Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 114: Someone wants to be a nail house


With the call of Wu Sancai, the villagers who immediately agreed to the scene began to queue up for the corresponding registration, and as the registered villagers gradually increased, they chose to pay land payments in turn and were willing to demolish old houses to live free new houses. The villagers also occupy the majority.

After all, being able to get more than 1 million cash in one shot is very tempting for many people, and it’s not good to say that although each of them has an average of 20 acres of land, most of them It is a barren mountain, and the number of farmland is only a few acres.

Moreover, the land originally belongs to the state. If it is applied according to the standards of national land acquisition, then they can get 200,000 to 300,000 in the 20-mu land. Perhaps the state will also give some other aspects of protection policies, such as the purchase of pension insurance.

However, these various preferential policies and protection policies are far from being directly paid to more than 1 million in cash.

"I said Yao Xinggui, you are standing on the side and not waiting in line. Have you not thought about it yet, or do you think that the compensation for the people is not enough? Your family will not want to be the nail house of our village! If it is In this way, let alone people do not agree, even if we do not agree with everyone." The mouth is talking about a peasant woman in her 40s, usually in the village is also a relatively embarrassing one.

The villager she called Yao Xinggui was also in addition to the fame and ambiguity in the village. Now she sees that Yao Xinggui is not lined up like most people. Instead, there is a look of eagerness to try, and she can’t help but make some irony. Said.

In fact, this Yao Xinggui is really like she said, he wants to express different opinions on the compensation that Wu Hao currently gives. Although he is very excited about this huge amount of compensation, he still can’t resist the inner greed. To increase the amount of compensation.

"What is it? You are satisfied with this compensation. It does not mean that everyone is satisfied. The land of my family is distributed by the state. The house is also covered by me. I want to pay for the compensation. I have the final say. Without me. I don’t want to move my family’s land, I don’t want to move my house. I don’t know how to dismantle my house.” Yao Xinggui said that he wanted to say something, and he said it in advance, and he still used a very ironic tone, so he immediately got some The appearance of getting out of the way, directly speaking loudly and arrogantly.

Yao Xinggui is just 50 years old this year. He is very thin and thin, especially with two small eyes. At first glance, it belongs to the kind of unpleasant appearance. There is a wife who has dementia at home, and a son who works in the field.

In fact, his wife with dementia in his family was also bought from other provinces a few decades ago. He can be said to give him a son who has not been pleasing to his son. He can’t do anything at home. Only know how to eat.

And his son, who used to work in the village to steal dogs and dogs, has always had a bad reputation in the village. Before I graduated from junior high school, I went to work in other provinces. No one knows what to do.

I recently returned to the village once, two years ago. The house of Yao Xinggui’s house is also a stone tile house repaired decades ago. It is already very old.

now. The villagers who had been lined up had heard that Yao Xinggui was so greedy and insatiable. He also wanted to increase the compensation separately, and even said that he would not be allowed to do nails.

"Hey! Yao Xinggui, you still know that your home is given by the state. Now the country has to reclaim the land. Now people have given such good conditions. You actually want more, it seems that you want to I want to be special for one person!"

"Yes, it’s not that I said you. People need to know that the foot and the right thing are enough. If you do too much, then it’s not good." The villagers around. Immediately, they immediately expressed their own remarks. There were direct irony and ambiguity, and there were also reasonable reasons. In short, most people pointed their finger at Yao Xinggui.

However, some people who had the same ideas as Yao Xinggui had to retreat after seeing such a scene. Obviously they did not intend to stand up and speak.

After all, the vast majority of people present at the scene are all acknowledging these payment methods. The so-called minority obeys the majority. Now more than one hundred households have expressed their consent. They are almost a few, even if they have other ideas, they are doomed.

The rest of the people who do not immediately agree, mainly in the choice of whether it is a one-time payment, or the choice of long-term flow, or just want to wait for other people in the family to discuss and make decisions.

After all, many people in the village are now out, which is related to the interests of their own interests. Naturally, they must consider more.

What's more, Wu Sancai said before, they have a few days to consider.

"Well, everyone shouldn't quarrel!" After seeing this situation, Wu San, who was doing the registration work, immediately stopped his work and went to Yao Xinggui and everyone to stop and stop.

"Yao Xinggui doesn't want you to make a decision right now. I have already said it. Everyone has a few days to consider the time. If there are any questions after a few days, we will discuss it together. Now you should go back and think about it yourself! "Wu Sancai is very clear about what kind of character Yao Xinggui is. But at this time, as a village chief, it is naturally impossible to argue with everyone, so he can only leave the other party and wait for the majority. After the registration of the villagers, they are dealing with this matter.

"Hey! Anyway, I am not satisfied with this compensation. I have not met my requirements. I don't want to move my house and land." Yao Xinggui is now angry with some blushing neck after facing the language attack of everyone. It's thick, so there are some rumors that are straightforward.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately dismissed and left only the villagers who were surrounded by others, and accused him of standing in the same place.

"This Yao Xinggui is really not a thing. It is usually a small sigh of relief. Now I still see the money, and I am planning to become a nail house."

"That is, Laozi is like this. His son is not a good thing. When he was in the village in the early years, he did something to steal the chicken and touch the dog. Now he doesn't know what he is doing outside."

"What else can you do? In the past two years, you didn't see the look of the boy when he came back. The whole hair was dyed like a cat. At first glance, it was a little punk."

After Yao Xinggui left in an angry way, the villagers around him talked about the various things that Yao Xinggui's family did not. It was completely a group of attacking and attacking postures.

......(To be continued~^~)

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