"It's just an idea of mine. I'm curious. Don't you have to react so strongly?" Catherine has a bad intention. In fact, Jiang Yun's reaction is not fierce at all, but that's what he said.

"It's not that I react fiercely, but that you think too much," said Jiang. "What's the matter with you coming to me?"

Jiang Yun doesn't like to be disturbed from the fixed state. He's not afraid of being disturbed, so he misses the perception of the fixed state. He just doesn't like it.

"You have no problem?" Catherine stepped forward. "No fever?"

"Speak well, don't move." Jiang Yun pushes Catherine's hand.

"You think, I don't have anything to do now. Since I don't have anything to do, you don't expect me to stay in the house for several days. I'm going to be crazy, so I have to find something to kill my boring time. It's always boring to do things by myself, so I come to you."

"You have to talk like Alan?" Jiang yundao said, "words follow each other. It's simple, but it's just to pass the boring time."

"That's about it. Why are you interested? I can tell you the history of the land of God. "Katherine throws the bait“ Aren't you interested in this side? "

"I am interested in these things, but you" Jiang Yun's action, expression, is to tell Catherine that you can't.

"I don't like your attitude."

"To be honest, what I want to know is that you can't know." Jiang Yun got up and smoothed his wrinkled clothes. "That was in the past. Maybe you didn't exist at that time."

"I don't exist? Don't you know if I don't exist? History doesn't have to be experienced. Do you think words are decorations? " Catherine retorted.

"Words, of course, are decorations. Do you think words are real? Words are written by people. What are people? Two legged guy, who can't stand up, I'd rather believe a beast than some people. "

"But it's better to have something than nothing. After saying so much, do you agree or disagree? Let's put down a happy word." Catherine doesn't want to argue with Jiang Yun. Historical things are true or false.

"I have no objection. I'm ready to go, aren't I?" Jiang Yun stands on the threshold.

"How do I know? If you don't say how do I know, it's like you're standing on the threshold. How do you want others to guess? Come in or go out? " Catherine said.

"Women always have a point. You are a woman, so you have a point," Jiang Yun said. "I can't see that there are such luxurious shops in this small town. Luxury, luxury."

"I haven't seen the world, you haven't seen the appearance of the palace, otherwise you won't say such shameful words." Catherine thinks that Jiang Yun's rustic insight is very interesting, and she wants to stimulate it, but Catherine's stimulation can never achieve the desired results.

"I've been to the temple, and the palace is nothing. I said, little girl, your knowledge is too shallow."

Ellen didn't come to disturb Catherine, but Catherine told him not to come, otherwise it would have been a long time ago. Although there are several luxurious places in the city, on the whole, it is not much bigger than a small town, ten times wider than a small town. However, how big a small town can be, two people walk among them. After passing a piece of residence, they walk more and more remote.

"Where on earth do you want to go?" Jiang Yun just keeps following. He doesn't know Catherine's destination.

"Don't you want to witness history?" Catherine asked, "I'll take you to witness history. Although there's no way to go back, I can show you the remains of tens of thousands of years ago."

"Oh? What kind of relics? The stone tablet is full of words. It's the best way, "Jiang Yun said.

"If you think too much, even if you have, that kind of existence can't be left alone and taken away long ago." Katherine seems to know something like that, and she is also full of complaints. "I'll show you what you'll see."

Two people came to the outskirts of the city, the city here is very interesting, there is no city, there is no so-called moat, is a delimited area. They had almost gone from the center of the city to a remote place outside.

"It's a bit of a surprise," Jiang said.

"What do you see?" Catherine looked at the mountains in front of her.

"What can there be?" Jiang Yun waved his hand. "You won't tell me that the mountains and rivers were cut off, will you?"

Katherine's words came to her mouth, and then she looked at Jiang Yun. Her eyes turned to thinking, but it was still strange after thinking for a long time. She asked, "how do you know?"

"How do I know? I guess

"You are really powerful. Why don't you guess who cut it off?" Catherine said.

"Look at you, you're still a little proud, aren't you a woman? You're not related to your ancestors, are you Jiang Yun said two ideas. Just now, Jiang Yun saw that he lied to Katherine as a guess, but now he is a complete guess. Although there is some reasoning, it is very jumping, not the most rigorous reasoning.


"Look at you, I guessed right again." "don't worry, I know you want to talk now, but I don't know what to say, so I'll tell you why I can get these three conclusions." Jiang Yun began to flicker, anyway, it didn't hurt. "The mountains and rivers here are continuous, in fact, the mountains and rivers are majestic, the mountains and rivers are majestic, but they are not majestic, This is very strange. This kind of mountains and rivers can't create such momentum, but it really exists. In addition, if you want me to witness history, the only explanation is obvious. How can the mountains and rivers be broken? Natural conditions? It's impossible. It's a stretch. If it's natural change, it's too regular. So it can be inferred that it's man-made

"Then why was it cut off?" Katherine was thinking about every word.

"The sword has the spirit of the sword, and the sword has the spirit of the sword. That can't be changed. For example, when I walk through here, my footprints will be left, the dust on my body will be left, and even my breath will be left. Weapons have their own unique ways, and they can't cheat people."

"I accept this explanation. Second point"

"Second, there is a conjecture. I've followed you all the way. Your pace is very light, which shows that you should be in a happy state. How can you be happy to look at the ruins? You are so happy because it is the capital to show off. There is no derogatory meaning to show off in my sentence. Indeed, it is also worth showing off. "

"It can show that this relic has something to do with me, but how do you see the second point? You should explain the third point."

"Intuition" Jiang Yun said, "women with strong feminism are generally worshipped by women, not men, and you are a person with strong feminism, which I already understand when you tell us that the Lord of our country is a woman."

"That's how you see it. It's not good."

"In fact, I have another doubt," Jiang Yun asked. "According to the truth, women rarely use knives, which are not beautiful and uncomfortable."

"Oh, men can use knives, but women can't?" Asked Catherine.

"It can be, but it's not suitable for women. The killing power of the knife is too heavy. If it's used by women, it's hard to imagine that kind of scene," said Jiang Yun. "Don't tell me, you are also an expert in using the knife?"

"Don't worry, my ancestor was a soldier and a female soldier. Moreover, the sword technique used by my ancestors has been lost. I just want to learn it, but I can't learn it."

"Want to learn?" Jiang Yun shakes his head, "skill is only second"

"Don't brag, will you?"

"If you want to learn, I can give it to you," said Jiang Yun. "Ha?"

"Aside, I don't want to joke here." Catherine looked at the mountains and rivers cut off by her waist. "This is really a good place to feel, but the ancestral sword is a way of killing and cutting honed in the battlefield. Unless I kill thousands of people, I can't understand the secret."

"You know," said Jiang Yun, "I underestimated you."

"You overestimate yourself," said Catherine. "But I really can't see through you. You seem to know everything and you don't seem to know anything."

"Then you have to make a good distinction between what I know and what I don't know." Jiang Yun will say, as for whether Catherine can understand, it's not Jiang Yun's problem.

"Oh, or we'll take two moves. I'd like to see what kind of element you are." Catherine looks directly at Jiang Yun, and her fighting spirit is very obvious.

"You'd better forget it." Jiang Yun doesn't think so. He just stands here and asks Catherine to do it. Catherine has nothing to do with it“ Is that what you want to show me? It's not of great value. It just makes me understand some people in the past. As for history, it's still a blank. "

"Don't worry, there's always a chance," Catherine said. "It's the same with us."

"Don't believe in fighting me, you will be miserable. So far, there is only one enemy that can be my enemy."

"It's not from the town next door to your house, is it?" Catherine joked.

"Well" "is it the earth people who are hard to come true?" Jiang Yun's thinking leaps and bounds. They have been looking for the trace of that person. He did not think that the person might be a human on earth. Because the earth has been destroyed, he did not think about this again. "However, the history of the earth is very short, maybe it's just a wrong guess."

Jiang Yun suppresses the speculation in his mind. Now is not the time to think about these problems. Waiting for the three people to meet again, Jiang Yun will put forward this view and consider it together.

"What do you think?" Catherine patted Jiang Yun on the shoulder and called him back from thinking.

"Little things, nothing," Jiang said.

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