It gave people a little time to digest the news. When everyone's passionate discussion decreased, Yang Feng said: "This year's income is good, but the investment is also great. For the amusement park alone, we have invested 30 million, as well as 10 million for afforestation, as well as future staff dormitories and new residential areas. This investment is also 10 million, which is 50 million in total. Therefore, the remaining dividend money is only 90 million, and the money allocated to each person will not be more than last year."

"Not much, not much! I dare not say that the whole country, just our Xiqin Province, which village can have our money." The fat aunt said with a smile and won everyone's collective approval. You know, in addition to dividends, they also have wages this year. That person's monthly salary plus bonus is six or seven thousand. For the fat aunt, the monthly salary plus bonus is nearly 100000 yuan this year.

"I haven't finished my words yet. It's true that there are not too many people in a while." Yang Feng smiled and continued: "In the coming year, our amusement park will be put into operation. This is a big cake and a big problem, so we can't do it without organization and form. Before, we held a meeting to discuss the establishment of a group with more than one existing private property in Hecun - breeding farm, horse farm, orchard, rose garden, mushroom garden and amusement park as the main project The company's name is Shanghe group. Now all the procedures of the company have been completed. Since then, we are a member of the company. I plan to hold the listing ceremony on the first day of the new year. Do you have any comments? "

"No." fat aunt is definitely Yang Feng's most loyal fan. She was the first to shout, and others laughed and said no opinion. For everyone, she only cares about how much money she can get, and other Yang Feng love can come anyway.

"OK! Then we'll hold a listing ceremony on the first day of the new year. We'll give you unified clothes these two days and let the world see what the villagers of Shanghe village look like on that day." Yang Feng said with passion and pride.

"After the establishment of Shanghe group, some of our policies will also change. First of all, I want to talk about the issue of personnel appointment. The chairman should be borne by me, but I think about it. I'm not suitable for this position. I don't have a normal shape. In case something disappears for a few months, the company will have nothing to say. If something happens, I can't delay it! So I'm going to transfer all my shares to Yuxin, and the chairman asked her to do it. Do you have any comments? "Yang Feng asked.

"No, little village head, there is no difference between you and the Yuxin family." In their opinion, it's not the same thing for Yang Feng to be chairman and Dong Yuxin to be chairman. But for Yang Feng, there is a big difference. He has too many unstable factors. Handing Shanghe village to Dong Yuxin will not affect the development of the village if something happens to him.

"Liu Yan is the general manager and is specifically responsible for all the company's affairs; Feng Zhiqing is the amusement park manager and is fully responsible for the amusement park affairs; Tao Jian is the manager of the finance department and is in charge of the financial situation; Shui vortex is the manager of the security department and is in charge of the security affairs; Lu Xiufang is the president of Shanghe hospital and is in charge of the Shanghe hospital and Shanghe sanatorium that we expect to put into operation on May 1 next year; Li Tiezhu He served as the manager of the horse farm; Qi Yuee served as the manager of the orchard and mushroom garden; Tian Guihua served as the manager of the farm; Liu Yan arranged the personnel of other departments uniformly. If they can be selected from the village, they will use the ones in the village. If they can't meet the requirements, they will be recruited by the society. " Yang Feng announced a series of appointments. Except Liu Yan and Feng Zhiqing, others were surprised and even panicked about the appointment. Tao Jian was the most excited. He was the manager of the Finance Department of a company with an annual profit of more than 100 million, which he dared not think before.

After announcing the appointment, Yang Feng continued: "After the establishment of Shanghe group, the equity will be changed as follows. My own shares will be adjusted to 65%, everyone's collective shares will be adjusted to 25%, and the remaining 10% will be used to reward excellent employees. An excellent management team is the foundation for our long-term development. In this matter, if anyone can convince me with sufficient reasons, I can make adjustments, and I can start next year At the beginning, the dividend policy has also been adjusted accordingly. The division by head in recent years has exposed many problems. Some people just can't see it well. They don't know their last name when they have a few money. "

Yang Feng said: "from next year, those who work in the company will enjoy the right to dividends, and it is not a big pot distribution. We will divide them according to their contribution. The greater the contribution, the more money you get. If you do nothing for the village in a year, I'm sorry, the dividends don't have your share. In this way, there are several problems. Let me talk about them one by one."

"First, the problem of the elderly. When they are 65 years old, they will naturally retire. If they don't want to retire, it's not because they don't pay dividends. It's because Shanghe village wants to build a natural village and a harmonious village. Naturally, the elderly can't work until the day when they close their eyes. In this case, what's the use of having children and women? After working hard for half a lifetime, they come to yo yo, fish and go fishing Playing chess and living a happy life in old age is our goal, rather than working hard all our life for our son and grandchildren. When we leave the company at an age, we will no longer have the right to dividends, but we can receive a certain pension every month, that is, the pension. The specific amount depends on the income of the company. In a word, our future generations work hard, and we will grow old If we can live a rich life, our future generations will not be successful. Let's eat our old money! The premise is that we can eat our old money. "

"Second, the problem of children. In the past two years, Shanghe village no longer fled, and the population began to surge. This mainly comes from two aspects. One is that young people have married daughters in law, and the other is that many children have been born. These two things are good. But here I would like to remind you not to violate the national policy. We should have better children and fewer children. We can't say it's not bad money. We should have a lot of children from next year At the beginning, the children will no longer enjoy the right to dividends, but before they go to college and reach the age of 18, they will enjoy a living allowance of 20000 yuan a year. If they graduate from college and return, they are willing to go back to work in the village. We warmly welcome them. If they don't want to wander outside, we also support them. "

"Third, it's the problem of children's motherhood. Although Shanghe village has a good environment, good soil and water, everyone doesn't get sick all year round, and the children are extremely healthy, it's extremely hard to conceive a new life. Therefore, when a mother is pregnant, she can enjoy the right to dividends without working until the child enters the kindergarten at the age of three, but it should be carried out during this period If you have no diploma, you must obtain a professional college degree in four years. If you have a diploma, you must obtain a professional title, otherwise the dividend in these three years will be cancelled. We should increase our knowledge while increasing our income, so as to go further and further in the scientific and technological 21st century. Even if we are farmers, we should To be a educated farmer, people's hooligans are now educated. We can't even be inferior to hooligans. "

"It's not just for women comrades to improve their knowledge, but also for old men. They can't lag behind. They can't have senior professional titles and college degrees. We still have our compulsory education graduation certificate in nineteen. If we sleep in a bed, the gap can't be too big, otherwise we will feel inferior." Yang Feng successively announced various new policies. In fact, everyone has heard about it for a long time, Yang Feng is not alone in this matter. It can only be implemented through the big guy.

"Of course, this study is completely voluntary. If you learn it well, it is your own wealth. We don't do any reward. If you can't learn well, we don't do any punishment. After 500 years, it's estimated that no one can recognize anyone. Everyone is a pile of ashes." as soon as Yang Feng finished, people laughed.

Yang Feng said: "There are two things that we have never made clear. Today, I say here that as long as we Shanghe village people, the future medical expenses and tuition fees will be borne by public funds. Whether you go to high school, university or doctor's degree, the village will bear the expenses. Moreover, if the children of whose family can get the opportunity to study abroad, the village will also be responsible for the expenses, but it refers to positive Those who pass the test and go out on their own are not in this category. "

The big guy smiled and Yang Feng said: "There's another thing we need to decide collectively. In autumn, I contracted all the mountains and forests 100 miles west of the inherent mountains and forests in Shanghe village for 70 years. I thought for a long time and couldn't decide whether to manage and operate by myself or by the collective operation in the village. Let's think and decide together today! The answer doesn't need to be given to me now, I'll give you three days. After three days, we will collect the answers and publish them. "

"The contract covers an area of more than 2000 square kilometers and the contract price is 90 million yuan per year. The existing vegetation must not be damaged. If you want to develop and utilize it, you must plant trees and plant some other things in the forest. In addition, you have to ensure that the greening rate of this area reaches 80% within five years. Not to mention the annual contract fee, afforestation alone is not a small number. We planted trees this year We have seen 10 million trees and grass. We have not seen a shadow at all when we throw them in the mountain. Therefore, I dare not decide for you privately. It's up to you to decide whether it's mine or ours. " As soon as Yang Feng said the situation, Liu Yan and her family sent a piece of paper and a pen to the representatives of each family. The paper had been printed long ago. There were two options, one is individual and the other is collective.

When it comes to such a huge investment, Yang Feng naturally can't let everyone make a decision on the spot. After all, it's not a person's business. We have to go back and discuss with our family. At present, some people don't come to join the fun. The next thing is the real dividend. Set aside 3 million as the operation fund for next year, and the rest can be divided.

"This year, our Shanghe village has a new population of 7 people. At present, there are 275 people in total. In this way, each person can get more than 314000 yuan, and the extra change will not be divided. According to the practice of previous years, we collectively purchase new year goods and eat them during the new year," Yang Feng said.

"Xiaofeng, did you miss your daughter-in-law?" old man Li Changqing suddenly asked.

Yang Feng said hurriedly: "No leakage, no leakage. We don't have a registered permanent residence here. How can we divide money? The rules are set by us. We can't break them by ourselves, and we can't make special things because I'm the village head. Please remember that no matter who we are, we treat everyone equally. The back door can't be opened. If the money is divided, we'll be reassured. I'll say a few more words. Although the money divided this year is not as good as last year, But I believe everyone's heart is warm. The amusement park belongs to a one-time investment. In the future, in addition to certain maintenance costs, we are ready to collect a lot. Therefore, as long as we can maintain this momentum and appearance, the days will certainly get better and better. "

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