"Millet, I'm possessed." Yang Feng's family, Meng Meng pulls Yang Feng aside and says in a very low voice.

Yang Feng touched xiaomengmeng's forehead and said suspiciously, "you don't have a fever. How can you get angry and be possessed?"

"I ate five steamed stuffed buns and three bowls of porridge in the morning, but I haven't had enough." xiaomengmeng whispered.

"True or false?" Yang Feng asked suspiciously.

"Really, if you don't believe in millet, ask your mother." xiaomengmeng nodded hard.

Yang Feng pondered. In fact, he asked Zhang Daofeng in his mind. As soon as Zhang Daofeng heard it, he said, "no, according to what you said, Xiao Mengmeng only began to practice yesterday. No matter how talented it is, it can't be this degree. Can you ask if something has happened?"

Yang Feng asked carefully. Xiao Mengmeng told her about her cultivation last night. Zhang Daofeng thought for a while and said: "It's awesome. It should be in my time. It's also a genius. It should be a hardening of her body and spirit with the help of the power of Tianyin. As a result, her spirit and body need great supplement. Don't look at eating too much, but those things are not very useful!"

"What should I do?" Yang Feng asked.

"Give your ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum and other contributions," said Zhang Daofeng.

"Are you sure she can hold it?" Yang Feng asked.

"Don't worry! You're just like you that day. You'll have nosebleed when you eat it! It's a waste to eat it directly. You'd better make it into a perfect medicinal diet." Zhang Daofeng said.

"OK!" Yang Feng has no good way but to do so. Anyway, he has to let the little guy eat first.

Before noon, Yang Feng opened a small stove for xiaomengmeng and prepared a perfect nourishing meal. Xiaomengmeng drooled when she saw it and wanted to start with a casserole. Park Shiyin came out with a small bowl and shouted "hot". A piece of eel had been eaten, but it was hot to absorb the cool air.

Park Shiyin filled it in a small bowl. Xiao Mengmeng was eating. After a while, she ate half a pot. Park Shiyin didn't dare to fill it. She asked Yang Feng, "do you dare to give it to her?"

"It's all right, eat!" Yang Feng hesitated and finally decided to let the little girl eat. Since she can eat it, it's estimated that she can absorb it.

"Er!" when a big pot came to the bottom, xiaomengmeng burped, licked her lips and said, "it's good to be full!"

"I seem to eat a little too much!" looking at the silly look of Yang Feng and the three of them, xiaomengmeng smiled shyly.

"It's not like, but really eat too much. If you want to eat this every day, you're really poor for corn." Yang Feng said with a bitter smile.

"It's all right, my grandpa has money! When Grandpa comes, I'll ask grandpa to pay for millet." xiaomengmeng naturally doesn't worry about money. During the new year, she told grandpa that she owes her mother a lot, and grandpa said to pay her back. Grandpa can also pay back what she owes millet.

"You've eaten less than 100 million in one meal. If you eat one meal at a time, you'll eat it for half a year and six months, and your grandfather will definitely default." Yang Feng said with a smile.

"How much is one hundred million?" asked Xiao Mengmeng, who didn't quite understand.

"If you feed wolves, tigers and bears like you did last year, you can feed them for 20 years," Yang Feng explained.

"You're lying about millet. There's not so much." xiaomengmeng doesn't believe it. She has no concept of 100 million, but she has a concept of what she spent last year. It's terrible to add another 20 years.

"It's no use lying to you, little girl. Go and play when you're full. You can eat so much more. Hop hop hop!" he pinched his little nose and Yang Feng smiled.

"OK! When I'm hungry next time, you can cook for me." xiaomengmeng smiled and left.

"Really ate a hundred million?" Dong Yuxin asked curiously after xiaomengmeng left.

"Yes! It's still dollars," Yang Feng said with a bitter smile.

"Impossible!" this time, even Dong Yuxin didn't believe it.

"Wild ginseng of 800 years, how much do you say it is worth?" Yang Feng said with a smile.

Dong Yuxin said nothing. This thing is priceless. If it is on the market, someone will definitely give 100 million US dollars to buy it. This is a life-saving thing. Park Shiyin was surprised to see Yang Feng and was more sure that there is a great secret in Yang Feng. The 800 year old wild mountain ginseng said to take it out. It can't be called a person.

In the afternoon, Xing shenhuan went to Shanghe village and rented a general's house in xianle garden. He specially asked Dong Xuefei to prepare a table for them, invited Yang Feng to have dinner at night, and thanked Yang Feng for curing his granddaughter. Yang Feng wanted to put the banquet in his own house, but Xing shenhuan refused, and Yang Feng couldn't help it. He took Dong Yuxin to the appointment at night.

Thanks are indispensable. Xing shenhuan drank too much when he was happy. When Xing shenhuan settled down, Yang Feng and Dong Yuxin also went home. On the way, Yang Feng said with emotion: "In this lifetime, people can't finish their heart. Their children are finished. Their grandchildren, if they live longer, there will be the next generation. There is really no end. We can't do this in the future. Our children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Grasp the general direction and play by themselves."

"It's easy for you to say now. You won't think so at that time." Dong Yuxin smiled.

"So we should supervise and restrain each other and not let our son be a grandfather," Yang Feng said.

"All right!" Dong Yuxin smiled. It was a month before the child was born. He began to think about the child's education. He didn't want to worry about himself. In fact, people are always unconsciously concerned about some things, let alone their own children.

"When did you come?" Yang Feng was surprised to see Shen Xia drinking tea and chatting with PU Shiyin.

"Just a moment after you left, everything was done. OK, I picked out some and brought them back to you. The others were stored in the Swiss bank. Here are the safe keys and passwords." open the suitcase under the table, Shen Xia took out a box first, which contained a card, a key and a note recording the password.

Then Shen Xia took out several black cloth bags from the box, opened them and poured them on the table. The cleft lip and palate diamond is a pearl. It's dazzling. Yang Feng smiled and said, "it doesn't seem to be different from Chinese cabbage."

"Rare things are expensive. If you have Chinese cabbage, you can exchange it with me. How about one?" Shen Xia asked jokingly.

After picking a few diamonds and pearls, Yang Feng pulled them in front of Shen Xia and said with a smile, "it's for you. It's lethal to women and helps you realize your dream as soon as possible."

"You're scolding me. Just let's have a beauty and need this thing. If you give me this, you might as well give me more bottles of wine?" Shen Xia said with a smile.

"Promising." Yang Feng said unhappily.

"Isn't that what men do before they become fathers? Everyone is a man, you should understand." Shen Xia said.

"Understand, I'll give you a long-term supply in the future, OK?" Yang Feng asked.

"It's quite OK. I'll go and don't disturb your rest." Shen Xia smiled and got up and left. Yang Feng didn't ask him to stay. Now there are not many tourists and he doesn't need his place to live. Besides, maybe he'll run to the county and have an affair later.

Yang Feng guessed. Unfortunately, he only guessed a part. Comrade Shen Xia came out of Yang Feng yesterday and went to the county, and had an affair. Unexpectedly, he ran into a police ward round and was directly arrested as a whore. He called Yang Feng this morning and asked him to save him.

After paying the money and leaving the Public Security Bureau, Yang Feng and Shen Xia smiled at each other. Shen Xia was depressed and Yang Feng was gloating. This was the end of showing mercy everywhere. He was not wronged at all. He often walked on the black side. There were no wet shoes.

"I've decided." Shen Xia shouted depressed.

"Why, Congliang?" Yang Feng asked.

"When I buy a house, I will buy a suite every time I go to a city, so I can see if he can check me." Shen Xia said.

Yang Feng was stunned. It's been a long time. It used to be just fishing. If you catch it, you'll eat it. If you can't catch it, you'll finish it. Now it's time to establish a base area and carry out a protracted war.

"House prices are raised by people like you," Yang Feng said with a smile.

"That's good! As soon as the house rises, when I'm tired of playing, the house will be sold. It's estimated that all the expenses in recent years will come out. If I can't make a good profit, my enjoyment in recent years will be wasted," Shen Xia said.

"Good idea, I support you." Yang Feng said admiringly.

"Then lend me some money," Shen Xia said.

"You are not so poor that you can't afford several Suites?" Yang Feng asked incredulously.

"You can afford several sets, but you can't afford dozens of sets. Think about it! In a better city, we can count as 100. Now the house is very expensive. A suite in each city counts as 800000, which is 80 million. I don't have so much savings. I agreed to borrow it! I'll return it to you when I finish the house," Shen Xia said.

Yang Feng was speechless. He asked Shen Xia's card number and directly transferred him 200 million. I think this money is enough for him to buy a house and furniture. Buying a house can be finely decorated, but it is not necessary for people to buy a house.

Shen Xia didn't go back to Shanghe village, but directly started his house purchase plan. Yang Feng didn't have time and leisure to accompany him to see the house, but went to the Baiguoyuan. The tree planting activity hasn't been completed yet. He has to supplement the saplings.

Xing shenhuan and his family went back. Although they were reluctant to give up, they still had to go to school. However, they won the opportunity to come and play with Xiao Mengmeng on holiday. After Xing shenhuan and his family left, park Shiyin also went to the city, and everything was going according to the plan.

Some things can be planned, but some things are always outside your plan. For example, deputy director Wu would never expect that the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection suddenly caught him from heaven. Under the inquiry of the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, they still flatly denied that they were innocent and innocent. They can be taken in front of deputy director Wu as irrefutable photos, diaries and interrogation records, Deputy director Wu was directly surprised that "three souls were separated and six souls dissipated". He collapsed on the spot and knew that he was finished. It was like pouring beans. He told the comrades of the Commission for Discipline Inspection what he participated in or knew, which was to take a back when he was dying.

The day after vice Master Wu was taken away, a news was released on the portal website of Nanling city. Wu has been double regulated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection because of his situation. The specific situation is still under investigation. Now people are busy again. Is all this coincidence or necessity? If it's a coincidence, it's an eye opener. If it's inevitable, village head Yang is too terrible.

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