"I don't know where brother Yang is." as Yang Feng expected, he really came to inquire about the news. After chatting, he turned to the right way again.

Yang Feng smiled in his heart and replied: "working in the government and following the party, you have meat to eat."

"Yes, yes, yes! Follow the party, and the day will get better." Wu Dongsheng smiled and accepted, laughing to himself. It is estimated that this may be a chore in which department. I'm sorry to say. In his opinion, Yang Feng can't have a high position in terms of his age. In addition, this is the capital city, and a brick can hit several ministerial figures, Yang Feng is a figure who really can't get into the eyes of some people.

After a few more words, Wu Dongsheng left. As soon as Wu Dongsheng left, Han Wanyue gloated and said, "you're in trouble."

"I think so, but are we afraid of trouble?" Yang Feng smiled and asked.

"I'm not afraid, brother-in-law. If you're not afraid, I don't know." Han Wanyue said with a smile.

"What am I afraid of? Is there something wrong with me? Your sister-in-law can't save her!" Yang Feng doesn't think there's anything. He didn't steal it or rob it. What's terrible.

Han Wanyue smiled and didn't say anything. You'll know when the time comes. Several men and women came to Yang Feng. Dong Yuxin stood up with a smile and hugged three girls. Four men were exempted. Listen to the introduction, these are Dong Yuxin's classmates. Now they all work in Beijing. They usually have more contacts. They are all guests invited for tomorrow's wedding.

Everyone's topics revolve around the memories of that year, and another part is Yang Feng. They are very curious about Yang Feng's ability to pick Dong Yuxin. It is said that many people pursued Dong Yuxin in those years, but none of them can be favored by figures at the goddess level. Now Yang Feng is cheaper.

"Yuxin, are you still in Nanling?" someone asked in the chat.

"Well, if any of you go to Nanling, you must call me. I guarantee the whole process," Dong Yuxin said.

"That's what you said. I'm going to visit somewhere in the summer vacation. Now it's settled, Nanling." one of the girls said with a smile.

"Welcome at any time. I'm just an idle person. I'm free whenever you go. After graduation for so many years, I don't have many opportunities to see old classmates in Nanling." Dong Yuxin smiled. When they were in the same class, they went on different roads after graduation, but no matter what line of business, there seems to be no one in Nanling.

After chatting for a short time, Dong Yuxin's classmates went to make friends with the bride's light. It is said that the groom has a good family background. Among the young heroes tonight, there are many elites, who are the acquaintances of many people. This is also the purpose of the party.

"Do you think such an occasion is very interesting?" Han Wanyue suddenly asked Yang Feng.

"How to say?" Yang Feng asked with a smile.

"Vulgar." Han Wanyue smiled.

"Vulgarity is good. People have to be vulgarity when they live, otherwise they are too tired." Yang Feng smiled and asked curiously, "graceful girl, which side are you from?"

Han Wanyue replied with a smile, "I'm not on either side. I'm busy."

Yang Feng looked at Han Wanyue incredulously. It's estimated that there are few people to join in the fun. If he came to eat and drink, he believed, but like him, one is enough for the master to be depressed. Will there be a second one at the same time!

"The groom is her cousin." Dong Yuxin solved the question for Yang Feng.

Yang Feng nodded. It seems that this watch is a little far away. Although he doesn't understand Han Wanyue's identity, it should be not easy to become a child with Dong Yuxin. This cousin is attached to the Han family, so Han Wanyue despises it.

"It's not interesting. Let's go." Dong Yuxin knows that Yang Feng is not interested in such an occasion, and she doesn't have much interest herself. This is just a promise to her classmates.

After saying hello to the host, Yang Feng and them left. When they got on the bus, Yang Feng said to the driver Han Wanyue, "find a place to sell fried sauce noodles and have dinner, please."

Han Wanyue smiled and turned to look at Dong Yuxin. Dong Yuxin thought and told her the way. Then she drove out. Han Wanyue asked, "brother-in-law, do you like fried sauce noodles very much?"

"Generally speaking, the key is that there is nothing delicious," Yang Feng said.

Han Wanyue retorted, "my capital is the capital of the country. My brother-in-law said there was nothing delicious. It's too much, sister. Take him to see it."

"Just fried noodles with sauce." Dong Yuxin smiled. Although the capital integrates delicious food from all over the country, there is still a gap from Shanghe village when it comes to taste. Since Yang Feng wants noodles, he should eat noodles. As the saying goes, "good (H) ǎ o) Eat better ([ho) eat ".

"It's over." Han Wanyue shook her head reluctantly and smiled. She thought Dong Yuxin was hopeless. Before she passed the door, she thought about Yang Feng everywhere.

In the noodle shop, Dong Yuxin ordered a cold dish platter, asked for three bowls of noodles and a bottle of beer for Yang Feng. The three people ate it. They didn't notice that after they entered the restaurant, a car stopped at the roadside for a while, drove forward and stopped not far away.

"Fragrant! Boss, another bowl." a bowl of noodles, Yang Feng ate the wind and clouds, sweating, and shouted after eating.

"Is it so delicious?" Han Wanyue stopped eating after eating half a bowl. It was still influenced by Yang Feng, otherwise she would have to leave it all.

"It tastes good!" Dong Yuxin said sincerely. She brought Yang Feng to dinner. Of course, it's impossible to go to a bad place. It's not that the food in a big hotel is delicious, but some things are authentic in this small shop.

"Yo! There are two beauties!" Yang Feng was eating and suddenly walked into four 18-year-old boys. At first glance, they were not good people. The hooligans these days only need to write two words on their heads to prove their identity.

Yang Feng continued to eat. He didn't seem to hear or see it. Dong Yuxin looked at the four and observed a moment of silence for them. Han Wanyue became interested and deliberately whined and said, "four handsome boys, how about we go to play later?"

"OK! How do you want to play, sister? My brothers will accompany you."

"OK!" Han Wanyue shouted excitedly and said, "four handsome boys, look, how much do we have for dinner?"

"OK, my brother is out." as soon as I was excited, I invited this meal. Compared with such two beautiful women, these bowls of noodles are nothing.

"If I knew someone would pay for it, I would eat another bowl." Yang Feng smiled and intuition told him that after watching the excitement, Han Wanyue was not a fool. Provoking these people on his own initiative was not to send sheep into the mouth of a tiger.

"Brother in law, are you full?" Han Wanyue asked Yang Feng.

"Full, let's go." Yang Feng smiled, got up and left. Dong Yuxin shook her head and walked out of the restaurant.

"Ouch!" as soon as they got out of the restaurant, one of them was punched red by Han Wanyue. Then, Han Wanyue saw that Han Wanyue was like an ancient female Xia. She put the four down with three fists and two feet. She was very dissatisfied, stepped on several people and scolded: "just like this, she learned to play hooligans and get up for her aunt."

"Who let you come?" Yang Feng suddenly asked. The four people and Han Wanyue were stunned.

"Say quickly, who let you come." Han Wanyue stepped on one, turned her foot hard, and asked coldly.

"No one asked us to come." the four men were quite tough and replied.

"Hiss!" as soon as Yang Feng stretched out his hand, he tore a hole in Han Wanyue's clothes. Before Han Wanyue could speak, he said with a gloomy smile: "how long will you be in prison for being rude to beautiful women in the street?"

"It's not us, that's what you did." the four people were stunned by Yang Feng's hand and shouted quickly.

"Well, I don't count, beauty. Who wants to insult you and what crime should be sentenced?" Yang Feng asked with a smile.

"It's definitely not your brother-in-law. No matter how stupid you are, you can't insult me in front of my sister. According to the provisions of China's criminal law..." Han Wanyue gave Yang Feng a white eye, revealed his professional knowledge, and frightened the four people directly. They winked at each other and wanted to escape, but they were beaten hard by a stick from where Yang Feng got it, The leg hurts as if it were broken.

"I forgot to tell you that the one who is rude to you is a lawyer from the United States. It seems that the crime is more serious for this rude international friend." Yang Feng smiled.

"It's Wu Dongsheng, boss Wu." it's both a stick and a bluff. Finally someone can't help it.

Yang Feng smiled, threw the stick and said, "let's go."

Looking at Yang Feng, they drove away. Wu Dongsheng drove over, stared at the four people who failed in the action and scolded: "worthless things."

Wu Dongsheng didn't know that the four had sold him. If he knew, I'm afraid it wouldn't be as simple as scolding. Han Wanyue drove the car and whispered, "brother-in-law, what do you say about my clothes?"

"Just open the thread and sew it. Where did you buy the clothes? The quality is too poor." Yang Feng said in a confused way.

Han Wanyue stared at Yang Feng through the rearview mirror. Dong Yuxin smiled and said, "drive well. You've been abroad for several years, and your Kung Fu hasn't fallen!"

"Elder sister, don't pull aside the topic. I can't just forget my clothes." Han Wanyue said foollessly.

"We'll go shopping tomorrow afternoon. How about you pick something and he pays for it?" Dong Yuxin asked with a smile.

"It's almost the same." Han Wanyue smiled proudly. Dong Yuxin said that she was not afraid that Yang Feng would not bleed. She was calculating where to go tomorrow.

"People now, Wu Dongsheng, do you need me to deal with it?" Dong Yuxin asked with a helpless smile.

"No, it's just a clown. Don't worry about him." Yang Feng smiled indifferently. He is not a magnanimous person. Naturally, he won't let Wu Dongsheng go, but he doesn't need Dong Yuxin's hand. Just deal with this little thing by himself.

"Brother in law, how are you going to deal with him?" Han Wanyue asked curiously.

"This is someone else's territory. What can I do? Let's go back to Nanling after drinking the wedding wine tomorrow. Don't let me meet him in Nanling, otherwise he will never return." Yang Feng naturally couldn't tell Han Wanyue. He pretended to smile bitterly. Dong Yuxin smiled secretly. In xiaoha's words, it was a "bad sex".

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