
The auctioneer was so angry that he sneered, "Lin Xiao, don't talk nonsense. This is Mr. Van Gogh's exercise at school. What do you know?"

"Yes! Don't make a fuss. It's funny!"

"What do you know about painting?"


Lin Xiao was not upset by the continuous laughter. He smiled strangely, pointed to Jiang Yu and said, "dare you make a bet?"

"Bet? What do you mean?" Jiang Yu stares at Lin Xiao coldly and unconsciously raises his chest. He doesn't want to be compared by Lin Xiao in front of Nangong brocade.

"If the painting is true, you can put forward your conditions. If the painting is false, you kneel down in public and kowtow to me three heads, and swear never to harass my wife, dare you?"

Jiang Yu smiled angrily and asked me to kneel down and kowtow? Go and have your spring and autumn dream, but he thought about it. If you don't take advantage of such a good opportunity, you will regret it in the future, so he smiled grimly: "OK! Lin Xiao! I bet with you, I have only one condition. If you lose, leave Nangong brocade immediately and disappear in front of her forever!"

"Good!" Lin Xiao agreed without hesitation.

Nangong Jin was a little stunned. She wanted to say something and held back. She was very contradictory in her heart. On the one hand, she really didn't want to see Lin Xiao want to divorce him, on the other hand, she felt unbearable and angry. Why did you spend our marriage as a bet?

"That's what you said!" Jiang Yu was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, happiness came too suddenly. Lin Xiao must have a funny brain before he made such a commitment.

Tang Shihu's treasure appraisal level is among the best in China. The error rate of the treasure he identified is only one in ten thousand.

Besides Van Gogh's famous paintings, Tang Shihu is more careful and can't be wrong in any case.

"Hum!" Tang Shihu snorted angrily and said, "arrogant hairy boy, it's nonsense!"

Lin Xiao has a confidence of mystery. He learned from his master since childhood. He has a deep knowledge of both martial arts and knowledge. He can see the problem at a glance.

"You don't believe it, do you?" In the face of a questioning look, Lin Xiao stood up unsteadily, walked slowly onto the auction platform and turned around in front of the painting, "then I'll prove it to you!"

Tang Shihu stood up, strode to the front and said coldly, "children, I hope you don't talk nonsense. This painting is true or false. It's not something you can taste at all. If you accidentally break the painting, can you afford it?"

"Master Tang, right?" Lin Xiao smiled, made an unfathomable appearance, and shook his head and said, "this canvas is far from Van Gogh's age in terms of material and color, at least a hundred years away. If it is an authentic work, how to explain it?"

Tang Shihu was stunned. He did have doubts about the canvas, but after careful deliberation, he found that it was just an illusion. Although this kind of canvas was rare in Van Gogh's era, it was not without.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Lin Xiao took the initiative to step forward, pointed to a less obvious green spot at the bottom of the canvas, and said faintly: "if the material of the canvas did exist at that time, then... Master Tang, look again!"

Tang Shihu subconsciously approached him. After careful identification, he raised a sneer at the corners of his mouth and said disapprovingly, "it's just an ink stain. What's the fuss?"

"Ha ha..." Lin Xiao shook his head. "If there are chemical experts on site, you can come up and have a look. This ink is not ordinary ink."

"Huh?" The auctioneer was suddenly stunned. He majored in chemical engineering in college and worked in a chemical plant after his master's degree. He didn't change his profession until recently. He couldn't help but be curious and looked carefully at the ink. He was stunned a few seconds later.

This piece of ink is placed on the canvas. Ordinary people will not notice it at all. It is so shallow that it can hardly be seen by the naked eye. It can be seen only when you observe it very carefully.

And even if you see the ink, you won't take it seriously. It's really too humble to be worth studying.

However, the auctioneer's expression was very dignified. After careful observation for a few minutes, he took a deep breath, looked at Lin Xiao strangely, and said in a deep voice: "this ink... Is left in modern times, no more than 20 years at most!"

"That doesn't mean anything!" Tang Shihu sneered, "it is likely that other owners of this painting inadvertently left it on the canvas. Is this also a fraud?"

"Of course not!" Without panic, Lin Xiaosi picked up a magnifying glass from the auction table and handed it to Tang Shihu. "Master Tang can look up along the traces at the end of the ink and naturally understand what I mean."

Tang Shihu hesitated to take the magnifying glass. According to Lin Xiao's meaning, he moved up along the end of the ink. At first, he was very calm, but later, the surprise in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

It didn't matter. It almost scared him to death.

"This, this is impossible!"

With Tang Shihu screaming, everyone's expression became nervous.

"Well, what's the matter? Why didn't I find it? This anti-counterfeiting technique is common to modern imitation masters. How can it appear on this canvas?"

Tang Shihu's body trembled with dull eyes. He couldn't believe what he saw.

Because of an oversight, Tang Shihu gave up the study of the ink. His attention has been on the painting itself, so he neglected the details of the corners.

The ink is not left unintentionally, but the traces deliberately left by the imitator in order to prevent being cheated by his own painting. There are five to eight places from shallow to deep, which are spread all over the whole painting through a special invisible painting method.

Therefore, as long as people who understand this industry trace through ink, they will find that these ink from shallow to deep runs through a very shallow picture scroll itself.

"In fact, the imitation of this painting is good, but these people are afraid of being cheated by others. They leave anti-counterfeiting marks on their paintings. Although they are so slight that they can be ignored, how can they hide in front of master Tang?" Lin Xiao flattered Tang Shihu, but Tang Shihu blushed.

Lin Xiao's remark was a slap in the face. If Tang Shihu really had great skills, he wouldn't recognize a fake as an authentic work.

"Master Tang! What's the matter? This painting..." the manager came over with a worried face and asked in a hurry.


"Hey!" Tang Shihu angrily formed the painting into a group and said, "this painting is false. Even if it is lifelike, it is also false!"


The whole audience made a sound of sucking cold air.

Van Gogh's painting is fake?

Many people were happy for a while. Fortunately, they didn't continue to shoot, otherwise hundreds of millions of people would lose a lot if they bought back a fake painting.

"Master Tang! Make it clear! You can't hurt me!" Jiang Yu ran out screaming and stared at Tang Shihu strangely.

Tang Shihu looked up at the sky and sighed. His reputation was ruined today, but he was not that kind of immoral person. Since he had determined the authenticity, there was nothing to hide. He said in a deep voice: "the painting is fake, fake, worth a million at most!"

Pedal pedal

Jiang Yuru was struck by lightning, her eyes were round, her legs softened and she almost fell.

Lin Xiao suddenly came over with a smile: "Jiang Shao! Now the facts are known to everyone, can you honor the bet?"

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