On the other hand, after the match, libasky went back to nanlaozi's house with his opponent's cousin. As soon as a large group of people came to the door, they asked about the fragrance. Anne was very satisfied with her food in Shanghe village these two days and shouted excitedly, "delicious!"

"Please come in!" Xuexue greets people into the house, goes to the kitchen to help bring dishes, plates of cooked food and cold dishes, and brings up the wine. Naturally, it's the wine provided by Yang Feng, and the cup is also sent by Yang Feng. How can it be done without the luminous cup.

Three casseroles came up and gave off a strong smell. Annie said excitedly, "Grandpa Nan makes really delicious."

"Ha ha! Just eat more incense." master Nan smiled, sat down and drank a toast to everyone as the host. Then he began to eat. The princes and princes who are used to the life of rich clothes and fine food are also full of praise when eating these authentic Chinese food. Whether it's meat, vegetarian, cold and hot, they have never eaten or enjoyed.

"What's this?" asked Annie's mother with a piece of pig head.

"I know, pig head," Annie replied hastily.

"The boar head is cooked, the bone is removed, and then pressed. It can't be called pig head meat anymore." Xuexue explained.

"What about this?" Annie's mother pointed to another plate. It was snow-white and cut into small pieces. The way to eat a small piece was similar to that of the pig head meat. They were all dipped in juice.

"This is fish scale jelly, boiled from the scales of big fish." Xuexue explained again.

After a meal, the princes and princes have gained a lot of knowledge. They have always heard that Chinese food is unique in the world. They really didn't think it before. It's just that there are more patterns in the dishes. Today they understand the meaning of this sentence. In fact, real food is always among the people. In front of real food, there is no taste and custom. Delicious food is delicious, and everyone eats it.

The food is beautiful, and the wine will not be mentioned. His highness prince was very surprised. He noticed the little bamboo tube. There is no English letter. It looks like it is made in China, but he hasn't heard that there are wineries in China that can make such delicious wine!

Eat and drink enough. Annie's parents are unprecedentedly full. Xuexue made a pot of tea for everyone, and then began to talk about business. Xuexue explained Annie's specific situation in detail, and then explained the treatment.

"What's the worst case?" asked Anne's father.

"No cure is the worst case." Xuexue replied.

Annie's father understood the meaning of this sentence. There was no doubt that he would die if he did not cure it. There was still a glimmer of vitality after treatment. He asked, "what are the chances of cure?"

"At present, it is zero." Xuexue replied truthfully.

"Zero!" Annie's parents were stunned by the answer.

"Everything comes from nothing. There are few records of this disease in medical books, but there is no cure. Therefore, if we want to cure Anne's disease, we have to study from zero. No one knows the final result," Xuexue explained.

"Research, how do you study?" Anne's mother asked anxiously.

"Aunt, you don't have to worry. Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have different methods. We will use some methods to induce the Qi of Tianyin in Anne's body, and then apply treatment to change the method according to the effect." Xuexue explained again.

"Is there any other way?" asked Anne's mother.

"No." Xuexue shook her head.

"You have different identities. Annie's illness is not urgent. We have to have a specific plan here. During this time, you can take Annie to visit the masters of traditional Chinese medicine in China. Maybe they have a good way." master Nan suddenly said.

"Doctor Nan, please forgive me. It's not that we don't trust you and Xuexue girl. It's just that we induce the Qi of overcast, which will certainly make Annie suffer. We really don't want to do this unless we have to." Annie's parents said hurriedly.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Parents all over the world have the same heart. I don't blame you for your distrust, but I want to give Annie more opportunities. There is a saying in China that 'go to the doctor when you get sick', which may be right." Nan explained with a smile.

After chatting for a while, the four of them left and returned to xianle garden. Anne's father thought for a while and asked libasco, "what do you think?"

"Dr. Nan is not a hypocritical person. He wants us to seek medical treatment everywhere. It should be sincere. We might as well try. There are some strange people in this magical country," libasky said.

"Then we'll go to the capital tomorrow, just to visit China's leaders," Annie's father thought and said.

"Can you leave two days later and let me watch my cousin's game." Annie disagreed. How can she say to leave.

"OK, then we'll go after your cousin's game." Annie's father, meeting her daughter's wish, decided to refuse for two days. Gangnan's father also said that it was not a hurry.

Just the day before the competition, Lantian manganese came. After discussing with his family, he decided to come to Shanghe village as the Minister of the supervision department. Yang Feng decided to have an internal dinner to entertain these future heroes.

"My God! My God, you can send a thunder to kill the demon. Why can't you do anything good without her!" seeing Han Wanyue, Yang Feng couldn't help being surprised. The girl is so awesome.

"It's winter now. There's no thunder." Han Wanyue said with a smile.

"Yes, believe it or not, I believe it," Yang Feng said.

"Come on, I'm not here to eat. I'm here to help wash the dishes." Han Wanyue said with a smile.

"All right, all right!" Yang Feng smiled helplessly. Can he not eat for others after washing the dishes? There are not many of him. Anyway, there are enough people in the family.

"Luo Ying, help cut some mutton slices." Yang Feng took out a lot of things and became the commander-in-chief. He did his best to make people do their best. He didn't waste anything at all. Luo Ying didn't say anything. He took the mutton and put it on the chopping board. The knife was shining. He cut a lot of thin mutton slices. He said he was here to help. Han Wanyue secretly said he was surprised. Hurry up and pack the mutton rolls, Put it in the freezer.

"Shen Xia, clean up these fish, pick out the bones of the big fish and get some fish balls." Yang Feng put the bucket in front of Shen Xia, and Shen Xia smiled bitterly, "I can't!"

"Then you choose to wash vegetables with women comrades and clean up fish," Yang Feng said.

"Then I'd better clean up the fish." Shen Xia hurriedly chose the same after.

"Wife, you teach him to be a man. You have to learn everything so that you can get a good wife. Take me as an example." Yang Feng taught Shen Xia.

"Cut!" a boo sounded. Yang Feng was happy in the yard. Everyone was busy for the hot pot feast in the evening.

"The dishes are washed and the meat is cut. The big pot in the yard is steaming. Yang Feng boiled a big pot of beef bone soup. On the one hand, he wanted to make soup for hotpot, on the other hand, he wanted to give everyone a drink.

Just when Yang Feng was almost busy, Wang Qiushui came with a beautiful sister and said with a smile, "it's the right time to come!"

"It's better to be early than coincidental. You really can choose the time." Yang Feng smiled and welcomed them in. Wang Qiushui introduced his sister, his girlfriend, named Zhang Xueying.

"I heard that you have the ultimate challenge tomorrow. I'll join in the fun, but I can't even book a room. With your friend, I can't live in a tent." Wang Qiushui smiled.

"In fact, living in a tent is very interesting." Yang Feng gave me Wang Qiushui a look that men know. Wang Qiushui smiled and said, "in winter, forget it.

In the evening, the three of them came up and were regarded as the last guests. Everyone was divided into three tables to eat. Yang Feng and his group had one table for men and two tables for lesbians. Yang Feng's family obviously had Yin prosperity and Yang decline. Qin Yusi accompanied Anne's mother. As for Anne, she naturally sat with Wu Sisi. Wu Sisi took the girl into a few days, right Wu Sisi's worship has reached an unprecedented level. In fact, she worships xiaomengmeng more. Unfortunately, xiaomengmeng's hypocritical people don't bird her, which makes her helpless.

Sebastian has eaten hot pot, but he hasn't eaten such delicious one. Even his highness prince, his mouth is full of oil. He keeps shouting that it's delicious. The beef and mutton slices that melt in the mouth, cool & slippery and delicious fish balls, beef balls, fish and shrimp balls, all of which can't be eaten in restaurants, especially the big pot of bone soup with coriander ends and scallions. It's called one Sweet.

After more than an hour of steaming and noisy eating, the sumptuous dinner was over. 80% or 90% of the prepared food was eaten, and everyone had a bulging stomach. There was no room in their stomach, otherwise they would be swept away.

"Haha!" Wang Qiushui opened his mouth, burped, smiled awkwardly and said, "if you eat this meal and eat another hot pot in the future, it will be tasteless. Village head, you are harming people!"

"This is my purpose. As soon as you eat in the future, you will think of me going to river village. If you have something to eat, you can make money." Yang Feng smiled.

"Money fan, you are not short of money, but also want to calculate us." Wang Qiushui smiled.

"No way, I earn a lot, but spend more. Tell me, how did you catch Xueying?" Yang Feng remembers that he didn't have a girlfriend when he saw Wang Qiushui last time. It's only been a long time since he saw Wang Qiushui. The speed is amazing, and the sister is good in all aspects. She is beautiful, gentle, optimistic and generous. Yang Feng found so many advantages in just one meal.

"When fate comes, love will naturally come to you. It was a dark and windy night. Brother, I went through an alley and found a girl being harassed. Brother, a just man like me, can watch this kind of thing, so I stood up and beat the three hooligans all over the ground to find teeth, and then, that's it." With a smile, Wang Qiushui said his glorious deeds all over.

"Those three people won't be the mass actors you hired?" Yang Feng asked in a low voice.

"Shit! What's your idea, brother? Am I the kind of person who is down-to-earth? Be open and aboveboard, understand?" Wang Qiushui said loudly.

"Understand!" Yang Feng nodded and said, "but the Wang Qiushui I know is not such a person!"

People all laughed. Zhang Xueying looked at Wang Qiushui with tenderness, which made people boo. Wang Qiushui smiled proudly, but her sister blushed and lowered her head. Everyone looked at it and couldn't help laughing. All night, everyone was out in a sea of laughter.

(I'm busy during the day. The update is late. Please forgive me and try to keep the third watch. We can't lose our reputation on the last day!)

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