Super Dragon King Clone

Text Chapter 169 The love that Hailong needs turns out to be like this

Sitting next to the Dragon King, Hailong just followed the Dragon King word by word. Looking at the Dragon King's huge dragon head and the cruel and cold eyes, Hailong remembered the situation when he first obtained the Dragon King.

The process of obtaining this Dragon King's clone is equivalent to the process of his own soul devouring the Dragon King's soul. As a ferocious beast, the Dragon King's soul is inherently cruel.

When he first obtained the Dragon King, he almost starved to death because he did not dare to eat raw fish. It was hunger that inspired the animalistic part of the soul that belonged to the Dragon King.

Hailong's soul lost its sense of autonomy and entered a state of animal transformation. When Hailong woke up, looking at the bloody scene in front of him of being eaten by himself, Hailong almost collapsed.

Thanks to the hardships of life, Hailong has become strong. Otherwise, all the fish around him would have only one fish head left, and the body would be eaten by himself, but the internal organs are still moving. All kinds of fish use that kind of Unspeakable eyes were looking at him, and the corners of his mouth were still moving. This was simply a kind of torture.

Later, whenever the Dragon King's body was threatened, due to the imperfect soul fusion, the part of the soul that belonged to the Dragon King would instantly take over from Hailong to manage the Dragon King's body, and put Hailong's soul into a violent state. This was a kind of In a state where there is no distinction between ourselves and the enemy, they completely live by killing.

This state directly affected Hailong's soul, making Hailong live in a state of confusion for a long time. He didn't know what he was doing every day, and he completely carried out a beast's instinct, eating everything that could satisfy his hunger. From that moment on, Hailong slowly accepted this cold-blooded way of survival.

Even if you are an innocent life, I am hungry, for my survival, then I will kill you. Eat you alive, because that's the only way I can survive.

If you are older than me and you want to eat me, then I will fight you even more crazily until I kill you and eat you.

Gradually, Hailong's animal nature was far greater than his humanity, so that in the end, Hailong couldn't tell whether he was a human or a beast.

But when Hailong accidentally heard Hu Jing's singing at the beach, that kind of song with a touch of joy, a touch of freshness and a little playful, Helong was instantly moved by the singing.

Let your soul gradually free itself from the rage, and with the help of singing. Let your soul take the initiative again and suppress the violent feeling.

Later, in order to make money and let his mother live a better life, the Dragon King was overworked and drained all the electricity in his body, only to encounter a carnivorous fish that was more than one meter long.

In an extremely dangerous fight, the Dragon King was seriously injured. After all, Hailong's soul was still a human being and could not fight for his life like a wild beast. At the critical moment, it was the Dragon King's rage that helped Hailong kill the big fish that was more than one meter long.

However, this is the direct consequence. The animal transformation that he had finally suppressed appeared again, causing Hailong's body to be seriously affected.

On the way home from school, Hailong's soul couldn't get out of that violent state, but when he first arrived at the door of his house. By chance, Hailong heard Hu Jing's singing again, and it was only from that time that Hailong saw Hu Jing's appearance.

Think back to the beginning. Hailong, who was full of murder, walked to the door of his house and heard the familiar song that calmed his soul. The moment his soul regained clarity, Hailong was so excited. He was excited and worried at the same time, for fear that he would see it. That face is not what I imagined in my dreams.

But when Hailong couldn't restrain his curiosity and went in to take a look, the moment their eyes met, Hailong suddenly felt that his whole world was lit up.

The air has become fragrant, the sky has become bluer, and the shabby walls of the video store have become so beautiful. What a beautiful face that is. She is not a stunning beauty, but she has a kind of beauty that no other girl has. Such a temperament is elegance and tranquility.

You can't have any negative emotions around her. You are completely immersed in her smile. It is a feeling that cannot be expressed in words.

Later, in order to take revenge, Hailong made many plans, pretended to be benevolent and deceived his friends. In the end, Hailong controlled the Dragon King and used the Dragon King's teeth to bite off the heads of all the gangsters who bullied him and his mother. Unable to control the violent emotions in his heart, he once again fell into chaos. The furious Hailong almost killed his men in the small fishing village. It was really dangerous.

That time it was Hu Jing who called her soul back to her true body, using her unique soft voice and shy and playful expression to awaken her consciousness. From that moment on, Hailong fell deeply in love with Hu Jing. Yes.

Now, he has become famous. He killed Guan Daqiu, forced Cao Yongquan away, supported Liu Handong, controlled Qiao Zhenyuan and Qiao Yu, and mastered the criminal evidence of most important leaders in Donghai City. He has 24 killers, 1 professional mercenary, and four ten thousand ships under his command. tons of container ships and a net worth of more than 200 million. It can be said that Hilong has achieved all the achievements it can achieve in Donghai City and has reached a peak.

For Hailong, Hailong's standards for love are very high, so high that they are even harsh. Hailong's standards are that his wife should live with him for a lifetime, and be someone who can share joys and sorrows. It's a couple.

No one can guarantee that their whole life will be smooth and smooth, and they will live a smooth life with beautiful clothes and angry horses. There will be times of troughs and depression. If you find the wrong person, if the girl you found back then is just... Just coveting your family’s money and material enjoyment.

Then when you are at a low point, he will leave you and make you taste deeper pain. There are many such women. They have no money themselves, but they dress themselves up noble and glamorous, hoping that they can marry A wealthy family allows them to live a prosperous life. They do not require their husbands to be loyal to them, as long as they give them money to spend.

They can tolerate wild women calling their homes to provoke them, and they can tolerate their husbands staying away from home for weeks at a time, as long as they give them money.

But, you have to know. What will it be like when you can't give her the money? She will leave you without saying a word, leaving you alone in greater pain. This is the reality.

In reality, there is another kind of woman, such as Liu Handong's wife. Liu Handong was framed by Cao Yongquan, and both Liu Handong and his wife were imprisoned.

Cao Yongquan bluntly told Liu Handong's wife that as long as you are willing to take the initiative to expose Liu Handong's crimes, you can be guaranteed to avoid jail. You can take your children to far away places.

If it was the first type of woman, Qiao Zhenyuan, Leng Bo and others would have already joined Liu Handong in prison, let alone Liu Handong.

But Liu Handong's wife insisted that her husband was an extremely incorruptible and good official, and had never done anything illegal in his life.

But who believes this? Who can guarantee that Liu Handong has never received a gift in his life? Who can guarantee that Liu Handong has never done anything for others.

The fault was not big, but if he said it at that time, it would be powerful evidence that would put Liu Handong in jail. But Liu Handong's wife insisted that her husband was a good and honest official no matter how she tried to coerce her.

What is the prison of the Discipline Inspection Commission like? They tie people to stools and deprive them of sleep, food, and only water. Just kept sitting on the stool.

If a person sits on a stool for more than ten days in a row, the body will stick to the stool. When you want to leave, you will not be able to leave easily.

In such a difficult environment. Liu Handong's wife would rather die herself, go on a hunger strike and starve to death, and would never say a bad word about her husband. She would rather let her son become an orphan, but also hold on to the last glimmer of hope so that her husband can walk out of prison safe and sound. This is called a wife.

In Liu Handong's case, it's not that Hailong could have turned the whole thing around on his own. Without Chen Xiaoya's espionage operation, Liu Handong's wife's fight to the death, Qiao Zhenyuan's argument, and Li Wanhao's full help, nothing would have happened. All of this, relying on Hailong alone, is of no use. It's just that their roles are recessive, and only his own role is explicit.

In the future, the Dragon King will gradually become stronger, Hailong's heart will also become bigger, and the time that Hailong can stay at home every day will be shorter.

Most of the time, his wife is alone at home. The wives of Qiao Zhenyuan, Liu Handong and others are Hailong's criteria for choosing a spouse.

Qiao Zhenyuan and Liu Handong will never spend more than 80 days at home out of 365 days a year, not to mention normal work overtime and visits to the countryside.

Just talking about the entertainment every night, Qiao Zhenyuan and others have no way to spare time to go home to accompany their wives and children.

You can't refuse most of the social activities. Everyone has their own circle and needs to maintain their own feelings. The higher you stand, the more relationships you need to maintain.

Everyone is busy during the day and has no time, so having dinner together at night is the only option. Some people even hope that the week will not only have seven days, but become seventeen days, so that they can maintain all their relationships in one week. Once again.

Liu Handong's family situation is not particularly good. As a person who has climbed from the grassroots to today's height step by step, the suffering he endured back then is definitely not something that people today can imagine.

Therefore, when Liu Handong had no money, no power, and was looked down upon by others, his wife was willing to accompany him. Today, Liu Handong is rich and powerful but cannot see her every day. Liu Handong's wife is also willing to follow in her husband's footsteps and silently Supportive husband's work.

One person takes care of the children and takes care of the elderly on both sides. Why are many men afraid of their wives? It is because of such wives that men are afraid.

Because his wife has done everything a wife can do, Liu Handong will feel ashamed every time he sees his wife. No matter how famous he is in society, he will feel ashamed when he returns home. own wife.

The standard for a wife is to be able to endure loneliness, to be able to shoulder the burden of taking care of her family, not to be fooled by the bustling scene in society, and to be able to silently protect her husband.

What Hailong wants is also such a wife. Look at what Hailong has done in the past six months. He has killed nearly 20 people alone, not to mention participating in smuggling, manipulating the government and a series of other things. He can spend more time at home. There are very few.

It is impossible for anyone to do things without any tail. Sooner or later, something will be known to his wife. If the girl you choose does not really love you deeply, but has her own purpose, there is no guarantee that she will choose Betrayal, Hailong couldn't bear the pain. If he really wanted to betray, he might as well do it earlier, before falling in love.

Hailong originally loved Hu Jing because he was grateful to Hu Jing for saving his life several times. It can be said that without Hu Jing, he would not have known whether he was a human or a ghost at this time.

In the past six months, although Hailong struggled in society and fell into the world of mortals, he cherished his feathers very much, especially when it came to love. Except for Hu Jing, Hailong never loved any woman. Moved.

Hailong's heart has not changed, but Hailong doesn't know whether Hu Jing's heart has not changed in this dirty world. If she has not changed, she will not have waited for her for so long.

Things are unpredictable and life is ever-changing. I don’t know if the fresh and playful little girl back then could resist the temptation of this colorful world. If she couldn’t, then she would have ruined her whole life.

When a village girl joins a wealthy family, there is only one ending...

Thinking of this, Hailong sighed, patted the Dragon King on the head, and said to the Dragon King: You are me, and I am you. Because of me, you can survive, and because of you, I can have the status I have today. We will spend the rest of our lives together. They are inseparable from each other. After that, he drove home.

After returning home, Hailong put the emerald together with the six bottles of red wine. Hailong was going to see Hu Jing later. Tomorrow is the school anniversary, and all the work in Hailong's hands has been finished for the time being, so he can have a good time. to deal with some of my own problems. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

ps: I feel so happy that I finally explained something clearly, but why does Laojiu feel so slightly sad in his heart~!

When you were in elementary school, you were still a little girl.

Flying with you is my wish

Ever since I carried my luggage

leave hometown

Just treasure this wish deeply

You don't know how much sadness I've been through

You won't know me either

have become stronger

Ever since I carried my luggage

Return to hometown

I can’t imagine the sadness I feel when facing you~

Ten years, ten years

Ten years of cold window

Everything is being forgotten

Ten years, ten years

Return to hometown

I don’t know where to feel sad

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