Zhang Xiufeng stayed on the stage. He watched Wang Fei leave surrounded by two beautiful women. The taste in his heart was really complex.

"Wang Fei, I didn't expect you to play football so smoothly." Liu Meijuan took Wang Fei's arm and said to Wang Fei with a sweet smile.

"Ha ha! Generally, I'm just a little angry, but that's why I hit him." Wang Fei said with a smile.

"Well done! I think Zhang Xiufeng will have a psychological shadow in the future," said Liu Meijuan.

While talking and laughing, the three strolled around the mall.

However, the scene of Wang Fei abusing Zhang Xiufeng on the stage just now has been photographed by many people.

Kwai fat, you have sent friends circle, sent micro-blog's micro-blog, and many short video websites such as tiktok and jitter have been released.

Many people's titles are: mysterious men cruelly abuse the team leader of the National Olympic Games. Experts are sure to be among the people.

These videos spread wildly on the Internet. Soon, they were noticed by the senior management of the Football Association.

Gao Hongbo, vice president of the Football Association, was sitting in his office frowning. A staff member knocked on the door and came in.

"Chairman Gao, did you see the video of Zhang Xiufeng being played by a mysterious young man?" the staff member said.

"What? Who fooled Zhang Xiufeng?" Gao Hongbo raised his eyebrows.

"Ha ha! Take a look at this video." the staff member handed his mobile phone to Gao Hongbo.

Gao Hongbo took it and looked at it.

He saw the young man wearing a mask and sunglasses, covering his face tightly, holding the ball under his feet and constantly dealing with Zhang Xiufeng on the stage.

No matter how tight Ren Zhang Xiufeng is, he can't reach the ball at the foot of the other party.

Gao Hongbo looked at it for a while and was surprised: this ball control technique is very powerful!

Especially on such a small stage, the space for flickering and moving is small. It is really not easy to avoid Zhang Xiufeng's close attack so quickly and skillfully with the ball under your feet.

On this performance, it can be called first-class skills.

"Very powerful!" Gao Hongbo sighed.

"Yes! It's really great! It can be called a master of ball control," the staff member said.

"Is there such a powerful young man in China? He should belong to a football club?" Gao Hongbo said.

"I don't know! No one knows who the other person is," the staff member said.

"Check it out! Such talents should be promoted vigorously! This national Olympic team is really hopeless. It's better to rebuild early!" Gao Hongbo said.

At present, the National Olympic team is led by the famous Dutch coach Hiddink as the head coach.

It has been established for several years.

Its purpose is to impact the 2020 Olympic Games.

However, the disastrous warm-up defeat to the third rate Vietnamese team also exhausted the last bit of patience of the leaders of the Football Association.

Because the football association leaders believe that this national Olympic team lacks blood! Without tenacious will, tactical literacy is also very lacking.

It's really hard to rush into the Tokyo Olympic games like this.

After the 2-0 defeat to Vietnam, Hiddink faced the crisis of class termination.

However, how to re-establish a high-level national Olympic team is a difficult problem for the leaders of the Football Association.

Not only did Gao Hongbo and other football association leaders pay attention to this video, in fact, the media are more concerned about this matter.

Shi Yang is a reporter of the Beijing times. After seeing this video, he immediately went to the mall where Wang Fei had been to find Wang Fei himself. However, at that time, Wang Fei had gone shopping elsewhere with Liu Meijuan and Eliza.

Shi Yang interviewed the group of people engaged in activities of Li Ning Company on the spot.

A staff member said to Shi Yang, "Comrade reporter, although this young man's face is covered tightly, there are two beautiful women with him, one is our Han beauty and the other is a white beauty. I took their photos. Have a look."

The staff member showed the photos to Shi Yang.

Shi Yang glanced at Liu Meijuan and Eliza in the photo. He couldn't help but be stunned. Both women looked familiar, as if they had been seen somewhere.

After thinking for a while, Shi Yang began to look for the pictures of Sports News reported in the past in his mobile phone.

After a while, Shi Yang finally found it!

That's a picture of Liu Meijuan and Wang Fei holding hands to show their love.

This photo was taken by reporters when Wang Fei and Liu Meijuan were talking on the court after the NBA playoffs.

Shi Yangdeng felt a burst of ecstasy!

He understands!

That young man should be Wang Fei! The most beautiful young girl is Wang Fei's girlfriend Liu Meijuan!

In other words, the one who abused Zhang Xiufeng on the stage should be Wang Fei himself!

And this can also explain why the mysterious man wears a mask and sunglasses. Isn't it just to hide people's eyes and ears and don't want people to see it?

This is a good chance to catch the exclusive headlines!

Thinking of this, Shi Yang's heart really jumped badly.

He immediately came out of the mall and took out his mobile phone. He called his department director.

"Hello, director Liu! I've got an exclusive news and I'll report it to you!" Shi Yang reported his findings to the Department Director.

Beijing Times was also a popular paper media before.

However, with the rise of mobile networks, paper media have completely declined.

Now the capital times is almost half dead.

However, they haven't stopped publishing. They began to make online electronic newspapers. By cooperating with major mobile news and information giants, they are barely alive now.

After hearing what Shi Yang said, director Liu immediately clapped his hands: "Shi Yang, write an express as soon as possible. We should send the first report right away! Time is money! Be sure to be fast!"

When Shi Yang finished calling, he immediately found a cafe with WiFi in the mall. In the cafe, he began to code with his laptop.

He can code quite fast.

In only half an hour, Shi Yang wrote a news release with thousands of words and pictures. He sent it to the newspaper.

Then, at more than 11 a.m. this morning, the Beijing Times launched a news app together with their Baidu Baijia number, headline number, Penguin number, Netease number and other publishing terminals.

That's what the news says.

Title: the mysterious man who abused Zhang Xiufeng has been found. He is NBA superstar Wang Fei!

This news first confirmed that the girl next to the mystery man was Wang Fei's girlfriend Liu Meijuan, and the white girl was Wang Fei's agent Eliza prince!

Thus, the identity of the mysterious man can be locked, which is Wang Fei himself!

Then, the news compares the voice and tone of the mysterious man with that of Wang Fei during the interview. Once again, he is Wang Fei!

The news immediately spread like a virus, quickly throughout the country and even all over the world.

The office of Gao Hongbo, vice president of the Football Association.

Gao Hongbo naturally saw the news soon.

It can only be said that the speed of information dissemination is not generally fast!

"Unexpectedly, the mysterious man is Wang Fei! This is more difficult." Gao Hongbo frowned, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Because Wang Fei is not in the football circle.

Also, Wang Fei is now the leader of the National Men's basketball team. He has just led the National Men's basketball team to win the men's Basketball World Cup!

Moreover, Wang Fei is also an NBA superstar. The new NBA season is about to begin. Therefore, it can be said that it is not so realistic for the Olympic Games to make other people's ideas!

What's more, Gao Hongbo also heard that the national track and field team is also striving for Wang Fei to participate in the Olympic track and field competition?

At the beginning of the game to determine whether the Chinese men's football team can enter the Tokyo Olympic Games, it is the time when the NBA game is fierce. Do you want Wang Fei to give up the NBA game to help the Chinese men's football team impact the Olympic qualification?

There's no way!

Moreover, Gao Hongbo doesn't think Wang Fei can play football well if he can control a few feet!

Football and basketball are two different concepts!

However, since it has been found that the mysterious person is Wang Fei, and the voice of Chinese people on the network is very high, asking the football association to recruit Wang Fei to play in the national football team, you must try!

Gao Hongbo thought again and again. He finally decided to have a good talk with Wang Fei to see if he could fool the other party and let the other party play a game to try his skills.

Gao Hongbo found Wang Fei's mobile phone number through his relationship.

Wang Fei doesn't know much about the huge news wave he set off.

He was happily shopping with the two girls. At noon, he found a nice looking restaurant in this commercial street to invite the two girls to dinner.

As soon as he sat down, he felt that many people were secretly looking at themselves.

Wang Fei felt very strange. He said in his heart, what is this?

"Wang Fei, it's not good." Liu Meijuan, sitting next to Wang Fei, touched Wang Fei with her arm and whispered.

"What's the matter?" Wang Fei asked.

"See for yourself." Liu Meijuan put her mobile phone in Wang Fei's hand.

Wang Fei looked at it. He saw that Liu Meijuan opened a news.

The title of the news is: the mysterious man who abused Zhang Xiufeng has been found. He is NBA superstar Wang Fei!

The first picture of the news is Wang Fei with Liu Meijuan and Eliza beside him!


Wang Fei couldn't help but stare.

He said in his heart, isn't it too fast?

I didn't show my feet!

Why was it exposed so quickly?

No wonder he found more and more people peeping at himself.

Um! I also found many people who secretly photographed themselves.

I've been doing it for a long time. I've already helped myself!

Isn't that embarrassing? I'll wipe it!

"Wang Fei, I'm Shi Yang, a reporter of Beijing times. May I interview you?" just at this time, a man came over and whispered to Wang Fei.

"So you are Shi Yang. How did you find out that I was the mysterious man?" Wang Fei looked at the man with medium build and a pair of rimless glasses.

"It's not difficult, is it? Just a little comparison, you should be able to find it soon. I'm sorry to bother you. I'm very concerned about the development of our Chinese football. I want to interview you. Do you think so?" Shi Yang said with a smile.

"It's really inconvenient to have dinner." Wang Fei almost subconsciously refused.

He's a little annoyed to be disturbed at dinner.

"I won't delay you too much, just ask you a few words," said Shi Yang.

"Isn't there a vacant seat? Sit down and ask." Wang Fei shook his head helplessly and said.

"Thank you!"

Shi Yang was overjoyed. He sat down and asked quickly, "excuse me, what do you think is the reason why the development of Chinese football is becoming more and more rubbish?"

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