"Thank you for your understanding," Wang Fei said with a smile.

"Our domestic football environment is still a little poor. Moreover, the influence of domestic leagues in the world is not too great. You are really too talented to stay in China. Because even if you help Evergrande win more domestic league titles and Asian Champions League titles in China, it is not as far-reaching as a championship in La Liga or Serie A." Cheng Xuyuan patted Wang Fei on the shoulder, Say it meaningfully.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was the end of the Olympic Games.

The Tokyo Olympics, which lasted nearly a month, ended.

At this Olympic Games, the Chinese Olympic delegation made great prestige.

They won 29 gold medals, second in the gold medal table.

The number of 32 gold medals is also second only to 42 in the United States.

Most importantly, China won three important team gold medals in men's football, men's basketball and women's racket at the current Olympic Games.

Moreover, China has also made major breakthroughs in track and field.

China won two extremely heavy track and field gold medals in the men's high jump and the 100m, and all won the championship by setting new world records, which also greatly inspired people's hearts.

After the Olympic closing ceremony, Wang Fei flew back to China with the delegation.

After returning home, I was very busy again.

Because I have to attend all kinds of celebration parties.

At the same time, all kinds of rewards have arrived.

Wang Fei won four gold medals. Moreover, the weight of these four gold medals is very heavy and has breakthrough significance. Therefore, he won the national heavy award.

Football received the most rewards. The National Sports Federation rewarded 1 million in cash, and nearly 100 million promised by boss Xu of Evergrande was distributed to Wang Fei through the Sports Federation.

Of course, if the wild geese pull out their hair, they must be separated.

But Wang Fei also got more than 80 million.

Basketball also won a bonus of more than 3 million yuan because it was also a breakthrough achievement. A large real estate developer in Beijing awarded Wang Fei an apartment of more than 130 square meters in the third ring road.

It's worth a lot of money.

The house prices in the Third Ring Road of Beijing are basically sky high, almost more than 100000 per square meter.

The value of this apartment has reached nearly 20 million.

The high jump and sprint also got rich bonuses.

Overall, Wang Fei received a total bonus of nearly 200 million.

I made a lot of money.

More importantly, because of the brilliant performance of Wang Fei in the Olympic Games, his fame and influence have once again reached a new level.

This also makes many large companies and consortia at home and abroad rush to sign endorsement agreements with Wang Fei.

Wang Fei's current endorsement agreement has reached more than two hundred million Chinese dollars a year.

Wang Fei's time after the Olympic Games can be summarized as follows: get soft hands with bonus, sign heavyweight endorsement agreement and sign in soft hands.

But Wang Fei still implements a principle, that is: never speak for Japanese brands!

While Wang Fei was busy entertaining, negotiations between Wang Fei and football giants in major European leagues were also under way.

By now, Liu Meijuan has finished her career. She and Eliza Prince work together as Wang Fei's agent team.

So busy for more than 20 days, Wang Fei almost finalized the contract with La Liga Real Madrid.

Contract negotiation is very difficult.

Both sides want to strive for more interests for themselves.

Real Madrid finally promised Wang Fei an annual salary of 65 million euros after tax. However, it also hopes to lock Wang Fei and sign a five-year contract with Wang Fei. Moreover, after the end of the contract, Real Madrid also requires priority to renew the contract. It also wants to use Wang Fei's image and promote Wang Fei's Jersey and mascot toys.

But Wang Fei certainly doesn't want to be locked by Real Madrid.

He still wants to have more freedom.

Moreover, he doesn't want his portrait right to be taken away by the club.

The final result of the discussion was that Wang Fei gave up his salary of 15 million euros, only 50 million euros of annual salary after tax, and the contract signed was only two years. Wang Fei has his own complete portrait right. Two years later, Wang Fei can freely choose whether to leave Real Madrid or renew his contract with Real Madrid.

Of course, Real Madrid still have doubts about Wang Fei's ability. They hope to add additional terms to the contract: after Wang Fei joins Real Madrid, only when he gets the king of La Liga shooter and helps Real Madrid win the La Liga championship can Wang Fei get a full after tax salary of 50 million euros. If you can't get the Spanish shooter king and help Real Madrid win the Spanish championship, the salary of 50 million euros after tax will become pre tax, and Wang Fei needs to pay taxes by himself.

Wang Fei agreed to this clause.

After all, even the annual salary of 50 million euros before tax is higher than Messi.

His annual salary is a new salary record for the five major European leagues.

There's nothing wrong with people wanting to protect their rights and interests.

Of course, Wang Fei is free to join, which also saves Real Madrid a lot of money.

If it is a transfer, Real Madrid will save a lot of money by referring to Neymar's sky high transfer fee of 220 million euros.

Wang Fei and Real Madrid reached a signing agreement. The news of an annual salary of 50 million euros after tax instantly caused a sensation all over the world.

Of course, the news reached the United States at the first time.

After Lakers general manager perinka saw the news that Wang Fei joined Real Madrid in the media, he was very angry and very depressed.

Although he knew that Wang Fei could not stay.

However, when the facts were really in front of him, he still couldn't accept them.

Because Wang Fei's departure has doomed the decline of the Lakers.

The Lakers have just won the NBA championship again. They are very angry. They hope to create a new Lakers dynasty in the next few years.

But now it's all gone.

Of course, when Wang Fei negotiated the contract with European giants, the Lakers and the NBA never gave up communicating with Wang Fei.

They all hope to welcome Wang Fei back.

Moreover, after the Olympic Games, the malicious public opinion against Wang Fei in the United States almost dissipated.

The majority of American fans also hope that Wang Fei can come back.

The Lakers also hope Wang Fei can change his mind.

But now, they get a head-on blow.

"How can you do that? You still have a contract for at least two years. Why can't you fulfill the contract before leaving? It's too dishonest?" palinka shouted in her office.

Palinka was thinking, is there any way to punish Wang Fei's behavior and force him to return to the NBA?

However, after thinking about it, he found that because there was no business involvement between the NBA and the European Football League, he could not be supported even if he wanted to appeal to UEFA for this.

"Jingling bell -"

The phone rang on palinka's desk.

Palinka glanced at the caller ID. it was Jenny bass, the boss.

Palinka quickly grabbed the microphone: "Hello, boss!"

"Mr. palinka, have you seen the news?" Jenny Bath's voice was very serious.

"I see. Wang has signed with Real Madrid." palinka is a little bitter.

"Come to my office and let's discuss how to deal with it," said Jenny bass.

"OK. I'll go there now," said palinka.

Palinka went to Jenny Bath's office.

"Sit down, palinka. Seriously, I'm disappointed. How could I get to this point? Wang really left! He left the NBA and chose European football! It's so disappointing for me," said Jenny bass.

Palinka sat down in a chair at her desk and said, "boss, I'm also disappointed. I thought things were moving in a good direction. Unexpectedly, there was such a cruel blow. It's unacceptable to me."

"So what should we do?" asked Jenny bath.

"Maybe we can appeal to UEFA. Wang still has a contract. He can't just walk away. We need to stop him from signing with Real Madrid! That's all," palinka said.

"UEFA, will it help us? After all, Wang carries a huge commercial interest!" said Jenny bass.

"But I have to abide by the spirit of the contract? I have no better way than to appeal," palinka said.

"Let's contact Wang again. He shouldn't escape. He should solve the mess he left behind," said Jenny bass.

"Boss, it's no use contacting him. He has made a decision. The agreements have been signed, which is irreparable," palinka said.

"Let's contact again. I see that Wang and Real Madrid only signed a two-year contract. We should talk to him again. If we can welcome him back after two years, it will be a good thing for us! MJ left the bulls to engage in baseball, but he didn't make any achievements in baseball, which drove him to play again Basketball, and then the Bulls won their second three consecutive titles. I think we may be able to achieve such a good story. It's not good to be stiff, so we'd better talk about it again. It doesn't matter if we can get his promise to return in two years, "said Jenny bass.

"Two years later, James is 38 years old. Our team can't wait for him for two years!" palinka said with a bitter smile.

"What else to do? Is it useful to appeal? Even if he can't join the European League, he can't go back to the NBA!" Jenny buss said.

Palinka pondered and nodded, "boss, you're right."

"Just do as I say! We should be more generous. Wang is still young. He is only 23 years old. Two years later, he will only be 25. If we can maintain a good relationship with him, we can look forward to our future cooperation! The lineup is not a problem! As long as Wang returns, as long as we equip him with a general lineup, we will have absolute Championship strength, which is a good thing "Yes!" said Jenny bass.

"Well, I'll listen to the boss. I'll go back and get in touch with Wang Fei," palinka said.

"It's hard for you. You must be patient and keep a good relationship with him. We can't make a stand off with him. It doesn't mean anything to us." Jenny bass told us again.

"I see."

Palinka left. He went back to his office and called Wang Fei.

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