"Mengmeng, do you think your uncle Yang can understand animals?" on the way down the mountain, Wu Haixin asked the bouncing little Mengmeng.

"Yes." xiaomengmeng simply nodded and said, "even I can understand. My uncle can certainly."

People laughed collectively. If xiaomengmeng had a tail, I believe it must have turned up when they said this. Wu Haixin and Wu Sisi didn't go back to Xiahe village. Wu Haixin and Wu Sisi lived in grandma Qin's house, while Liu Yan went to Xuexue's house for the night. As for Dong Xuefei, they didn't come down at all and lived in Yang Feng's house. If it weren't for the lack of bedding, They don't have to come down.

"Bang bang!" when it was almost twelve o'clock, Yang Feng was suddenly awakened by a knock on the door. He got up and hurriedly opened the door. At a glance, Dong Xuefei asked suspiciously, "what's the matter?"

"Just received a call, a guest had food poisoning. Come down the mountain with me." Dong Xuefei said anxiously.

"OK!" Yang Feng was stunned. He went back to the house, put on his clothes, and ran down the mountain with Dong Xuefei. He ran to the edge of the village. Suddenly, he remembered something. He shouted snow and followed Liu Yan. This turned into four people running at midnight. Fortunately, each of them had regular exercise. There was no problem running for a few miles. He soon reached the wharf.

"What's the matter?" Dong Xuefei saw the person in charge of xianle garden waiting anxiously at the door as soon as they arrived.

"I don't know. The guests cooked by themselves at night, which suddenly got sick." the person in charge said and took Yang Feng and them in. They were the guests of the prime minister's house.

Xuexue looks at people's condition, opens a bag of needles and drops the needles quickly. The poisoning is immediately restrained. Xuexue says to other guests, "give me what special things you ate at night and tell me in detail what you ate at night."

The leftovers were quickly taken over. Yang Feng and Xuexue examined carefully and saw a white round mushroom with some black patterns. Each pattern was like a three petal flower. They were stunned at the same time. Xuexue picked up the mushroom and asked, "did you eat this?"

"Well, he ate one piece. It didn't taste very good, so we didn't eat it."

"Did you pick it yourself on the mountain?" Yang Feng asked.

"Well!" these people agreed collectively.

"This mushroom is poisonous and can't be eaten." Yang Feng smiled helplessly. He really dared to eat everything. People living in the mountains dare not eat anything they haven't seen. They eat casually.

Xuexue has already started treatment. She wrote a prescription and asked Yang Feng to go to the clinic to get the medicine. She put the poison with a needle. Yang Feng used to prepare the medicine, smashed it with a pulverizer, and then boiled it on the induction cooker for about five minutes, and hurried to take it.

"When a bowl of medicine is poured down, the situation slowly gets better. Xuexue pulls out the needles and says," fortunately, the treatment is timely. There are not many toxins entering the blood. If it is later, it will be in trouble. "

A group of people thanked Yang Feng. They went out and asked them to stay with them. If there was any situation, contact them. Several people came to Dong Xuefei's house together. Dong Xuefei also thanked Xuexue. No matter who is responsible, if someone has a problem in his xianle garden, they can't escape the relationship.

"It seems to remind everyone that the problem lies with you. If it lies in the mountains, it will be a big trouble." Yang Feng feels a little dignified about this situation. Influenced by him, there are many kinds of fungi and wild vegetables in the mountain. Most of them are non-toxic, but these fungi are different. Many of them are toxic, such as today. They are not only toxic, but also highly toxic. If there were snow, he didn't know whether he could force him to come here in the middle of the night, Even if you fly to Hefeng County Hospital, it will take half an hour.

Nothing happened overnight. In the morning, most of the poisoned person was well. When Yang Feng and his colleagues went to see him, they weakly thanked Xuexue. Xuexue told him to have a good rest and prescribed some medicine. He told him to take it on time. As long as the remaining poison was discharged, it would be all right.

When Yang Feng was making up his sleep in the morning, Xiao Mengmeng ran in and didn't care to talk to Dong Yuxin. He shook Yang Feng's arm anxiously and said, "uncle, wake up, dead."

Yang Feng sat up and wanted to tease xiaomengmeng. He didn't know who was teasing. He hurriedly asked, "what's going on, Mengmeng? Talk slowly."

"Huahua and I went to play. I saw an elder sister and a elder brother lying on the ground without clothes in the woods. I thought they were basking in the sun. I went to have a look. They were sleeping. I went to play. When I came back later, they were still basking in the sun, and there was a rabbit next to them. I shouted to them, but they didn't respond at all No, I asked Huahua to push, but they still didn't respond. It's estimated that they were dead. "Although xiaomengmeng is small, it's finally clear. Yang Feng has a big head and is busy pulling xiaomengmeng. Let xiaomengmeng lead the way in front, and he gallops behind on his horse.

Running to the scene of the incident, Yang Feng couldn't help scolding "your sister's". Each of them was wearing a pair of underwear, lying on the mat, and their clothes were thrown in the tent. They were not afraid of being secretly photographed by passers-by. Yang Feng took a breath in the past. His heart was relaxed, not dead, and breathing.

"Buddy, get up." Yang Feng patted the 18-year-old boy on his face. The other party didn't respond at all. Yang Feng pushed the woman again. The same is true. It was definitely an accident. He took out the phone and called Liu Yan and Xuexue.

Xuexue ran out of the clinic with the medicine box. Liu Yan got into the plane and started it. As soon as Xuexue got on the plane, she took off and flew straight to the place Yang Feng told her. When she got to the place, she hung Xuexue down with a rope, and she flew away again. There was no suitable place to land in this place.

Before Xuexue came, Yang Feng covered the two people with something to prevent them from affecting the appearance of the city. Next, Xuexue asked, "brother Yang, what's the situation?"

"I don't know! They seem to be asleep." Yang Feng shook his head helplessly. Yesterday, the poisonous mushroom, today, it's even more inexplicable. It's really puzzling!

Xuexue opened their eyes, felt their pulse, frowned and said, "there are no symptoms. It's like falling asleep."

"You can either prick them with a needle to see if they are pretending?" Yang Feng joked.

"Brother Yang, you're so bad." Xuexue smiled and began to walk around. These two people can't have this situation for no reason. There was a poisonous mushroom incident yesterday. Xuexue first thought of what they ate if they couldn't do well.

More than ten meters away, in front of a small tree, Xuexue stopped, squatted down, looked carefully, and shouted, "brother Yang, come and have a look."

"What's the matter?" Yang Feng hurried over and asked suspiciously.

"This should be three days red?" Xuexue asked, pointing to the tree in front of her.

"Isn't it a cherry?" Yang Feng looked and asked.

"Brother Yang, you are really interesting. Has cherry grown like this?" Xuexue asked with a smile.

"It doesn't seem to be true. What's three-day red?" Yang Feng smiled. He was careless again.

"Sanrihong looks like a cherry and tastes like a cherry. It gets its name because the fruit will only be red for three days when it is ripe and will automatically fall after three days. There is no problem eating sanrihong before it is ripe, but if it is eaten in these three days, it will have sleeping symptoms. Just like them, they look like these two. They don't eat less, and there are only some left on the tree They should eat the small and the big, "Xuexue explained.

"Are there any problems with these two?" Yang Feng asked anxiously.

"There should be no problem. Find someone to carry them back. These two unlucky bastards." Xuexue smiled and looked at sanrihong. She said puzzled: "in principle, sanrihong only grows in some hot and humid areas. It's strange how Nanling has sanrihong."

Yang Feng smiled and contacted Liu Yan to ask her to find someone to carry people. As for how sanrihong appeared here, of course, it had something to do with him. To tell the truth, he really didn't know what it was. Seeing that Nanling didn't have it, he transplanted some. He also ate the fruit of sanrihong. There was nothing at all. Now he wants to come, it may be because he ate less.

Carrying people out of the woods on a stretcher and falling snow and snow aroused people's curiosity. Many people came to watch. Yang Feng just popularized people's attempt to go down the mountain forest. By the way, he told everyone about the mushroom poisoning last night and told everyone not to eat indiscriminately in the mountain. Some things look the same, but the effect is completely different.

The two unlucky people were lying in the health center. When they got the news, old man Nan rushed over and checked it. He confirmed that there was nothing wrong with them, but he didn't know when to wake up. In their mobile phones, Yang Feng found their family's phone and informed the situation. Of course, he had to report to the police station at the same time, otherwise it might be unclear.

In the evening, Xuexue came home and said to Grandpa, "Grandpa, don't you think it's strange that it's Hemp mushroom and three-day red. Neither of these two things should exist in Nanling!"

"If everything is normal here, will our grandparents and grandchildren come here?" old Nan asked with a smile.

"It's a pity, too. There isn't much red mountain left. I can only study the effect of hemp mushroom." Xuexue said reluctantly.

"If you have seedlings, you're not afraid of no fruit. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. I'll go into the mountain tomorrow and see what there is. Don't eat people to death one day." old man Dong smiled.

At noon the next day, the two unlucky parents arrived, but they still didn't wake up. Yang Feng informed the situation and looked at the suspicious eyes of others, but said, "we have reported this. You can ask the police, or wait until they wake up and ask them."

"Thank you, Xiao Yang. It's really worrying that you say these two children." the boy's father said bitterly.

"Uncle, you're welcome. Don't worry. We've already checked. They seem to have drunk too much and fell asleep." Yang Feng can understand their current mood and comforted them.

Yang Feng's words didn't work. When people wanted to go to the hospital, he couldn't stop them. He found a car and looked at it. He couldn't help laughing. These two people, aren't they looking for trouble?

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