Chapter 329

Jian Jian explained his work with Lu Chenxi and Rosa. Su Yang, along with the director of the CDC-Ren Quan, came to an experiment and research center under the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

There is a fourth level of biochemical prevention and control measures, which are among the best in all of Asia.

As soon as Su Yang got out of the car, he found that this place was already in a tight formation, the cordon had been pulled up, and around the research center were guarded by fully armed security personnel.

It seems that the situation is much more serious than Su Yang thought.

After undergoing a series of strict inspections and disinfection, Su Yang followed Ren Quan to the research center.

“Director Ren, what is known now?”

Su Yang and Ren Quan stood together behind a high-strength tempered glass, watching the patient who had been injected with a tranquilizer and lying quietly on the bed, and asked slowly.

“At present, no transmission routes including air, saliva, and blood have been found. It is preliminary estimated that this unknown pathogen is likely to be transmitted through actual contact.”

Ren Quan said solemnly.

“So this is an undiscovered parasite or similar insect microbe?”

Su Yang asked with some doubts.

“The expert group also considers the same, but so far, any detection methods, including CT, MRI, and dye fluorescence contrast of various trace elements, have not found any traces.”

Ren Quan also feels a big head. It is clear that the patient has symptoms and all signs indicate that there is an unknown pathogen in the patient’s body, but it cannot be detected.

“The expert team’s assessment found that this unknown pathogen is aimed at the human nervous system. The slime mold compound organism developed by Professor Su before for the restoration of the nervous system also has such characteristics specifically for the nervous system. Professor Su , I don’t know if you have any views on this situation?”

Ren Quan had great hopes for Su Yang. Now the expert team is at a loss. If the real body of this pathogen cannot be found, the situation is really too bad.

“These patients, before the onset, did they have anything in common?”

Su Yang thought for a while and wanted to ask, this at least has a clue, there is no clue at all, let him find out the reason, he is not a god.

“For the time being, I haven’t found anything valuable in common.”

Ren Quan shook his head and said.

“Could it be that this pathogen is similar to a certain tissue of the human body, and it was missed during the inspection?”

Su Yang said again.

Just like parasites, sometimes, especially in the lungs and brains, the eggs and brain tissues and lung tissues are highly similar in imaging. Therefore, this possibility is also possible.

“The expert team also considered this possibility, but so far, all possible tests have been done.”

Ren Quan said with a headache.

“Director Ren, if it is identified as an unknown pathogen, where do you think it came from?”

Combined with the knowledge of cross-material gene fusion obtained by the check-in, Su Yang had some guesses about this pathogen that made the expert group feel extremely troublesome.

“Where did it come from?”

Ren Quan had some doubts, and he didn’t know what Su Yang meant by asking like this.

“Yes, there must be a place for pathogens? This is very important.”

Su Yang said.

“Professor Su, even the pathogen hasn’t been found. If you trace the root to the source, there is no way to talk about it?”

Ren Quan asked with some doubts.

Shouldn’t the normal procedure be to find the pathogen first, and then find the source based on the characteristics of the pathogen?

“What I mean is that the pathogens that are so concealed and suddenly appear are aimed at the nervous system. Think about it, once there are a large number of such patients, it will cause great confusion.”

Su Yang was inconvenient to say clearly, but he still described it in profile.

“Impossible, Professor Su, do you mean this may be man-made? This is a biological weapon?”

Ren Quan looked surprised.

If Su Yang’s guess comes true, then he can’t imagine what serious situation will be caused.

“At the current level of genetic technology, I don’t think it is possible to develop gene products that only target the nervous system. Think about it, underground, there are still many pathogens that existed in ancient times sleeping, will someone accidentally dig out How about putting it for a certain purpose? Of course, it may also be unintentionally leaked.”

Su Yang said very methodically.

“Director, let’s do a trace element screening for iron.”

Su Yang said again, he already had some guesses in his mind.

“Iron element?”

Ren Quan asked with confusion.

The iron trace element labeling screening, in detail, is to do a test of iron in the human body, and mark the iron-enriched parts.


Su Yang nodded.

“Professor Su, can you tell me the reason for the iron screening mark?”

Ren Quan asked with some doubts.

“If this is a parasite that only lives underground, then the amount of iron deposited in its body must be very high.”

Su Yang said slowly.

“Professor Su, why do you think it’s just a parasite?”

Ren Quan asked.

“It’s very simple. If it is a virus, bacteria or fungus, the scope of infection will not be so limited. As far as I know, there are only dozens of patients found now, so it is very likely that they will be infected through actual physical contact. The parasite was parasitized as a host.”

Su Yang had actually guessed what it was, but this kind of creature was too rare and only existed in ancient times.

This still appears as a material for gene fusion in the encyclopedia of knowledge for sign-in rewards.

“Well, now only Professor Su has an idea for you, so let’s try it.”

Ren Quan said slowly.

After speaking, Ren Quan called a researcher over and exhorted a few words.

The researcher nodded, and quickly went to do iron detection.

As for Su Yang and Ren Quan, they sat in Ren Quan’s office, waiting for the results of the test.

“Professor Su, I still don’t understand. Why do you think this unknown pathogen is a parasite?”

At this time, Ren Quan still couldn’t understand why Su Yang so determined that the pathogen for the treatment was parasites.

“This is probably an intuition.”

Su Yang said calmly.

Of course he can’t say that he has a book of strange creatures. In this book, all the species that have appeared on the earth, suitable for genetic fusion materials, are recorded.

“Professor Su’s research on nerve recovery factors also relies on this intuition?”

Ren Quan asked with interest.

“It’s purely a mistake.”

Su Yang said calmly.

Next, Su Yang and Ren Quan discussed some more issues. Su Yang could see that Ren Quan is a kind of research talent, and I don’t know why he became the director of the CDC.

Time came to four o’clock in the afternoon.

Su Yang and Ren Quan are discussing an issue in a professional field. A researcher in a white coat hurried into the office from the outside with a pile of test materials in his hands.

“Director, the test results are out. There is a large amount of iron enrichment in the brains of many patients.”

The researcher said eagerly.


Ren Quan stood up all at once.

He didn’t expect that Su Yang’s guess would come true.

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