Super Dragon King Clone

Text Chapter 560 Bloodbath in London (3)

Just before the Dragon Army arrived in London, the dirty British people were still complacent that they had plundered Somalia's gold, and the British Empire Museum was still showing off to the world how dirty and shameless they had been. ````

In the underground vault of the First Bank of England, looking at the more than 10,000 tons of gold that filled the entire vault, the patriarchs of the major families were still arguing about the allocation of gold.

The major auction houses in London are still auctioning off various cultural relics that their ancestors plundered from all over the world, forcing people from those cultural relic countries to pay high prices to buy them. , for their enjoyment.

Among the palaces of various royal families and nobles in London, the patriarchs of each family sat leisurely in their own homes, looking at the cultural relics from various countries collected in the basement, thinking about when I could plunder wealth like my ancestors did.

In the Parliament of Westminster City, a subsidiary of the City of London, countless members are delivering their own speeches excitedly. The purpose of their speeches is simple. As the country is declining, Britain should once again become the world's leader. Gendarmerie, manage the world.

And what they rely on is more than 10,000 tons of gold.

As long as Congress can use half of the value generated by these more than 10,000 tons of gold for military purposes, Britain can build dozens of aircraft carriers, thousands of fighter jets, and nearly 10,000 tanks in a very short period of time. With these things, Britain can once again plunder the whole world under the banner of maintaining world peace.

A member of Parliament stood on the podium and said loudly: Most of the world today were once our colonies. Therefore, we, the United Kingdom, have a moral obligation to all countries in the world today. No matter where there is a problem, we British people should help them solve it.

The MPs in the audience echoed loudly. This discussion was completely in the interests of all parties, so members of the two parties quickly reached an agreement and agreed to build a large number of military weapons.

However, just as the lawmakers were drafting the agreement, suddenly tens of thousands of light bulbs in the Capitol exploded simultaneously, plunging the entire hall into darkness.

The sound of a light bulb exploding is only a few decibels, but when tens of thousands of light bulbs explode at the same time, the explosion sounds like a bomb exploding over their heads.

The congressmen who had been delivering dirty speeches passionately just now were so frightened by the violent explosion that they screamed and got under the table. Some tears of fear welled up in their eyes, and some even made them pee in fear.

If someone saw what they looked like now, they would definitely laugh loudly. Just like a group of sheep, they still want to plunder the world. Do they still have the qualifications?

The outside world was in complete chaos as the MPs screamed, holding a steel knife in one hand. The Dragon God Army warriors holding torches in one hand were killing and setting fire to them.

The city of London, which was originally dark among the black clouds, was lit up again, but... This light represents destruction, not hope.

In the dirty sewer, a man ignored the stench and ran desperately while sobbing. It's a pity that it's too dark in the sewer, otherwise if anyone saw his face, they would be frightened by the frightened look on his face.

Running all the way. Outside London, Blair, who is the British Prime Minister, finally ran to his destination. Without stopping, he gasped for air and opened the dirty manhole cover, then trembled. Climbing out of the sewer majestically.

At this time, Blair was completely dirty. His expensive suit was scratched like rags while running in the sewer. It looked worse than the clothes worn by a beggar.

Countless cockroaches and bedbugs crawled all over his body. These were accidentally dropped by Blair while running in the sewer. Who would have thought that Blair, the majestic Prime Minister of the British Empire, would be so depressed? Such a field.

After climbing out of the manhole cover, Blair looked back at the lightning-thundering sky and London, where shouts of death and wailing continued. Blair said in horror: Crazy, this world is crazy, someone actually attacks directly. London, the capital of the British Empire, where did those madmen come from? Where are George and the others? Where is our army? No, I have to go find the army. At this time, only the army can guarantee my safety.

The frightened Blair ran frantically towards the military camp outside London.

After George returned home with a great victory, he was highly praised by Blair and was promoted to Minister of Defense. George, who was supposed to stay in London, wanted to avoid Blair's evil tricks. He went to the military camp outside the city on an excuse to express condolences to the officers and soldiers, and happened to escape the disaster.

When Blair, who was covered in filth and covered with maggots and cockroaches, exhausted his last strength and finally escaped to the military camp, the soldiers at the door almost killed Blair as a zombie.

After all, it was late at night, and under the observation of the light, a man was covered with maggots, his face was black, his mouth was twitching constantly but he could not speak, his legs were still stiff like a zombie, moving towards the military camp, stretching out his hands from time to time, Grabbing the soldiers standing guard, seeing this situation, the first reaction of any soldier is to raise a gun in self-defense.

Fortunately, Blair, who ran from the London TV station to the military camp outside London in one breath, had lost all his strength. He was only 20 meters away from the soldiers. When the soldiers were about to shoot, Blair luckily fell down. in front of the soldiers.

The soldier on guard raised his gun and looked at Blair on the ground, and thought curiously: Let me go, what's going on? I haven't fired yet, why is he dead? By the way, is this guy a zombie? How does he grow? So similar.

While the soldiers on guard were undecided about raising their flags, the squad leader walked out of the guard box. He had been a soldier for almost ten years and did not believe that there were ghosts in the world. When he saw someone lying on the ground, he immediately called the soldiers to come out and help.

Fortunately, the British system is good. The Prime Minister must often give speeches on TV, and Blair has also been to the military camp several times. Therefore, when the squad leader brought water to the unconscious Blair to wash his face, he recognized him. The person they treated was their country's Prime Minister Blair.

Looking at Blair's appearance, the squad leader knew that something serious must have happened, and immediately called to report it. Because the army used an independent power supply system, which was not the same as the power supply in the city of London, the power supply in London was cut off. It did not have any impact on the army.

However, anxious looks appeared on the faces of George, Edward and Constantine sitting in the military camp command center because the London headquarters could not be contacted.

The too many dark clouds over London did not alert the three Georges. Of course, if the three of them looked carefully, they would find that the dark clouds that appeared this time were very similar to the dozens of bombers before the withdrawal of troops from Somalia. Unfortunately, the three people didn't pay much attention to the dark clouds at the time of the accident, and just treated it as an ordinary thunderstorm.

However, as the dark clouds became thicker and thicker, with a shocking loud noise, several power stations in the city of London exploded. The huge explosions could be heard clearly even by military camps in the suburbs of London. Clearly.

Then, London, known as the city that never sleeps, lost all light in an instant. Looking at the city of London plunged into darkness, George felt an extremely bad premonition in his heart.

Edward and Constantine were called overnight, and after discussion, the three of them were preparing to send signal corpsmen to the Capitol to inquire about the situation.

You know, without the permission of Congress, the army can never act without authorization. Even if George is anxious to death, he can only find two lieutenants to discuss it first. After the three people reach an agreement, they can send a small team of soldiers to Congress went to inquire about the situation.

If George does not follow the prescribed steps, and if this is just an accident, all the great achievements that George has done before will be wiped out, and there is a high possibility that George will be sent to a military court.

After George had just finished explaining the specific matters to the signal soldiers, before he could send these people there, a staff officer ran into the conference room sweating profusely, forgetting to even knock on the door.

George looked at the staff officer displeased. You know, the army puts discipline first. Without discipline, can it still be called an army? Just when George was about to scold the staff officer, the staff officer caught his breath. He said something that frightened George to death.

The staff officer said: Your Excellency, General, Prime Minister Blair fell down outside the military camp covered in mud. Please go and have a look.

Hearing the staff officer's words, George stood up suddenly. His originally small eyes were as wide as copper bells. He glared at the staff officer fiercely and said, What did you say? Prime Minister Blair fainted. Outside the military camp.

The staff officer was so frightened by George's appearance that his legs became weak, but he still said truthfully: Yes, Your Majesty General, I have met Prime Minister Blair many times, and there is no mistaking him. He is Prime Minister Blair. Go and have a look, he has been sent to the military medical room now.

When George brought Edward and Constantine to the medical room quickly, George had already been revived by military doctors.

When the weak Blair saw George coming, he hugged George excitedly and cried weakly, I thought I would never see you again in this life.

Um... In an instant, the cold sweat on Constantine and Edward's foreheads started to flow down. The big cold sweat fell to the ground with a plop, plop, and they couldn't stop it.

Edward and Constantine, who accidentally discovered the secrets of the head of state and defense minister, were frightened and their hearts beat violently. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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