Wang Fei is naturally familiar with this kind of big newspaper reporter.

He smiled and said, "of course! Miss Morris, what can I do for you?"

"I want to give you a telephone interview. Can you accept it?" asked Judy Morris.

"Of course," said Wang Fei.

"Well, when are you going to naturalize in the United States? I haven't seen your naturalization application materials yet," Judy Morris said.

Wang Fei felt sick for a while.

He knew that the other party called to say it.

"Sorry! Miss Morris, what I want to say is that I have no intention of naturalizing the United States. It's just a rumor! I hope you don't believe it," Wang Fei said.

The reason why Wang Fei answered Judy Morris's phone call was to announce and clarify the rumor to the outside world through a big media such as the New York Times.

"Is it just a rumor? However, I see many well-informed people who say that you have applied for naturalization and will be approved to become a U.S. citizen soon." Judy Morris said, "you must have considered naturalization?"

"I've never had the idea of becoming an American. My roots are in China. I'm only willing to be a Chinese in my life," Wang Fei said decisively.

"Really? But, Wang, don't you think it's cool to be an American?" said Judy Morris.

"I don't think it's cool to join another country. If Miss Morris has no other problems, I'll hang up," Wang Fei said.

With that, he hung up the phone.


What do these people think? Why do you have to think that you must become an American citizen?

This idea is incredible.

After breakfast, the media called in one after another.

This made Wang Fei a little annoyed.


He said in his heart, are you finished?

Wang Fei had no choice but to put down his knife and fork, log in to Twitter and Facebook, publish his own Clarification Announcement, and clearly tell the world that he would never consider joining American nationality.

At more than 9 a.m., Wang Fei also received a call from Li Nan, head coach of the National Men's basketball team.

Li Nan also asked about the rumor.

Wang Feiming did tell Li Nan that he had never had the idea of naturalization in the United States. Li Nan hung up the phone nervously.

Wang Fei shook his head.

He had to log in to his microblog account again.

On the microblog, I found that there were more than 1 million posts on the microblog after I won the game last night.

He opened it and asked Wang Fei why he should consider joining American nationality.

Some people directly scolded Wang Fei for selling * *.

A large number of fans announced that the powder turned black.

Of course, some rational fans advised everyone to calm down. After all, the major media in the United States have not sent any news yet.

Wang Fei took a look at the number of fans he paid attention to. Good guy, not only didn't lose the powder, but also increased by more than 10 million.

His fans' attention is now more than 80 million.

Of course, a considerable number of people have made it clear that paying attention to Wang Fei is to scold Wang Fei.

Wang Fei's head was big for a while.

It's just a fake news. It has rushed to the first place of microblog hot search.

Wang Fei quickly sent a microblog: those who said I wanted to join American nationality were false news! Here, I solemnly tell you that I, Wang Fei, live in China and die in China! I won't immigrate! Will not betray their motherland! Because the motherland is my root! If there is no root, no matter how prosperous my tree is, it will wither and die!

Wang Fei posted this microblog.

Although it is already more than 9 p.m. Chinese time, it is estimated that the majority of fans are also waiting for the news.

Wang Fei's microblog has just been posted. Good guy, it's just a refresh. The forwarding volume has broken 10000.

Comments broke thousands in an instant.

"Finally waiting!"

"I knew it was a rumor!"

"Feidi, you didn't disappoint me!"

"Wang Fei is sober in the face of major right and wrong!"

"Great love flying emperor! From your statement, I see your iron bone clank pure heart."

"Everyone must support flying emperor! It is estimated that the Yankees want flying emperor to join them and want to use this means to attack us!"

"What about those people who blow up at the sight of false news? Get out and apologize!"

Wang Fei looked at the comments and turned off his microblog.

Sometimes, the clarification of rumors must be fast enough!

There is still happiness in the era of we media!

It will take him a lot of trouble to clarify before it is put off.

Wang Fei opened Baidu Post Bar again.

The post bar is fried now.

There are also many posts on the home page scolding Wang Fei as a traitor.

Among them, such a new post attracted Wang Fei's attention.

This post is written as follows: the microblog clarified by Wang Fei is not credible! In fact, his naturalization has become a fact!

Last year I bought a watch!

Wang Fei was furious.

I've clarified. Why should Mao hold on to it?

This is a bad intention.

Wang Fei took a look at this post.

See what this post says:

"Wang Fei just made a Clarification Announcement on his microblog, saying that life is Chinese and death is Chinese ghost. This is fooling us! As far as I know, Wang Fei just went to the United States and got a green card. Under the persuasion of relevant people, Wang Fei submitted his naturalization application a week ago. It is expected that his application will be approved in about a month. In the process of naturalization application, Wang Fei will be approved Before coming down, Wang Fei probably didn't expect that his secret application for U.S. citizenship would be exposed. His clarification was just a delaying tactic! I dare say that he will announce his accession to U.S. citizenship in more than 20 days! If you don't believe it, you can bet with me! "

"I know that many people will scold me when I post this post. However, rational and independent thinking people, you should be vigilant! Your favorite NBA superstar doesn't want to be a Chinese at all, and he doesn't want to play for the national team anymore. You should whip him severely and attack him with violent language. It's best to pull his family and let him play My parents and family try to persuade Wang Fei as soon as possible. Maybe Wang Fei can still find his way back. Brothers, come on! "

In addition to these words, the post is also equipped with pictures.

The picture is an American naturalization application form. Of course, the form is written in English.

But those who can understand English naturally grasp a lot.

This watch has a picture of Wang Fei and his name.

It looks really serious.

Chinese people often say that there is no picture and no truth. People have posted Wang Fei's naturalization application. Can it be fake?

After reading this post, Wang Fei was angry.


This man is really full of bad water.

Is this trying to kill yourself?

Son of a bitch!

Look at the ID of the person who posted the post. It's called: fly your emperor!

It's already obvious that black powder is acting as a demon.

Look at the following posts. There are hundreds of them.

After all, the theme of this post is very eye-catching and looks like a very hot news.

"Brother, it seems that you know the truth. Tell us how you got Wang Fei's naturalization application? I've been watching the powerful we media in the United States, and no one sent out this application form?"

"Shit! It's true! Wang Fei has a sinister intention. He has filled out the naturalization application form and is still pretending to be innocent!"

"Shameless Wang Fei! We can't control which country to naturalize, but you can't deceive the feelings of the fans! It's black all your life!"

"While appeasing netizens and issuing clarifications, he has submitted the naturalization application form. Such Wang Fei's personality has been bankrupt."

"What a despair! Huaxia finally produced a fierce player who chose to betray his country!"

After reading some replies, Wang Fei felt a little heavy.

His heart said, paralyzed, am I still speechless?

Wang Fei was very angry.

He also followed a post below this post: "Tell the landlord that you have been involved in the crime of libel! In addition, the naturalization application form you PS is full of loopholes! If you carefully identify it, you can identify that it is false! I don't know exactly where you are. I send such a message here! But what I want to tell you is! I will send you a lawyer's letter!"

Finished this post.

Wang Fei is still very angry.

He also sent a theme post: fly your emperor, the naturalization application from your PS is too fake. If you slander me, you will pay a price!

According to the content of the post, Wang Fei reiterated that he had never filled in the naturalization application, and he didn't even take the green card! He wouldn't joke about his reputation, let alone say one thing and do another to let his personal setup collapse!

Then, Wang Feiluo listed all the flaws in the naturalization application that came out of the slander post Po, and then asked, "can such a clumsy thing really deceive the public's eyes?

Finally, Wang Fei stressed again: I Wang Fei is a person who agrees with his words and deeds. I will never do anything with split personality! Joining American nationality will never become true!

After posting this post, Wang Fei was relieved.

He grabbed his cell phone and called Li Nan again.

I got through.

Li Nan's nervous voice came from the microphone: "Wang Fei, what's the matter?"

Wang Fei said, "guide Li, I have to ask you to do something."

"What's up?" Li Nan asked.

Wang Fei told Li Nan about the libel post in his Baidu Post Bar. He wanted to entrust Li Nan to help him call the police.

Paralyzed, that damn bastard, you can't get away with it!

You sent a defamatory post that caused me so much trouble. Do you still want me to let you go?

no way!

"OK! No problem! Wang Fei, don't worry. I'll call the police immediately and try to find out the rumor mongering bastard as soon as possible." Li Nan said.

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