Super Dragon King Clone

Text Chapter 227 The new order of smuggling

Hailong said: "You don't need it for the time being. I'm not even one of their members. I can't help you. Just wait until there are a few more transactions. When they know your importance, they will naturally let me contact you. That It’s time for you to make your glorious debut.”

Hearing Hailong's words, Ye Huairen felt it made sense and said, "Okay, then I'll listen to you."

After talking about the business, Hailong said to the two of them: "I have a problem here that I urgently need your help with."

After hearing Hailong's words, they both said at the same time: "What's the matter?"

Hailong said: "I lack information and familiar smuggling merchants. Although I have strong smuggling capabilities, I want to smuggle in various countries, but there are no corresponding merchants to trade with me. This is the problem I am most worried about now. I don't know. Do you have any familiar businessmen who can introduce me to you?"

Hearing Hailong's words, Petrov and Ye Huairen looked at each other with a smile. Ye Huairen made a gesture of invitation. Petrov shrugged and said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem. We also saved this this time. I discussed this idea with Huairen before you came.

Dragon King, since you have such a powerful smuggling ability and a 100% smuggling success rate, we are ready to hand over most of our smuggling business to you.

As long as we are only upstream manufacturers, even if you don’t tell us this time, we will introduce our trading partners to you. The most important thing is that my identity is different now. There are many times when I need to pay attention to some things. . "

Helong asked with great interest: "Oh, Peter. Did you succeed?" Helong knew that Petrov had always wanted to run for mayor of Vladivostok, and Petrov was already a city councilor. As long as he goes one step further and wins the election, he can become the mayor.

However, when it comes to running for office, I am young, and my status and reputation in society are not as good as those of the old guys running with me.

So we can only use special means, such as threats and intimidation, but those people are all famous figures in society. If you take action rashly, you will easily be suppressed by the government, so. Petrov always wanted the support of some big shots above.

This time, Hilong successfully helped Petrov smuggle military precision machine tools from Japan, which was a big help to the Ruby Design Bureau. Therefore, some high-level officials in Russia were involved. Much praise for Petrov. They even invited Petrov to their home.

When Helong heard Petrov's words, he knew that Petrov had finally successfully penetrated into the high-level group and gained their support.

Seeing Petrov nodding his head, Heron asked with a smile: "How did you do it?"

Petrov said with a smile: "My only competitor, on the day of the election, he accidentally tripped over a grenade when he was leaving the house. The fall was relatively heavy, so he went directly to the hospital. , instead of running for election. So, I was elected so easily."

Seeing Petrov's giggling, Hailong and Ye Huairen looked at each other, and at the same time gave Petrov an internationally standardized gesture, the middle finger.

After the three of them quarreled for a while, they returned to the original topic. Ye Huairen said: "It's the same here. Instead of struggling to smuggle, we should just be suppliers. After the price is set, how much you can sell depends on your strength. We have already prepared price lists for the items we can smuggle." After speaking, the two handed the two price lists to Hailong.

In today's world situation, smuggling is becoming more and more difficult. If you smuggle ten times, you will be caught at least three to four times. Some unlucky people will even be caught once for smuggling once.

If it is a small smuggler, forget it. Losing once does not matter. However, if it is such a large smuggler, there is no way to bear three or four losses.

Moreover, countries nowadays mainly rely on information channels to arrest smugglers. Basically, after oneself signs a smuggling agreement with the other country, the customs of the other country has already obtained the smuggling information from the informant.

It’s not that my side is not thorough enough, it’s that the buyer is a mixed bag, with all types of characters, and there is no complete set of confidentiality measures. The other party’s customs has the backing of the state and has paid to hire a large number of informants, so it can be done in advance. Got the news about smuggling.

In this way, no matter how carefully you do it, the other party will lay a dragnet to wait for you. This means that every smuggling operation requires a large amount of manpower and material resources, and it is difficult to succeed.

After all, he didn't know that the other country's customs had learned that the smuggling information had been leaked.

Now that there is a businessman like Hailong who has a 100% smuggling success rate as a guarantee, then he can simply give up this part of the benefits.

Although the money is less, the win is 100% success, and you don’t have to worry about losses if the goods are caught by the other party.

Because Hailong had already paid when he smuggled things. In other words, Hailong first spent money to buy things from himself and then sold them. He had no losses at all. At most, he only lost money. Just made some money.

However, compared with previous years, this money-making model ended up making more money, because in previous years, because we were caught three or four times every year, the money lost definitely accounted for a considerable proportion, but now it is basically There is no loss of money, so Petrov and Ye Huairen fully hope that Hilong can accept this trade model.

Of course, Hilong has no objection. What Hilong hopes for most is this trade model.

Hailong said: "Okay, of course I agree. This is what I like to do the most."

Ye Huairen said: "We have notified our two smuggling trading partners. The three of them have already come to us and are waiting for your arrival. Let's discuss the plan together."

Hearing Ye Huairen's words, Hailong laughed and said, "Great, take me to see them quickly. I can't wait."

Hailong knew about it since he had a prodigal smuggling ship. My trading methods can be changed. With the prodigal smuggling ship, I can completely evade any country's customs inspection. In other words, as long as the other party has a natural deep-water port, such as Ye Huairen and Petrov, who have a seaport at home, then you only need to drive a prodigal smuggling ship to their private port, and then load the goods. Afterwards, sail out to sea.

Even if he is caught by this country's maritime inspection ship. You can throw the goods into the sea, and the other party will come on board to inspect it, but you will never find any problems. After the other party left, he would control the Dragon King to fish all the goods up from the bottom of the sea.

And when you arrive in another country, you can also use the same method to avoid the other country's customs. Hilong has directly avoided the customs duties of both countries. Parallel VAT with consumption tax and even luxury goods tax.

And most importantly, the things Hilong sells allow merchants to avoid the 20% personal income tax. In this way, Hilong's four ocean-going freighters can carry nearly 100,000 tons of goods at a time. In other words, Hilong can smuggle nearly 100,000 tons of goods at a time. 100,000 tons of items. The selling price of Hilong is far lower than the normal trade price. In this way, Hailong's trade will have huge advantages.

After the three of them finished chatting, Ye Huairen said: "They are resting in my villa now. I will send someone to invite them out. I have opened a new club. Let's play and talk business at the same time. For this party , I have been preparing for a long time, the newly bought girls are all very tender, this is the first time, I guarantee everyone will be satisfied."

Hearing Ye Huairen's words, Petrov became interested and asked with bright eyes: "Where did they come from?"

Ye Huairen chuckled and said: "They are everywhere, from Vietnam, Malaysia, South Korea, Turkey, Libya, and a few top quality ones from Ukraine. The most important ones are virgins. I have found them during this period. The professional mommy trained them and gave them a full body physical examination to ensure that they are free of diseases. They are reserved for you just waiting for you to come."

The more Ye Huairen talked, the more Petrov drooled and said with a lewd smile: "Brother, I am stronger, so I want two."

Ye Huairen laughed and said: "No problem, there are more than 20 beauties, the three of us can divide them enough."

Ye Huairen and Petrov laughed.

Then Ye Huairen looked at Hailong and said, "Dragon King, how many do you want."

Hailong sighed and said, "Oh, you don't know. Brother, I have been holding it in for more than a month at sea. I am almost going crazy. I want six."

The three of them chatted and laughed and followed Ye Huairen to his newly opened club.

On the other side, Ye Huairen also called the three businessmen and asked his men to pick them up and have a party here.

Not long after, they arrived at this private club. At this time, the three businessmen had already arrived at the door of the club and were waiting for the arrival of them.

Seeing that the other party had arrived first and was still waiting for him at the door, Ye Huairen quickly got out of the car and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, three brothers, I didn't expect you to come first."

The other three said with a smile: "It's okay, we have just arrived. I heard that you want to introduce a particularly powerful smuggler to us. We are all anxious to meet him."

Ye Huairen and Petrov quickly introduced Hailong to the three of them. The three of them did not look down on Hailong because of his young age. Instead, after seeing Hailong, the three of them walked up to Hailong together, shook hands with Hailong and said, "Dragon King, you are indeed like As people outside describe you, it is our honor to know you."

Hailong smiled and said, "Why, you know me."

The Indonesian businessman was an old man about 50 years old named Datuk. He laughed and said: "Dear Dragon King, your name has already spread in South Asia. You single-handedly helped the Godwin family smuggle tens of thousands of tons." Your beef arrived in Bangladesh, and you killed seven fleets in the Indian Ocean that wanted to attack you. You have already become famous in one battle."

Hailong said with a smile: "Oh my god, who spread the lie? You all know that the beef was thrown into the sea by Governor Shah Rukh of the Customs. I can't even get a kilogram of beef." They were not smuggled over, and when we went to those seven fleets, the people were already dead, and that was not my doing."

When Datu and the others saw Hailong's appearance, they cursed in their hearts, "You killed your uncle, and you made money. You are still acting like a good boy here. You are really nothing, but we like it." Your character.

Datu and the other three looked at each other. Datu was the oldest and spoke on behalf of the other two. He laughed and said, "If the Dragon King says no, then it's not. But we are very confident about trading with you."

Can you not be confident? Everyone is doing business in the South China Sea. No one knows who is who. The conflict between the Godwin family and Governor Shah Rukh has long been known to everyone.

Godwin is the largest trader in Dika City, and most of the goods from South Asia must pass through Godwin's hands before going to India.

Godwin, who was supposed to suffer the most from this beef embargo, smiled more happily than anyone else at the South Asia Chamber of Commerce gathering a few days ago. Everyone initially thought that Godwin had suffered heavy losses and wanted to comfort him. A few words about the goods, but seeing the appearance of the goods, everyone knew that the goods definitely did not lose any money.

When everyone asked, Godwin quietly told several smuggling trading partners in South Asia about the Dragon King. For a moment, everyone wanted to make friends, but they didn't know each other. Another Hailong also went to sea and returned to China. The next time we come will be two months later, and the anxious people can only wait helplessly for the world to come in two months.

But Datu and others did not expect that their old friends Ye Huairen and Petrov actually knew the Dragon King. As soon as the two sides discussed this matter, they immediately reached an agreement. Datu and the others immediately took a plane and came to Ye Huairen first, waiting for Hailong. 's arrival

Time is money. They really need Hilong's help. If they can be one step ahead of others, they will have a considerable advantage.

Ye Huairen led the five people to the second floor of the club. After sitting down, Ye Huairen said with a smile: "Okay, everyone is here today. We can officially have a meeting."

Datuk was the first to say: "Let me say it first, but I am worried to death. Indonesian customs inspections are too strict during this period. I need to buy a lot of wine and a lot of whiskey."

Starting in 2000, Indonesia decided to crack down on smuggling of smuggled goods, especially alcohol, for the purpose of national tariffs. Since 80% of the alcohol in the Indonesian domestic market is smuggled alcohol, the price is low and the taste is higher than The domestically produced wine cannot be sold at all, and the smuggled wine has not paid tariffs, causing the Indonesian government to lose a lot of foreign exchange. Therefore, the Indonesian government decided to vigorously inspect the smuggling trade. (To be continued...)

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