Super Dragon King Clone

Text Chapter 573 The British Defeated in the Second World War

Hearing Fakhla's words, David was so shocked that he couldn't hold the communicator in his hand. He only heard a pop sound and the communicator fell to the ground. Noise immediately came from Fakhla's communicator, which was exciting. Fakhra straightened and scratched his ears. ↗,w≠ww.23w≠

Robert, who had just returned to the house, happened to see David's stunned expression and the contact device that fell to the ground. He had a bad feeling in his heart. Robert took two quick steps to come to David and asked anxiously: What happened? What happened?

Because of Fakhla's words, the cold sweat on David's head suddenly flowed down, and he said to Robert: Robert, we are finished, Britain is finished, the David and 100,000 British troops were captured in Somalia.

Hearing David's words, Robert looked at David in horror and said, What are you talking about? How is this possible? Somalia has no navy. How could they capture the David?

David picked up the communicator on the ground, put it in Robert's hand, and said, Now, Somalia's Vice President Fakhla is on the other end of the communicator, what should we do.

Robert, who didn't believe it, took the contact device and said to David: I absolutely don't believe this. It's completely unreasonable.

Since the contactor was always open, Fakhla also heard Robert's voice. As the winner, Fakhla was fully qualified to show off.

Therefore, Fakhla said with a smile: Prime Minister Robert, I know this matter is unscientific, but I am extremely sorry to tell you that now, your 100,000 British troops have been sent to prisons in Somalia. We are We can’t talk about other things, such as the issue of compensation for your unprovoked attack.”

Robert said in disbelief: I absolutely do not believe that you captured our navy. This must be some method you used to steal our military's communicator and block the navy's signal.

Don't be arrogant, Fakhra, after today's bombing of two thousand missiles. Your Bosaso is now in ruins, haha, even if we can't contact our navy, but when our navy reacts tomorrow, the land, sea and air forces will launch an attack at the same time, which will be the day of your Somalia's demise.

Hearing Robert's crazy words, Fakhla was too lazy to talk nonsense and said with a smile: Okay, then please watch the major TV broadcasts and newspaper headlines tomorrow. I really hope you can do it tonight Sweet dream. After saying this, Fakhla hung up the phone.

In fact, Fakhla left the second half of the sentence unsaid, that is, starting from tomorrow morning, it will be the beginning of the nightmare for you, the British Prime Minister, and your King David.

After defeating Somalia twice, 100,000 British troops were taken prisoner. Britain would become the laughing stock of the whole world, and 100,000 prisoners were held in Somalia. From now on, until the prisoners are rescued, Britain will be completely trampled by Somalia and unable to stand up.

The most important thing is that the 24 North Korean countries rely on them the most. And the intercontinental missiles that the United States and Russia rely on to threaten the world have failed in Somalia, which will cause changes in the world.

Two thousand missiles, even if there is an error in the coordinates. At least one or two should have hit the soil of Somalia, but unfortunately, there were two thousand missiles. All were intercepted by Somalia in the air.

Fakhra and others wanted to take a look. The next morning, when reporters from all over the world who were invited to film the Dragon Temple broadcast the live broadcast back to their respective countries, the leaders of the 24 NATO countries would be one What an expression.

Because Bosaso is heavily fortified, non-Dragon God cultists cannot set foot on this land. Therefore, spies from any country cannot enter Bosaso.

There were several spies who came to Bosasuo before relying on their comrades in Li Guohui's mercenary group. Unfortunately, these spies not only did not send back any news, but were assimilated by the Dragon God Cult and took refuge in Somalia. Even their families were in the Dragon God Cult. With the help of others, he was quietly brought back to Somalia. Fortunately, Somalia did not publicize it, otherwise it would be a laughing stock in the 24 NATO countries.

Robert called the leaders of 23 other countries overnight and told them what had happened. No one believed what Robert said, especially the president of the United States. He absolutely did not believe it.

The predecessor of the David was the recently launched Magnesium Nimi-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. If the British hadn't begged them, the Magnesians would never have sold the aircraft carrier to them.

This aircraft carrier can be said to be the most powerful aircraft carrier in the history of the United States. How could it be captured by Somalia, which has no navy? Are the frigates and the 100,000 army troops on the aircraft carrier just a living thing?

However, the loss of contact with the David was certain. With no other choice, the new president of Magnesia said to Robert: Be patient and wait for the live TV broadcast tomorrow. By then, we will know what happened to Bosaso. Robert had no choice but to do so.

At this time, everyone around the world knew that Somalia had obtained more than one million tons of gold from nowhere and built seventy-two golden dragon temples. However, except for the Somalis, no one from other countries had ever seen this. A legendary building.

People are the most curious. As more and more viewers hope that the TV station can broadcast the program of visiting the Dragon Temple, the TV station believes that this is the best time to attract attention.

Several of Ivanka’s female college classmates’ families are in the media business. At the request of these female classmates, Ivanka agreed to allow the media from these female classmates’ homes to live broadcast the visit to the Dragon Temple in Bosaso.

After getting permission, this matter was written about on TV every day by the media who were lucky enough to get the live broadcast of Dragon Temple. Because it is a global media, the whole world is looking forward to this day. In order to humiliate Somalia, the British army also The bombing was deliberately chosen to take place the day before the interview.

Early the next morning, David, Robert and 23 other NATO countries sat in front of the TV, waiting for the live broadcast of this program.

Soon, international TV channels such as Colombian TV, France 1 TV, French Fashion TV, and Italian TV broadcast live broadcasts of the visit to the Dragon Temple.

When people all over the world saw the seventy-two magnificent golden dragon temples located in the city center of Bosaso through the distant view of the TV station, people were excited about this majestic golden palace.

However, when the leaders of the 24 North American countries sitting in front of the TV saw the Golden Dragon Temple and Bosaso City, which were unharmed during the live broadcast, everyone's mood fell to the bottom.

President Obama angrily smashed the cup in his hand, turned around and said to the generals: Fuck, who can tell me what happened last night and why we provided the British with one missile? None of them exploded in the Dragon Temple, could it be that all these missiles went into space?

The generals also looked at each other speechless. Only an expert from the Ministry of Defense said to Obama in horror: Your Excellency, if the British really launch missiles, then something big will happen. More than two thousand missiles will be launched. If the intercontinental missiles are defended, it means that Somalia already has a way to intercept the intercontinental missiles. This means that from now on, Somalia will no longer be afraid of our country. , because our nuclear bombs have no way of hitting Somali soil.

When the Minister of Defense heard what the experts said, he broke into cold sweat and said in horror: Somalia, a poor country, can think of a way to crack intercontinental missiles. Does that mean that this method can be promoted? In this case , How can we, the Magnesium Country, control the whole world?

The words of the Minister of Defense made everyone present widen their eyes in surprise. At the same time, they prayed in their hearts: God, this is not true. There is absolutely no way Somalia can do it. However, how can we explain what happened in front of us? Woolen cloth.

While everyone was discussing the missile, the secretary hurriedly opened the door and walked in, saying to Obama and others: Report, the latest news from Al Jazeera TV, the British aircraft carrier HMS David Dozens of warships in the formation were parked in the harbor of Bosaso, and one hundred thousand British troops were missing.

After hearing the secretary's words, Obama and others fell into their chairs. At the same time, David and Robert also received the secretary's report. The two people who didn't believe it opened Al Jazeera TV and happened to see Al Jazeera TV broadcasting the entire broadcast. Broadcast the David and other warships.

Fakhla, who was being interviewed, told reporters with a smile: Yesterday evening, the shameless British attempted to sneak attack on our capital, Somalia. However, God is above, we successfully defended against the two thousand missiles fired by the British. and captured a hundred thousand British troops.”

Seeing the David parked in the port of Somalia with their own eyes, David and Robert knew that Britain was really finished.

As Al Jazeera Arabia’s interview was seen by the whole world, the bombshell news of the Dragon Temple interview was instantly overshadowed by the news of the British army’s second defeat in Somalia.

Countless television stations applied to interview with Bosaso, and Fakhla agreed to all of them, and personally accepted interviews from major media outlets around the world. During the live TV broadcast, in front of the media from all over the world, Fakhla showed people what was happening in captivity. One hundred thousand British troops working in the prison, as well as Thomas, the supreme commander of the British army.

At this time, King David and Prime Minister Robert finally could no longer pretend to be ostriches and arranged for diplomats to formally discuss the matter of British prisoners with Somalia. If these British soldiers died in Somalia, the King and Robert could only commit suicide and apologize. .

At this time, Helong had already controlled Dragon King to fly to the Mariana Trench in the Atlantic Ocean again. Helong's request to Fakhra was to hold off the British for at least two months.

Hailong plans to use these two months to completely restore the Dragon King to his best condition. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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