tell you is really very important! If you don't open the door for me, maybe you will regret it!"

Said Molly.

There was a rustle in the room.

It was a while before the door was opened.

Molly could smell that his grandfather had a large perfume on his body.

"What's up?" Dilman asked.

"Grandpa, I just met Wang downstairs. He said he was going to have lunch with Popovich," Molly said.


Dilman was immediately surprised.

His face changed.

"Wang is going to have lunch with Popovich, and Wang also said that he and Popovich are good friends," Molly said.

"God! How could this happen? Why didn't Morey and D'Antoni tell me about it?" Dilman's face became ugly.

Because now is really a sensitive moment.

What does Wang Fei and Popovich mean by having dinner together at this time?

Does he want to go to the Spurs next season?

"Grandpa, I think it's just a casual meal between friends. Shouldn't it be a very serious problem?" Molly said.

"I know about it, Molly. Go ahead! I'll have Murray and d'antony come to my room," Dilman said.

"Grandpa, I don't think you need to pay such attention at all. I don't think Wang will think of the Spurs. After all, the Spurs have been playing team basketball. If Wang goes, his data will definitely decline sharply. Moreover, the Spurs boss is also very stingy and can't give Wang a big contract. In addition, San Antonio is only a small city. Wang went there and gave him a big contract The commercial value will also be greatly reduced! "Molly analyzed.

"No! We must pay attention to Wang's abnormal performance! Because we must not lose Wang!" Dilman said.

Molly shrugged and turned away.

Dilman just entered the house.

A hot young woman came out of the bathroom of his room.

The woman came to Dilman step by step and said in a charming voice, "Mr. fieldita, when shall we start?"

"No, no! You leave first! Talk later!" Dilman took out a roll of dollars and handed it to the woman.

"Oh! Thank you, Mr. fieldita. Why did you ask me to leave without doing anything?" the dusty woman was very confused.

Is the old man stupid?

Have paid the money and now let yourself go?

"Because I have something very important to do now! Leave quickly! Let's contact later!" said Dilman fieldita.

The woman shrugged, put on her clothes, opened the door, kissed Dilman, and left.

Dilman saw the woman leave. He sighed and began to call Morey and D'Antoni.

What a disappointment!

Because of last night's big win, Dilman saw his team's hope of sweeping the Spurs to win the Western Conference qualification. He was very excited. Therefore, early this morning, he opened the sugar daddy app and paid for a chick to reward himself.

But Molly's words made him lose all interest.

Dilman called D'Antoni first.

Get through.

D'Antoni also answered the phone immediately: "Hello, Mr. fieldita. What can I do for you?"

"Mike, I want to ask you, Wang just left the hotel. Did he say hello to you before he left?" Dilman asked hurriedly.

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