So Wang Fei and Gary Clark went back to their room to get their equipment and went downstairs with Eliza prince.

The weather is fine.

The sun shines.

In fact, the weather in Houston has always been good.

Even in cold winter, it is very warm due to the influence of subtropical monsoon.

From upstairs, Eliza Prince stretched out her waist and said, "it's a nice day, but for me, it's bad to start work again tonight."

"Eliza, maybe Wang and I can support you tonight," said Gary Clark.

"OK! Wang, will you go? I work in the peach nightclub. It's a good place. There are a lot of beautiful girls, hot dances, of course, there will be good wine and violent music." Eliza turned to Wang Fei and looked eager.

Wang Fei shook his head with a smile: "no, I'd better not go."

"Why?" Gary Clark blinked, puzzled. "Especially, I think we should have fun while we are young."

"I'm not used to going to such a place. The game will start tomorrow, and the opponent is a warrior. I think I have to practice hard and try to play well." Wang Fei said.

Tomorrow, the Rockets will play the warriors at home.

This is bound to be a tough battle.

And Wang Fei doesn't want to screw up his debut.

"Wang, you are already great. I don't think you need to work hard to practice. You should relax properly, and then maybe you can play well," said Gary Clark.

"Clark, I think Wang is right. Tomorrow night is very important to him. He will play his first NBA game. There will be no mistake in taking it seriously. If not, I'd be happy to practice with Wang." Eliza prince took Wang Fei's arm again.

"No, no! You don't have to practice with me. It's better for me to train myself." Wang Fei quickly declined.

Let Eliza practice with her?

Will there be mental training?

Such a hot beauty is nearby. If she dresses a little hotter and runs around trembling, the scene is too intoxicating.

"Well, Wang, you are a very disciplined person. You are very diligent. I think I should learn from you. I'll train with you tonight," said Gary Clark.

"Clark, that's right! We're all new people. Opportunities won't fall on us for no reason. We have to be ready for opportunities, don't you say?" Wang Fei smiled and stabbed Gary Clark.

Got in the car.

Eliza babbled as she drove.

"I really hate my current work. I have to face those men with narrow colors every day. Their eyes want to stick to you. You can't be angry, you can only force a smile. This day is not for people," Eliza said.

"Eliza, if you like, I'd like to raise you and be my woman," said Gary Clark with a smile.

"You? Forget it. Mr. Clark, you can't support yourself. You only have so poor hands. You can't give me the life I want," Eliza said.

"I knew you would say that. You have a crush on Wang, don't you? Wang really has a better future than me, and he is very valued by the team." Gary Clark shook his head.

"Mr. Clark, I just like Wang. I think he is a reliable man. In fact, I like China very much. When I was in college, I seriously studied Chinese culture," Eliza said.

Wang Fei shook his head and said, "Eliza, what I want to tell you is that I have a girlfriend. In the future, I will marry my girlfriend. Moreover, I am a very traditional man. I can't accept foreign love."

If you have anything to say, it's better to say it.

Save being remembered.

"Wang, I don't want to be your girlfriend, I just want to be your good friend," Eliza prince said, with some disappointment on her face.

However, she soon adjusted.

She thought that this man was very different from American men. From the point of view that he didn't take the bait several times, it was worth my efforts.

I still have time. I'm so close to him. As long as I continue to increase my fire, he will surrender.

"Eliza, can you have sex with a good friend?" Gary Clark winked at Wang Fei and asked.

"It depends on what Wang means. If he wants to go further, I'll have no problem," Eliza prince said.

"That is, the kind of boyfriend and girlfriend relationship that can make deep contacts, and then everyone just has fun and doesn't need any commitment?" Gary Clark said with a smile.

"Yes, I think we are not children anymore. We all have that need. I think it should be wonderful to sleep with a man we like," said Eliza prince.


Wang Fei smiled in his heart.

This is not the so-called only into each other's bodies, not into each other's lives?

Well, that's what the Chinese call the friendship gun.

Although Wang Fei is still a pure child, he likes to surf the Internet, so he knows a little about these messy things.

"Wang, did you hear that? What a wonderful thing. Such a beautiful girl is willing to maintain such a relationship with you. What's your mood now?" Gary Clark smiled at Wang Fei.

Wang Fei rolled his eyes.

What a tempting bait.

Unfortunately, the bait is hung on the hook.

If you swallow the bait, you'll be caught.

"My mood is very complicated, but I think it's abnormal," Wang Fei said.

"Complicated? What's complicated? Isn't it normal for a man to have a lover?" Gary Clark said.

"I remember that Christian rules seem to be very strict about emotional infidelity. How did it become normal?" Wang Fei said with a smile.

If there are explicit provisions in the Christian canon, they are not allowed before marriage ×× Behavior. Moreover, we should be loyal to each other in marriage.

However, after the sexual liberation movement in the 1960s in the west, those strict religious rules were almost abandoned.

Normal people generally don't abide by this kind of rules.

Otherwise, there will not be so many pregnant women and teenage mothers in Europe, America and Western countries.

After all, Westerners now × Behavior is like eating and dressing.

"Well, Wang, I remember that you are an atheist country in China, and you have nothing to fear." Gary Clark said with a smile.

"We have a moral creed," Wang Fei said with a shrug.

After saying this, Wang Feixin said, is this special too far?

However, with nonsense, they came to the rocket base.

Got out of the car.

Eliza got out of the car, too.

"Goodbye, Wang! I think you are a good boy with a sense of responsibility after listening to what you just said." Eliza said and directly extended her arms to hug Wang Fei.

And it's a solid hug.

The two bodies touched closely together. The soft spring made Wang Fei's heart beat a little faster.

Wipe! It's hard to bear.

As a former man, Wang Fei felt like a volcano about to erupt.

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