"Is this the needle eye left by Mr. wood's injection?" as a professional, Xuexue will naturally do a professional examination, determine that there is only one disease of leukemia, and start another.

"Yes!" the person in charge nodded seriously.

"Your injection level is very high! All ten needles hit one eye." Xuexue said with a faint smile.

"Dr. Nan joked. It's not our high level, but some needle holes have disappeared," the person in charge explained.

"Oh!" Xuexue chuckled, with a sneer at the corners of her mouth. I don't know whether they are stupid or intend to treat her as a fool, and whispered: "Mr. Caron may not know. Because of the particularity of the blood exchange agent, it takes three to five days to completely dissipate all the needle holes after injection. If you inject all ten needles and one needle a day according to the use requirements, there will be at least three needle holes on Mr. wood's arm."

"Maybe it's because of different physique. Mr. wood's needle eye disappears faster." the person in charge, carlon, was surprised and thought of an excuse.

"I don't rule out this possibility. I think there's something Mr. Caron doesn't know." Xuexue said with a smile.

Kalon was surprised and asked unnaturally, "what's the matter?"

"Still because of the particularity of the blood exchange agent, the traces left by the injection of this agent can be revealed again by using another agent within a month. Let me demonstrate it for you." Xuexue smiled and informed people to invite people in. A 16-year-old boy and his parents entered the reception room. Xuexue had discussed with them before. They agreed to do this certificate, which was a little help for them.

"Xuexue took a cotton ball, dipped it in a blue liquid and painted it on the boy's arm. There were several purple marks the size of rice grains on the boy's arm. Needless to say, everyone knows what this is. The reporter's camera and camera proved it in turn and witnessed the miracle.

"If Mr. Caron doesn't believe it, we can let more people verify the effect. Does Mr. Caron believe it?" Liu Yan asked mockingly.

Kalon didn't know what to do. He was very surprised at how he didn't think that there would be such a situation. He was sure that this was by no means the child care found by Shanghe hospital. It was not easy to deal with. Before he thought of countermeasures, Xuexue said: "there is another way to verify whether the patient has used blood exchange agent."

Under the puzzled eyes of Caron, Xuexue put a few drops of blood into wood and the boy later as a witness. No one put a few drops of blood into a white transparent liquid. Wood's blood dropped into the white liquid, and the liquid turned red, while the boy's blood dropped into the white liquid, and the liquid turned blue. This strange scene made the media reporters in the meeting room angry With a cry of surprise, I was busy collecting evidence again.

"Mr. Caron, don't doubt the particularity of patients. I can ask the 80 patients in our hospital to prove to you what a miracle is." Xuexue's face suddenly cooled, and the meaning of ridicule on her face became more serious.

"In the above two cases, we can be sure that Mr. Caron did not give the medicine to Mr. wood, which is a false accusation against us. We will inform your consulate and your Ministry of Commerce about this later, and file a lawsuit with your legal department to restore our reputation." Xuexue said very simply.

"Your medicine is fake," Caron said in a panic.

"Do you have any evidence?" Xuexue smiled, laughing that this guy was an idiot. He dared to say that their medicine was fake. If she hadn't guessed, they would have used it long ago and couldn't have it again. It doesn't matter if it happened again. They have some ways.

Caron was speechless. Xuexue looked at wood and said seriously, "Mr. wood, as a doctor, I have to remind you that your behavior has hurt us and will lose our chance to treat you."

"Is there anything else? If you don't, you can go, Mr. Caron. If you can't prove that the medicine we sell is fake and you can't prove that you injected Mr. wood with ten medicines in sufficient quantity, it will be a big trouble to meet you. Don't doubt our lawyers. They are world-class." Snow sneered and reminded Kalon that this was the threat of red fruit, but Kalon didn't even have a trace of resistance. He knew he was in trouble. If something like this happened, he must need someone to carry the black pot, and he must be the best candidate for this person. Carrying the black pot is related to the gender and national boundaries of some races.

Carlon is worried and the reporter is more worried. This is big news! The company represented by wood is a world giant. It is a great opportunity to get the negative news of this company. They need to take good advantage of it. Come on, make it bigger and better.

When the outsider left, Xuexue resumed the usual smile of the girl next door and asked Liu Yan, "sister swallow, how was my performance just now?"

"It's great! It's definitely a big loss for the film and television industry to study medicine." Liu Yan joked.

"I'll leave the rest to sister swallow." Xuexue smiled. Naturally, she can't act, let alone take care of others. Now she's busy enough in the big stall of the hospital.

"Don't worry, let them cut a piece of meat." the smile on Liu Yan's face makes people look a little chilly. It seems that someone is too busy recently and plans to move.

"Hey! Tactful, you can act there." before the meeting, Liu Yan prepared the whole plan. It can be said that she had been waiting for this day, but she didn't know which one would jump out in advance.

"OK!" Han Wanyue agreed and began to call the convener. Their huge lawyer group is going to go abroad to file a lawsuit this time.

After hanging up Han Wanyue's phone, Liu Yan took out a special phone, dialed a number and said, "Kanghui medicine, buy empty."

In addition to Yang Feng and Dong Yuxin, no one knows that Liu Yan also has a huge financial team. The funds operated by these teams are Yang Feng's overseas funds. This time, they can be described as a two pronged approach to let Kanghui medicine, an international giant, spit out a piece of meat.

In the world of network, the speed of information dissemination is beyond people's imagination. As soon as the report here is published, there are relevant reports abroad. Under the operation of Liu Yan, it is difficult to think without it. There is a Wumao party in China and a professional Legion abroad. The news dissemination is called fast! In fact, the public relations department of Kanghui medicine does not dare to make up anything, but is doing some positive treatment, such as contacting the river group to discuss a solution.

The most important thing in this matter is not the false accusation of Kanghui medicine against Shanghe hospital, but its indifference to life. In order to achieve its own purpose, it made fun of people. Although wood may be treated with the assistance of Kanghui medicine, is this treatment insured by Shanghe hospital? This answer, I believe not all fools know, a pharmaceutical enterprise that can use other people's lives to make money, can you rest assured of their drugs?

At the same time, a large number of bills appeared in the capital market. Kanghui medicine didn't even have time to respond, and the stock poured down all the way. The market is like this. The better, the better, the worse and the worse. The evolution of events exceeded Liu Yan's expectations, but it's better. They can make more money.

The sudden event caught those capital giants on Wall Street by surprise. In the crazy world, they didn't even have time to follow suit. They could only watch this huge profit swallowed by this unknown person. These people were smarter than one. Naturally, they knew that it was the parties who could make such a rapid response.

In three days, the share price fell by 26%, which was a huge loss for an enterprise with assets of more than 100 billion US dollars. They had to respond as quickly as possible and connect the national diplomatic departments to take action.

When the incident happened, the Ministry of foreign affairs was thinking about it, but it didn't think it was appropriate. If the government forcibly intervened, they would probably become the next Japan. Look at Japan, stone can't buy, medicine can't buy, let alone go to Shanghe hospital for treatment. Because of this, the support rate of this government is declining sharply, Another drop, I'm afraid, will have to change people. Without the government of that country, they want to follow Japan's footsteps, so they can only handle this matter impartially and impartially.

The Ministry of foreign affairs and the Ministry of Commerce of other people are like this. Our country can be polite! After some wrangling, the matter was put on the table. This is the matter of Shanghe group and Kanghui medicine.

It was their current CEO, Ms. price, who came to negotiate on behalf of Kanghui medicine. In her 40s, she was definitely a world-class strong woman and had a great influence in the business world. Price was able to act in person. I have to say that Yang Feng's toss scared Kanghui medicine. Nothing is impossible in this man eating capital market, Optimus building may collapse, let alone a company.

It was Liu Yan who met with price, but Yang Feng didn't show up. Liu Yan didn't take any high attitude. The meeting with price was very friendly and didn't smell of gunpowder, which surprised the secretary.

After the simple meeting ceremony, the two sides entered the topic. Before coming, price made a simple survey on the current CEO of Shanghe group. As the saying goes, it's better to meet than to be famous. She couldn't help but be surprised. Liu Yan is younger than she expected, but you never dare to despise that unique momentum.

"Miss Liu, let's say it directly. What's your condition?" the information about Liu Yan shows that Liu Yan works crisply, so price gives full play to her unique job and goes straight to the theme with the same crispness.

"Kanghui pharmaceutical has 10% of the shares. We don't participate in the company's operation and only enjoy dividends. I don't know what Ms. price thinks of this condition?" Liu Yan asked with a smile.

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