After waiting for a few minutes, without seeing his wife's reply, Yang Feng turned off the software and searched for this strange place to see what way to return home as soon as possible. The mountain forest road, which runs day and night, is definitely not good. Although the speed of gold carving is not slow, it is a relative problem. Flying back from here will take at least half a month, which is not good. At the moment, Yang Feng's heart is like an arrow.

Just when Yang Feng tried to fly back to China by rocket, Dong Yuxin turned on the computer and opened the software. When she saw the flashing news, she was suddenly stunned, trembled and started to open. When she saw the simple four words, all the pressure and worry were released in an instant, lying on the table and crying, which startled Wu Juan and worried about what happened, When I asked, I knew that bastard boy was coming back.

"Come back and beat him out with a broom directly. I don't have this son." wujuan was really angry. She had been away for half a year and didn't even hear from him. There was no such unreliable person.

Dong Yuxin burst into tears and said, "OK, let's drive him out."

Five days later, Yang Feng appeared at the capital airport, breathing the air of the motherland. His heart had flown back to Shanghe village, bought a recent ticket, and arrived at Nanling airport four hours later. He took a car and went straight to Shanghe village.

"Back!" looking at everything familiar, Yang Feng said softly and walked home with big steps.

Seeing that Yang Feng came in with a bag on his back and was having dinner, Yang Feng was stunned. Yang Feng smiled and said, "I'm back."

"I don't know who you're looking for!" Wu Juan stared at Yang Feng and said angrily.

Yang Feng was busy with a smiling face and said a few good words to his mother first. Dong Yuxin laughed while listening to it. It was too numb. Wu Juan couldn't listen anymore. She grabbed Yang Feng's ear and taught him, "how old are you? It's been half a year. Do you know you have a home, a wife and children?"

"Know!" Yang Feng hurriedly promised. At this moment, we must pretend to be good, otherwise we will not be able to pass this pass.

"Yes, I don't think you know. If you have money now, you don't know what to do." wujuan continued to teach her a lesson.

"OK, Xiaofeng has something about Xiaofeng. If you don't come back, you wipe your tears every day, and if you come back, you say it's not over." Yang Yi spoke. Although he had some opinions about Yang Feng's state, he knew that Yang Feng certainly didn't go to play, and sympathized with his son.

"Eat first, I'll clean you up later." wujuan stared at Yang Feng and decided to temporarily stop the war, which made Yang Feng relieved.

And his wife smiled at each other. There was a deep meaning that everything was silent. Yang Feng began to eat. What he ate was called a fragrance! At this time, I'm a little aware. I'm a little late this time. Why should I do this? I have to eat a fat man in one bite. How nice it is! It's strange that the one who invented Jiuxi Lingyu didn't leave a manual. He knew he could secretly take the luggage compartment and take a free plane. Why should he run day and night every day.

An attempt made Yang Feng regret that he wanted to hit the wall. He sneaked into Argentina, took a plane to the United States, and then sneaked into a plane to China. It was very convenient to come back. The only difficulty was getting in and out of the luggage compartment, but for Yang Feng, it was not a problem at all.

Wu Juan really didn't want to let Yang Feng go. After dinner, she made a pot of tea, just like the third joint examination, and said, "go ahead, why are you there?"

Looking at this posture, Yang Feng had to use his mace and pour the diamonds in his bag on the table. This time, even Dong Yuxin was stunned. Wu Juan looked and said, "don't make a pile of glass. You want to tell me you're digging diamonds."

Yang Feng was stunned. His powerful mother had made him unable to accept the move. Dong Yuxin didn't know whether her mother-in-law was intentional or unintentional. She winked at Yang Feng and couldn't help laughing. It was only her mother-in-law who could make Yang Feng eat flat.

"Mom! You are my real mother. You know your son too well. You know I can't get diamonds. This is a pile of glass." Yang Feng had to follow his mother's words.

"Xiaofeng, it's not your mother who cares about you. No matter how big things are, you can't do this. I don't know what you're busy with, but no matter how busy things are, you can't ignore your family. Yuxin is worried about you. She can't sleep all night. The first thing the children will say is their father, but they don't know where their father is. As a husband and father, you feel proud "Should I?" wujuan asked earnestly.

"No, I'm sorry." Yang Feng was stunned and apologized affectionately. After he came back, the two children had been sleeping. I really didn't know they could talk.

"Pay attention to it later." Wu Juan didn't know what to say. She just said this. She picked a few diamonds from the pile, then winked at Yang Yi, and they left.

"This is the glass." Yang Feng murmured in a low voice. Dong Yuxin smiled again. Yang Feng hugged his wife and said, "I'm sorry! I ignored it."

"It's all right, as long as you're safe." Dong Yuxin knew that Yang Feng must have had an accident, otherwise he couldn't have heard from him for such a long time.

Hearing the cry of ah ah, Dong Yuxin hurried to the house, one by one with Park Shiyin, reported the child, held the child in front of Yang Feng and said, "call dad, this is Dad!"

"Dad!" the young voice called, Yang Feng was so excited!

"Come on, give dad a hug!" Yang Feng stretched out his hand, and the two little guys did the same thing. They turned their heads and didn't bird him at all, which hurt Yang Feng very much.

"Finished, the children don't recognize their father." Yang Feng said with a bitter smile.

"Ah ah!" the two children, seeing the diamonds on the table, opened their small hands and shouted.

"It's better to see the diamond than his father's kiss. No wonder it's so valuable." Yang Feng joked. He took out two goose egg sized ones, one red and one blue, from his bag and put them in the baby's hand.

Park Shiyin and the great God Bird were stunned. They have seen diamonds. Such a big one is still a color diamond, and it is particularly pure. They have not seen diamonds. You know, although diamonds are precious, they can also be distinguished. Not every diamond is sky high.

"Baby! This thing can't be eaten." looking at his daughter gnawing at the diamond, Yang Feng smiled and held his daughter in his arms and pinched the lovely little nose.

After teasing the child for a while and coaxing the child to sleep, Yang Feng went to bed with Dong Yuxin. The two little guys were very interesting and didn't let go until they fell asleep. It seems that people's love for treasures is innate.

Lying in bed, the two were talking. Yang Feng told about his experience in the past half a year. When he heard that Yang Feng had been foolishly in that space for 20 years, he was rolled by the storm, didn't know where to walk around, and then reached the south pole, Dong Yuxin couldn't help laughing!

After hearing that Yang Feng wanted to leave, but was sent back by the storm twice, she had a stomachache. She asked Yang Feng to put the blue ice out and show it to her. She liked to touch the cool feather and asked Yang Feng to take the blue ice back.

"It's not easy! You're back." the next morning, Dong Xuefei was the first to come. He hugged Yang Feng excitedly.

"Let everyone worry." Yang Feng smiled and said apologetically.

"I don't dare to do such things without information in the future." Dong Xuefei said with a smile.

"I promise not," Yang Feng said with a smile.

"Millet! I miss you so much." xiaomengmeng got the news, ran in and jumped directly into Yang Feng's arms and hung it around Yang Feng's neck.

"You didn't go to school!" Yang Feng asked, holding xiaomengmeng's nose.

"I asked for leave when I heard you came back." xiaomengmeng said reasonably.

"That's nice. It's still Mengmeng and her uncle." Yang Feng smiled, touched xiaomengmeng's forehead, held xiaomengmeng back to the house and gave her a pink diamond the size of a walnut.

"Thank you, millet!" xiaomengmeng likes holding it in her hand. Although her grandfather has a jewelry store and is relatively large, she can't recognize that this is a diamond and directly regarded it as a crystal product.

"More and more generous!" Qin Yusi followed her daughter, but she didn't run as fast as her daughter. When she slowed down, she saw a diamond in her daughter's hand. She didn't know it, she couldn't know it!

"I picked up a big bag on the road. It looked very beautiful, so I took it back and gave it away." Yang Feng's understatement made Qin Yusi and Dong Xuefei laugh.

Towards noon, Lou Lan and pan mingniang came up. Liu Yan, Wu Sisi, Feng Zhiqing, Annie and Xuexue also came. Yang Feng was very arrogant. Each person had a diamond, but it was much smaller than xiaomengmeng's, but it was also a diamond no matter how small!

"Son! You are much better than my father. Your uncle gave me a big one when he came. Your father polished it for a long time and didn't give me a small one." Dong Xuefei looked at the diamond the size of a walnut in his son's hand. That's envy!

Yang Feng said with a smile, "brother Dong, you've accepted your marriage. I dare not give it. If you make a mistake, I'll be an accomplice."

"Your brother, I'm poor. I'm guarding the barren mountains every day. I want to make mistakes in my dreams, but I don't have a chance!" Dong Xuefei complained about his pain. Lou Lan smiled and said, "I don't know how to live in happiness. They envy your cousins."

During the laughter, everyone had a big meal here at Yang Feng at noon. In the afternoon, people began to report to Yang Feng. First, Feng Zhiqing gave Yang Feng a brief talk about the events of Shanghe village in recent months and summarized it in one sentence - everything is fine!

Then came Dong Xuefei. Dong Xuefei said, "employees are very enthusiastic about labor and customers have great purchasing power. You accidentally made a lot of money. So far, the total sales have reached 11 billion."

Then came Liu Yan. Liu Yan reported more things, not only the whole Shanghe group, but also education. Shanghe group has been developing healthily in the past six months, and its income has continued to rise. It is expected that the overall income this year will increase by about 40% over last year.

In terms of Shanghe education, in September this year, including the 100 primary schools established in Xiqin province last year, a total of 272 primary schools are in operation this year, and a total of 54 secondary schools have been put into use. So far, 163 primary schools, 35 secondary schools and five high schools are under construction. The investment this year has reached 3.2 billion, If social forces had not contributed a lot of funds and developed at this speed, Yang Feng's three billion yuan would not last long.

The only result of such a huge investment and such a crazy move is that Yang Feng can proudly say "where there are mountains and difficulties, there is Shanghe primary school". Shanghe primary school instantly occupied the big wall of the domestic education market and became a new organization, but this organization did not make a profit, With an annual expenditure of $3 billion, Yang Feng is burning money. In the eyes of some people, their action is burning money.

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