Through Qi Shi, Xin Chao found Yang Feng. He only wanted to find Yang Feng for one thing. Several jewelry merchants took a fancy to Yang Feng's stone and planned to buy it in a joint venture. Everyone thought that Yang Feng didn't cut it and sold it because they were afraid of the loss of cutting, so they planned to buy it as a whole. If you put a big interest there, you can't see it. It's a mercenary and a thief, Even Satan and the night devil failed, leaving only the last hope, that is, to buy the stone with money openly. People don't know how Yang Feng came from, because Yang Feng certainly won't say, but everyone knows that there won't be too many stones. Who can take this stone, In the next few years, the high-end jade market will focus on itself. This profit is very large. At this moment, it is time to start first.

"Well, maybe, but someone called me before, and he also gathered a group of people to win the stone, so the price may need to be decided by on-site auction. President Xin, do you think you are willing?" Yang Feng asked.

Xin Zhuan was stunned. First of all, he suspected that what Yang Feng said was false, but he didn't feel like it. There are many smart people in the world. They can see it and decide to buy, and others can. Even if what Yang Feng said is false, I believe their actions will follow, but there are some things he can't decide, so he had to say: "Let me ask! I think it shouldn't be a problem."

"OK! I'll wait for president Xin's news, but I only have three days, because I have promised to sell the stone in three days," Yang Feng said.

"OK." Xin Cheng agreed and left. Yang Feng and Qi Shi sent them out. Qi Shi didn't leave together.

"Old horse?" Qi Shi asked.

"Hmm!" Yang Feng nodded and agreed. It was ma Dequan who contacted Yang Feng before. He also gathered a group of people over there to take the stone.

While they were chatting, another phone call came in. It was Wu Haixin's phone. Someone looked for a relationship. When they found her, they also wanted to buy stones. Yang Feng said the situation and Wu Haixin smiled. "Anyway, I don't want to buy it. They will fight. I told them whether they like to go or not. Village head Yang is going to be a big treat again."

"No problem, there is no dragon meat in the sky. We are full of donkey meat on the ground." Yang Feng smiled.

"Three waves." when Yang Feng hung up, Qi smiled.

"No more." Yang Feng smiled treacherously. Of course, it's better to have more people. It's obviously against his heart to say this.

After three days, five waves of people came to buy jade. Yang Feng didn't favor one over the other. They all treated each other equally. Everyone sat in the yard of the warehouse, surrounded by the stone and prepared to bid. The rules are very simple. The price of that group is high, and the things belong to that group. As for how they divide them back, it has nothing to do with Yang Feng.

"The thing is right here. I believe everyone has seen it. I think everyone also has a psychological price, so our bidding doesn't need too much sensationalism and yelling. Just bid according to our own goal. Well, start bidding now. Zero reserve price and the bidding currency is US dollar." As soon as Yang Feng announced, people were all stunned. It was unexpected that there was a zero reserve price, but it doesn't matter at all. It doesn't matter whether there is a reserve price at the moment.

"Five billion!" a group of people brought by Xin transcheng, a middle-aged man who took the lead, shouted a price first.

"9 billion!" the people brought by Ma Dequan are unwilling to fall behind and directly raise the price to the most reasonable position. After that, it depends on their financial strength.

"12 billion." soon, the price reached such a high level. People looked at each other and were very tangled. If you want to say the value of this thing, the value definitely exceeded 12 billion, but if you take it down beyond this price, the profit space is not in line.

Finally, with Wu Haixin's relationship, the people who came to bid the highest bid, and the stone belonged to them. They transferred the money on the spot and signed an agreement, and the stone belonged to them. There was another pile of numbers in Yang Feng's account.

When they pulled the stone away, Yang Feng told Qi Shi and Ma Dequan that they would come home for a drink tomorrow and he would leave. Today, these two people must have no time. They all have guests to accompany. Although there was no reporter's on-site report on this sky high price transaction, the news leaked out afterwards. Yang Feng jumped to the world rich list, which is a fact that can no longer be covered up 。

"Why am I so plain?" when he got home, Yang Feng didn't feel a little excited and asked Dong Yuxin strangely.

"Your pursuit is different. It's no longer a day to bow down for five bushels of rice, so there's no difference between so much money and not much. Without this money, what you do can still be completed smoothly. With more money, you still do these things. If you want to find happiness in money, you have to find yourself a lofty goal, such as becoming the richest man in the world." Dong Yuxin smiled.

"Forget it, this goal is too small. I'd better conquer the universe." Yang Feng joked.

"Yes, I have ideals. In order to reward you tonight," Dong Yuxin gave Yang Feng a very ambiguous wink and said, "you know."

"Come on, let's start now. I like it." Yang Feng smiled and picked up Dong Yuxin. Soon the room was full of spring. A lady and two servant girls staged a passionate play. Finally, all four people fell asleep with great satisfaction. They were all fragrant and beautiful in the dream.

In the morning, Yang Feng was reading a Book bored. The phone rang. He saw that it was Qi Shi. He was a little confused. As soon as he got through, he heard Qi Shi shout, "village head, you're so awesome. Do you know what you cut out of that stone?"

"What?" Yang Feng asked curiously.

"Stones, there are all red stones inside, pure stones! Everything is dizzy. If it weren't for this thing, I would doubt that you made it up." Qi Shi said.

"How many stones are there?" Yang Feng was surprised and asked.

"It's like wrapping a layer of 20 cm thick skin. It's full of stones. You don't see it. People's faces turn green when they go down with that knife," Qi Shi said.

"To what extent has it been cut now?" Yang Feng always felt that something was wrong. The things bred by Hongshan could not be worse than this, and there was a strange smell.

"Twelve people, eight of them in the hospital, can't cut it, just put it there." Qi Shi said.

"Wait for me, I'll go to the city now." Yang Feng said, hung up the phone, called Liu Yan and asked her to arrange someone to send herself to the city as soon as possible.

The helicopter landed slowly. Yang Feng opened the door and jumped down. He showed it all and asked, "what are you doing here? It's a matter of buying and selling what you love and I want. You're not suitable to come at this time."

"I have a sense of propriety." Yang Feng smiled and knew what Qi Shi said was reasonable. When he came to the place where the stone was stored, two pieces more than 30 cm high were cut off. It seems that it is measured to divide things. Now there is no point directly.

Yang Feng looked at the bread in the jade. It was a kind of reddish brown stone. Even if it was shown to a layman, he could see that it was not jade. He found some powder for cutting the stone. Yang Feng moved a little to Jiuxi spirit domain. The information he got was metal ore, which stunned Yang Feng.

"It's easy to make money, but it's hard to build when the reputation is destroyed. Brother Qi, you tell everyone that if they want, I'll return the money to them, and the stone belongs to me." Yang Feng said with a embarrassed smile.

Qi Shi was stunned, and all the others were stunned. I've seen a fool, but I've never seen such a fool. It's 12 billion! Beautiful knife!

Yang Feng smiled and said, "what are you doing? Call quickly!"

As a result, there was no accident. People all agreed to refund Yang Feng. Everyone had one billion yuan, which was tantamount to getting it back in vain. It was a fool not to do it. The money just got was transferred back to others, but they had to pay for the formalities. Everyone had no opinion about it. After signing another agreement, Yang Feng pulled the stone back to the warehouse.

The news leaked out somehow. Before noon, the Internet became lively again. Some people said Yang Feng was dignified, others said Yang Feng was stupid, and others said that the village head was not a fool. That stone could not be worth more than jade, but ordinary people didn't know what it was. Unexpectedly, Most people agree with this statement, which makes Yang Feng cry and laugh. He really doesn't know what it is.

In the afternoon, Yang Feng cut off all the red Jadeites and put the stones into the Jiuxi spiritual domain. As soon as the strange stone entered the Jiuxi spiritual domain, Yang Feng felt that it was another step away from the opening of Honghu domain, and it was still a big step. Even Zhang Daofeng felt it and ran out and asked, "what did you throw in just now?"

"I don't know." Yang Feng answered very Yes. He said the specific thing. Zhang Daofeng thought about it and said, "if the white one is water, the red one is fire. It won't need the gold of the five elements."

"The essence of the five elements, and the gold of the five elements?" Yang Feng asked puzzled.

"Yes, it is not the same thing. The essence of the five elements generally refers to the natural essence of heaven and earth, generally referring to animals and plants, while the five row of gold refers to dead objects. In terms of literal meaning, it refers to the metal that coagulates the force of five rows. In ancient times, gold and stone were always put together in one piece, and it seemed reasonable.

"Is your answer reliable? Where did you see it? Why didn't I see it?" Yang Feng asked suspiciously.

"Can you compare with me? You spend a day, I spend a hundred days, you spend Spring nights, and I study hard day and day. Do you think it's easy for me?" Zhang Daofeng said, which came to strength. Yang Feng had to shout "stop" to stop the long complaint.

"If what you said is right, we have two kinds now, and we can open the Honghu region without three kinds, right?" Yang Feng asked.

"Yes! But do you know where to find these three?" Zhang Daofeng asked angrily.

"Since Jiuxi spiritual realm can be born, we just need to wait." Yang Fenghe said easily.

Feeling Zhang Daofeng's disdainful eyes, Yang Feng knew he was wrong again, because this guy usually caught his mistakes. It would always be like this. Zhang Daofeng hated iron and steel and scolded: "let you read more books. You just don't listen. You know how to hum ha every day. Look at this IQ. It's getting farther and farther away from me."

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