"I know!" said Wang Fei.

"Then, come on!" Li Nan slapped Wang Fei.

Wang Fei can continue to play, which is good news for Li Nan.

The pause ends.

The game continues.

The ball right of the Chinese men's basketball team.

Wang Fei continued to dribble the ball himself.

At this moment, the momentum of the Australian team is completely up.

It is estimated that they are already planning how to use the last minute of the first half to play another small climax and enter the half-time break with a relatively large lead.

Wang Fei just took two steps to dribble the ball, and Matthew delavedova stood in front of Wang Fei.

Matthew is a very good defensive player. He knows how to entangle the defensive object so that he can't play his ability.

Matthew probably felt that Wang Fei's physical strength had been exhausted at the moment, so after he came up, he put on the posture of stealing.

He quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed the ball being transported by Wang Fei's right hand.

Wang Fei dribbled the ball behind his back and handed it to his left hand.

At the same time, without stopping, he broke through Matthew's right hand.


Wang Fei scurried past Matthew.

Matthew was stunned.

He didn't expect that Wang Fei's action was still so agile, but he broke through himself at once.

He said in his heart, it seems that he is still a little careless.

So Matthew quickly turned and chased.

Wang Fei came to the front three-point line with an acceleration.

Joe Ingles ran out to catch up.

Wang Fei intended to speed up the pace of attack, so he ran about a meter away from the three-point line and jumped up to shoot.

Ingels rushed over and jumped up to defend.

Unfortunately, his speed is still a little slow.

Basketball draws a beautiful arc.


Precision flew into the basket.


The whole stadium was a sensation.

This is the first ball Wang Fei hit in five or six minutes!

The fans in the stands have been waiting for Wang Fei to break the goal shortage.

They are eager for Wang Fei to hit three points as frequently as before and run on the road of winning with the Chinese men's basketball team alone.

Li Nan standing on the sideline jumped up happily.

Li Nan, don't mention how excited you are.

Just now, he has been comforting Wang Fei, encouraging him to shoot more and regain the feel of shooting.

At the beginning of the game, Wang Fei hit a record of three points, which was too timely.

On the live booth.

Yu Jia also shouted excitedly: "yes! Wang Fei rode a horse and shot an arrow, and the basketball flew straight to the basket! This ball is so exciting! Wang Fei hasn't hit another ball for a long time! It's very important for the Chinese men's basketball team that he can find his feel and confidence! Congratulations to Wang Fei!"

Xu Jicheng was also very excited: "just looking at Wang Fei's look when shooting, I think Wang Fei is still very calm and confident. His shooting is very decisive! This is definitely good news for the Chinese men's basketball team!"

"Ha ha! I hope Wang Fei's attack is not a flash of light! Wang Fei's attack is our guarantee to win! If he can score goals and he is willing to attack, then we still have a play!" Zhang Weiping said.

Australian coach Leonis roared: "defense! We must increase our defense against Wang! You gave him too much shooting space just now! This is wrong!"

Ingels shook his head with some regret.

This is the first time he defended Wang Fei alone.

He felt that his defensive actions had been very in place and very decisive.

But the other side's shooting speed is too fast, and the feeling of shooting is good.

There's no way.

After Wang Fei hit the three points, he didn't run back to his own half as before.

This time, he stayed in the Australian team's half.

Time for the game is running out.

Wang Fei believes that it is necessary for him to strengthen his defense and strive for more shooting opportunities.

Only in this way can we have the chance to surpass the score.

Matthew delavedova, who went to the baseline with the ball to serve, saw Wang Fei standing not far behind Patty mills.

Matthew was vigilant when he arrived.

"Hi! I said, Patty, watch your back." Matthew shouted at Patty.

Patty looked around and saw Wang Fei standing two meters behind him.

The distance doesn't seem too close.

However, combined with Wang Fei's speed and Wang Fei's performance in steals in the past, Patty was shocked.

Patty hurried to take two steps near the bottom line.

In this way, he is only 1 meter away from the bottom line. Matthew passed the ball to Patty.

Patty immediately passed the ball to Matthew who ran into the field.

Then Patty jogged in front of Matthew and looked warily at Wang Fei.

Wang Fei stood near the center line. He suddenly made a fake move to sprint forward. Patty trembled with fear. He opened his arms and looked warily at Wang Fei, always ready to intercept Wang Fei.

Wang Fei made another feint of rushing to the other side of patty. Patty hurried, and the conditioned reflex generally moved a step quickly.

At this time, Matthew, who dribbled behind patty, had to slow down because Patty's forward speed slowed down.

Finally, Matthew even had to shoot the ball in place.

Matthew was thinking nervously about whether he would continue to dribble or pass the ball to Simmons who had reached the top of the three-point arc in the front court.

Wang Fei then moved.

He accelerated like lightning and rushed in front of Matthew.

Matthew was startled.

In fact, the Australian players have not seen Wang Fei's lightning speed in this game.

So Matthew was a little flustered.

Matthew's conditioned reflex usually involves grabbing the ball from the ground and turning around to protect the ball.

But it's too late.

Wang Fei just poked the tip of his finger, and the ball patted by Matthew rolled away from Matthew's control, "Gu Lulu" rolled towards the backcourt of the Australian team.

Wang Fei shook his body and bypassed Matthew. He bent down to pick up the ball, ran a small step ahead and came out of the three-point line.

By this time, Matthew and Patty had awakened and chased after them like crazy.

However, when Wang Fei was one step behind them, he had opened his hand and made a 3-point shot.


The ball drew a beautiful arc in the air.

At this time, Matthew caught up with Wang Fei.

He rushed too fast. Although his feet had come down and made a sudden brake, he still slipped out one step and hit Wang Fei's body. Then he stopped.


The ball hit steadily.

After Wang Fei steals, he hits 1 record and 3 points again.

In this way, the Australian team's 7-point lead disappeared in an instant, leaving only 1 point.

Wang Fei scored 48 points.

He was only two points short in the first half and could get 50 points!

Wang Fei was hit by Matthew and stumbled at his feet. He turned his head and looked at Matthew delavedova, frowned and said, "slow down, brother, you don't have a chance to get the ball back. You're so fast, you're likely to get a foul."

Matthew has a red face.

He is also an old NBA player.

I didn't expect to be taught such a lesson by Wang Fei.

"Rookie, you'd better be polite to me! Anyway, as far as the NBA is concerned, I'm your predecessor." Matthew delavidova couldn't help but want to be an old qualification.

Wang Fei bared his teeth and smiled: "ha ha! Senior? Are you talking about seniority with me? In the NBA, the flying rookie is always more valuable and more important than an old guy like you!"

Matthew was speechless by Wang Fei's sentence.

Although he has worked hard in the NBA for many years, he has been just a role player for so many years.

Compared with Wang Fei, he is still far away!

"Boy, don't be crazy. We were too careless just now, so we let you steal! Next, you will never have any chance!" Patty mills said.

Wang Fei smiled. He raised his eyebrows and said, "really? I really want to tell you that I still want to steal the next ball! I really hope you can fight for one breath and don't let me steal successfully!"

"I swear to God, you will never have any chance of success!" Matthew said.

"You can only say that with your mouth. Serve quickly! Don't waste time." Wang Fei said with a smile.

Wang Feixin said, crazy!

Dare you say I don't have any chance of success?

Patty mills held his breath. He picked up the ball and came out of the baseline.

Wang Fei followed Matthew directly.

Matthew tried to get rid of Wang Fei.

However, he ran several times and couldn't get rid of Wang Fei.

This worried Matthew.

Patty's eyes, standing outside the baseline and holding the ball high, were spinning rapidly.

He waited until Wang Fei chased Matthew to the right corner, and Patty suddenly passed the ball to Simmons who ran across the center line to meet him.

Although Wang Fei followed Matthew closely, the rest of his eyes kept staring at Patty.

As soon as Wang Fei saw it, he knew that Patty had decided to abandon Matthew as the passing object.

Therefore, although Wang Fei followed Matthew closely, he was ready to rush over and intercept Patty's pass.

Patty just put the ball behind his head. He wanted to build up his strength. He threw the ball with both hands and passed it to Simmons.

At this time, Wang Fei preempted a little time and suddenly turned around and fought back.

Wang Fei moves too fast.

As soon as Patty's ball roared out, Wang Fei reached out and grabbed it.


Wang feisheng intercepted the ball in his own hand.


Patty let out a cry.

He never dreamed that Wang Fei, who was running back and forth after Matthew just now, suddenly rushed in front of him?

Wang Fei took the ball two times and took it outside the left three-point line.

Patty flew out of the baseline.

Wang Fei took a look at Patty who was coming. He thought he might as well play with this guy again.

Wang Fei thought so, so he aimed at the basket.

Just like this, Patty jumped in front of Wang Fei and raised her arms to try to seal Wang Fei completely.

Wang Fei took a look.

Patty almost stuck to him, his arms bent and directly covered Wang Fei's head.

This is almost equivalent to blocking Wang Fei's shooting angle.

Moreover, Wang Fei has closed the ball at this time. He has no chance to dribble again.

Wang Fei sneered.

He quietly took a Dali pill, and then Wang Fei suddenly kicked his feet and ran away directly.

When he ran up, he held the ball in both hands and deliberately exposed the back of his hands.

Fuck! No!

Patty's name is not good. He said in his heart that Wang Fei wanted to make a foul!

He hurried to dodge. While dodging, he wanted to find a chance to cover the ball in Wang Fei's hand.

Unfortunately, it's still a little slow.

Wang Fei rose into the sky.

Patty's two hands over Wang Fei's head collided with the back of Wang Fei's hand, and then his hand was forcibly knocked away by Wang Fei.

Wang Fei threw the ball in his hand.


The ball again drew a beautiful arc and hit accurately.

"Di -"

The referee's whistle sounded on time.


Applause thundered in the stands.

Wang Fei played the ball too hard.

It was hard to open Patty's defense and hit a 3-point!

Of course, he not only hit a 3-point goal, but also made Patty a defensive foul!

This ball is very bloody.

It can be said that all the people in the stadium are boiling with blood.

"OK! Great."

"This ball is a hard hit! The best thing is that it's still played."

"It's cool, Wang Fei! It broke out strongly at the last minute, ha ha! We're going to surpass."

People are extremely excited.

Wang Fei fell down steadily. He glanced at Patty mills and raised his eyebrows. Wang Fei asked, "what? I made another steal. Moreover, I hit 3 + 1 once. What do you think of my performance?"

Patty mills was a little speechless.

Just now he boasted that he would never let Wang Fei steal again.

However, fortune makes people! Special! His infallible pass was broken.

Then he beat him again.

It's really embarrassing.

"You are strong."

Patty mills muttered bitterly.

"Ha ha! It's really hard to get your recognition." Wang Fei walked directly to the free throw line.

He looked at the time. There were 28 seconds left in the second quarter.

Wang Fei came to the free throw line and took the referee's pass. Wang Fei patted the ball. He easily hit the free throw.

So far, his score has reached 52 points.

The Chinese men's basketball team also took a 3-point lead.

From 7 points behind to 3 points ahead, it's only a few tens of seconds.

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