"Village head Yang, the incident is characterized as a wolf attack, which killed 13 people. How do you plan to compensate for this?" someone asked.

"Compensation, what compensation?" Yang Feng was stunned and asked.

"Compensation for family members!" the reporter added.

"Why compensate?" Yang Feng asked again.

The reporter opened his mouth and suddenly found that it was unreasonable to say anything. Yang Feng said: "our habitual thinking has developed that if something happens, the government will compensate, but it has to distinguish what it is. It's like someone fell dead on a bicycle. Is our government still responsible for paying some money? Because this road is repaired by the government."

"What village head Yang just said is reasonable. I want to ask, village head Yang, do you have statistics on the beasts in the mountain?" someone asked.

Yang Feng looked at Chang Weiguang. Chang Weiguang opened a document and said: "We have general statistics on the species and quantity of wild animals in Nanling, but because we can't collect the animals to count, the data is not accurate. It can only be a general data. I'll pick some to tell you. According to our observation, there are more than 30 tigers, more than 50 bears and hundreds of leopards, including grass leopards There are five or six kinds of wolves, such as, leopard, etc. the most is the wolf. There is only one wolf group in Nanling, with a number of more than 200. These four kinds are the most threatening to us. I won't elaborate on other kinds and quantities here. Interested friends can pay attention to the official website of our wildlife protection bureau, and we will publish all the populations. "

"Is there really that much?" someone asked suspiciously.

"We can't confirm this. If the friend is interested, he can go into the mountain and make statistics in person. We are very grateful if he can provide us with accurate data," Yang Feng said.

"Village head Yang, aren't you able to command the beast? Just gather and count it." someone said.

"I can't even command my dog sometimes. I dare not command wolves and tigers," Yang Feng said.

Someone asked, "village head Yang, you just said you can't command animals. Some of your tigers, leopards and bears can ride. I don't know your explanation?"

"Let's talk about the tiger first! I met the tiger in the mountain. At that time, the guy was injured. I cured him. Then he was fine. He sent me some rabbits and pheasants in the middle of the night. They cooked them as soon as they came and went. I remember that the leopard first appeared in my house. Bai Tianbao, the village head of Baishi Village, gave it to me at that time. They caught a little leopard. They saw that I had a large group of dogs and gave it to me I sent them to raise them together. Everyone in the village knows this. Later, the mother and father of the leopard came to find their children. They didn't bother me when they saw that they were not abused. Later, because the little guy always came back for vacation, even his mother and father came to visit them together. This is familiar. As for the bear, I have to thank them , if it weren't for them, I couldn't get my wife's favor. At that time, I just knew my wife. She was the mayor's daughter. We were just a small village head. We didn't dare to be too obvious because we knew it would be impossible, but who knows that once we went into the mountain after the first snow that winter, because we had to bring some food and drink into the mountain, so we found a leeward When I was eating fruit, I didn't know how to run over to the two blind bears, stare at the apples in our hands, drool, use the fruit to lead the two blind bears away, and we ran for our lives. However, people's mouth was too big, and the two apples ate up without much time. They were chasing after each other. As a man, I must have better physical strength and speed, but I can't leave the beauty. What's more I didn't dare, so I had to run separately. I led the two blind bears and asked her to run home and run back to find someone to save me. Slowly, I found that my speed was faster than the two bears, so I went back in a circle, so I also got the heart of a beautiful woman. Now I'm almost a child's mother. "Yang Feng said and smiled with a happy smile.

"I thought it had a perfect ending, but two days later, the two bears touched the door. They scratched the door in the middle of the night and couldn't help sending them away with the family's fruit. But the next day they came again, but the fruit was all fed yesterday and there was no move. They took the risk to put the two bears in and cook some noodles for them. Now, lead the bears into the house. People directly rely on me If I don't leave home, bite or beat people, I take care of the food all winter and drive them out after the spring. But with the spring, the guests in my family keep flying every day, causing the whole village to jump. Finally, I can't help it. When building the current folk house, I specially set up a courtyard on the mountain. Because they have been together for a long time, they can understand some simple instructions. That is I look like a cow. I can command tigers and leopards. In fact, it lies in getting along with animals. Perhaps it is because children are simple in mind. Xiaomengmeng is much better than me. Now I want to get a pheasant to eat, and I have to find someone else to catch it. "When it comes to some problems, Yang Feng has to sell the little girl.

Yang Feng specially explained: "last time we encountered wild boars in the mountains, I believe some of you have seen that video. Xiao Mengmeng found out and told me that we organized hunting wild boars. We usually don't fight wild boars unless they came to harm crops. Later, we were besieged by wild boars, and others led wolves to rescue us."

"According to village head Yang, Xiao Mengmeng can command wolves and other animals, right?" someone asked.

"I can't say command! Anyway, people are very close, but there is one exception. The little guy has to run away when he meets a wild boar. At present, the girl is not popular with wild boars, and it is estimated that it has something to do with her love for eating pig ears." Yang Feng exposed xiaomengmeng's old background. Therefore, xiaomengmeng wanted to lead tigers and wolves to kill the pig King more than once, Yang Feng said good or bad, finally let the little girl give up the idea.

"Village head Yang, can you tell us how we can do this? Is it natural?" someone inquired.

"I believe that people are born with a psychic heart. Only when they grow up and are influenced by secular fame and wealth, can xiaomengmeng be greedy and vicious. Xiaomengmeng can have so many partners in the mountains and forests. On the one hand, her heart is very simple, that is, to find those animals to play with." Yang Feng replied.

"Village head Yang, we all know that wolves are the most ferocious. I'm curious about how xiaomengmeng came into contact with wolves for the first time?" a reporter asked.

"It's simple. First ride a tiger around in front of the wolves, and then heal the injured wolves. Often get them ham sausage, bacon and lunch meat to improve their lives. Then the wolves understand that this guy has delicious food. If they eat her, no one will give them delicious food, so people are safe. Don't think it's safe It's very simple. I heard her mother settle accounts two days ago. She said that she spent nearly $5 million on bacon for wolves and sugar for monkeys. "Yang Feng burst some materials again, but it's a fact. When he heard this number, he was as surprised as the reporters, but when he thought about the goods coming in every day, it's really not much.

"There are so many beasts in Nanling. Does that mean that the crossing route is also very life-threatening?"

"We can't rule out the danger, but it hasn't been a day or two since there are tigers and wolves in the mountains, and there has been no attack on people. This is our luck and a normal situation. Any species has its own territory. Only wolves, tigers and leopards are like this, and so are people. Therefore, large beasts are rarely seen in places where people often move, and people are the same It's better not to enter other people's territory, otherwise it can only be a snack. In response to this incident, we, together with the township governments and police stations, issued a notice to warn the villagers not to enter the mountain alone or into the no man's land. At the same time, we also issued a notice on the official website of Shanghe village, which will temporarily close the supply points. After the thawing next year, we will be in the current situation Supply point, build a safe camp. After the camp is completed, friends who are interested in walking through the camp can put their tents in the camp at night, which is relatively safe. As for the daytime, wolves and tigers generally do not appear in the area of human activities, because people are very dangerous to them, "Yang Feng said.

In fact, Yang Feng wants to tell people that wolves hunt wild boars and don't want to go to people at all. If they hadn't killed the wolf on their own initiative, it wouldn't have been the result at all. It would have been the result now. It's entirely self seeking, so Yang Feng doesn't even have any sympathy.

"Some people say that your wildlife protection bureau is protecting your own interests and limiting others' hunting. What you lack is that you let go of fighting and eating. I don't know what village head Yang has to say about this."

"Those present, those who have been to Shanghe village, raise their hands." Yang Feng did not answer, but said so. Including the two members of the wild Protection Bureau Standing on one side, the whole audience raised their hands. Yang Feng said again: "those who have eaten rabbits raise their hands."

This time, only chang Weiguang and Tian Qifan raised their hands. Yang Feng said, "those who have eaten pheasants raise their hands. Pheasants, those who eat chicken stewed mushrooms don't count. It's a free range rooster."

Chang Weiguang was the one who raised his hand this time. Yang Feng said with a smile: "The answer is obvious. I don't need to tell you. When you go to Shanghe village for dinner, I can't know that you are a reporter and restrict the sale of pheasants and rabbits. Everyone hasn't eaten. I don't know the basis for saying that we let go of eating. Even when director Tian goes, I only get a rabbit to eat. I won't serve pheasants and rabbits at the same time. Weiguang and I are old classmates, let alone pheasants The hare has eaten venison and wolf meat. Of course, we didn't kill the deer. The deer was bitten by a leopard. I went to split two legs and came back to taste the fresh food. For this reason, I compensated someone else for a sheep. The wolf was bitten by a tiger. I got one and exchanged it for two pigs. The tiger snatched the food. It's absolutely impossible not to give someone some benefits. The relationship belongs to the relationship, and the rules can't be broken. "

"Village head Yang, many people are puzzled by the appearance of sika deer and reindeer in Shanghe village. According to the truth, this thing is not the product of Nanling. Everyone says you made it. Can you explain it?"

"I really hope I changed it, so that I can save a lot of expenses, but it was bought back. It was artificially raised. After being raised by me for two days, it was thrown into the mountain. Natural selection and survival of the fittest may be because the environment around Shanghe village remains relatively good and the survival rate is relatively high, so there may be a lot of breeding in the future. I don't want to say one thing, But there are always people who love to break the casserole and ask the truth. I'll say it today so that no one will be suspicious. If you let us guess, I'll become a God. There were four of our college classmates in those years. Now we see two, and we can't see two more times a year, because they are busy collecting things for me all over the country. One is you Liang, the other is Ren Haitao, and some are temporary People near the mountain area or the flower and bird market may know them, "Yang Feng explained.

"If everyone is like village head Yang, how can we use our environmental protection to shout slogans every day? I have no problem. I just want to say thank you to village head Yang for your behavior. You have done what we can't do." a reporter was given the opportunity to ask questions. Instead of asking questions, he bowed deeply to Yang Feng.

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