In the evening, I had some wine with long Xuanyu. When Yang Feng came home, it was more than nine o'clock. When he came in and saw his mother still there, he was stunned. He felt a little strange. Usually, after dinner, his grandmother would go down the mountain. Today, it's something.

Dong Yuxin winked at Yang Feng. Yang Feng was more bored at the bottom of his heart. It was his business. He didn't seem to have done anything harmful recently. He asked with a smile: "Mom, are you going to live with my father today?"

"Don't laugh, tell me what's going on." wujuan said with a cold face.

"What's going on?" Yang Feng didn't pretend. He really didn't understand what happened.

"What's the matter with Wenwen and Pipi?" wujuan said clearly.

"My own! You were there when I was born!" Yang Feng still couldn't understand, so he joked.

"Don't tell me this, take a knife!" wujuan stared at Yang Feng and shouted, which made Yang Feng stupid. Why do you want a knife.

Dong Yuxin went to the kitchen and took out the kitchen knife. Wu Juan took it and made a gesture. Yang Feng was worried. He grabbed the kitchen knife and said anxiously, "Mom, we have something to say. It's a good day. We can't miss it!"

"Don't pretend to be confused. If you pretend again, I'll really commit suicide." Wu Juan said angrily.

"Mom! Fengzi really doesn't know. I also know that Wenwen has that ability today." Dong Yuxin reluctantly smiled and explained.

"Don't cover for him. You two can hide it from me. Shiyin and Sarah live at home. I don't say anything. It's your own business. But you can hide such a big thing from me. Am I still the child's grandmother?" Wu Juan was really angry today. She didn't even give face to her daughter-in-law.

"What's going on?" Yang Feng was confused and could only look at his daughter-in-law.

"Give me the kitchen knife." Dong Yuxin couldn't help it. He asked Yang Feng for a kitchen knife and scratched on his finger. The bright red blood immediately flowed out. He put the bleeding finger in front of Wen Wen Wen's face. Wen Wen's little hand touched Dong Yuxin's finger. The blood stopped flowing and the wound disappeared. Yang Feng looked silly.

"This." in response, Yang Feng scratched his head and said with a bitter smile, "I really don't know about it! What's going on?"

As soon as Dong Yuxin explained, Yang Feng understood that it was at noon that Wu Juan came up to cook for the children. Because Pipi was making trouble, she cut her hand. Wen Wen loved her grandmother and cured her injury. This directly led to Wu Juan being in a trance all afternoon. Some couldn't accept the fact. After all, it was too strange.

"Mom, look at Wenwen and Pipi's hair. It's just like this at birth, which shows that our baby is different from ordinary people, so it's not surprising that Wenwen has this strange ability, but I really don't mean to hide it from you. I really don't know." Yang Feng explained.

"Make it up, keep making it up!" Wu Juan stared at Yang Feng and said: "Yuxin takes her children to the hospital every day. I'm still surprised. Yuxin treats patients and what she does with her children. She was worried about whether there is something wrong with the two children. You're afraid we're worried and deliberately hide it from us. Now it seems that you two already know Wenwen's ability. What's Pipi's ability?"

Yang Feng opened his mouth. I really don't know what to say. The old lady is observant. Looking at his wife for help, Dong Yuxin smiled bitterly and said: "Mom, we didn't deliberately hide it from you. The key is that it's too abnormal. I'm afraid you and dad know. Worry. Pipi hasn't shown any ability at present, but children of the same age can't compare IQ and memory."

"I don't care what you two do, but never let Pipi and Wenwen take risks, you know?" wujuan asked seriously.

"Mom, don't worry. How can we let Pipi and Wenwen take risks?" Dong Yuxin said hurriedly, and Yang Feng promised that Wu Juan's face finally eased down.

"If you let me know that you dare to persecute my grandchildren and grandchildren, I will deprive you of your custody. I have to discuss this with Yuxin's parents. I can't let you fool around." look at my son and daughter-in-law. Wu Juan said such a word that Yang Feng was amazed. The word is persecution.

Congratulations on seeing the old lady off. Yang Feng turns to look at Dong Yuxin and smiles. This makes them almost heinous sinners. He secretly tells LAN Bing to send the old lady back. Yang Feng closes the door and studies his daughter's super power.

"No." looking at the wound on Yang Feng's hand, Wen Wen suddenly said such a sentence, yawned, tilted his head in Dong Yuxin's arms and fell asleep.

"This!" looking at the bleeding wound, and then looking at the sleeping daughter, Yang Feng smiled bitterly.

"Deserved it!" Dong Yuxin couldn't help laughing. She took her daughter to bed and asked Park Shiyin to bandage Yang Feng's wound.

"My God! I don't seem to annoy you recently." Yang Feng wailed. Park Shiyin and Sarah were happy!

"I'll clean you up tomorrow." Yang Feng stared. He couldn't do the experiment tonight. His hand was injured, which affected his play. His hand was injured, which affected his play. It's not urgent to go at this moment.

"It really hurts!" this is Yang Feng's personal feeling. He forgot how long he had not been hurt. He rowed casually. It hurt so much that he couldn't sleep. Entering Jiuxi Lingyu can only prolong the time of pain. As long as he carried it through the night and woke up, Wen Wen can be completely cured.

As soon as I saw my daughter in the morning, Yang Feng called it a kiss and a joy! It's absolutely unprecedented. Wen Wen's little hand touched Yang Feng's wound. Yang Feng was fine. She took her palm and looked at it. She didn't even believe it. No wonder her grandmother would be so "excited". If Wu Juan knew Yang Feng's idea, she would ask him. Was she excited?

Last night, Yang Feng figured out that he was stupid. It would be good to have an animal experiment. Why should he experiment with his own hands and take his daughter to Xuexue to check her physical condition. Yang Feng was relieved that he didn't find any problems.

In the afternoon, there was a sheep lying in the yard of village head Yang, who had been laid down by ziyunteng. Yang Feng was persecuting his daughter with a knife in his hand. This was called real persecution. He studied the depth and length of the wound and finally determined that Wen Wen Wen could only have a slight effect on minor injuries and serious injuries, but it would not be immediate in front of his daughter, Yang Feng didn't cut off the leg of sheep cruelly to see if Wen Wen could cure it. He just made a deep cut and planned to see if it could be cured in a few days.

Yang Feng never thinks he is a compassionate person. Even if the food is mainly meat, meat is very important to Qi and blood for an adult, so he won't be soft at killing sheep and pigs. He can't be soft at killing pigs. How can a beheaded pig be soft at hand? He doesn't think there's anything wrong with experimenting with a sheep or a rabbit, And I don't worry about what bad influence it will bring to my daughter's young heart. The devil is not born, and God is not inherent. As long as a correct outlook on life, people can face life and look at life directly.

According to Yang Feng's research on the two classics of Buddhism and Taoism and the discussion of some masters, a strange problem has been found. The more advanced people are, the more indifferent they are to life. Taoism is like this, Buddhism is not. And no matter which family has a common character in life. Life and death are determined by heaven. Who is heaven, and heaven is the person who can take charge of life, Yang Feng can take charge of the life of a sheep, so Yang Feng is the God of the sheep. When someone can take charge of his life, that person is his God, and his life and death will be determined by others. Life is a life regardless of high or low, good or evil, and killing is a life. As for reincarnation, whoever wants to believe that thing is a fool. He can't control it in this life and will control the next life, This is definitely the egg pain when you are full, and the egg pain when you are not full directly. It is estimated that you may be hungry.

He doesn't believe in reincarnation, but Yang Feng believes in cause and effect. Everything has cause and effect. This is a constant fact. He can't escape cause and effect now. Without the journey to the south pole, he won't take that route even if he goes to the south pole, because it's the easiest way to pass, but who knows that there are the most extraordinary things on this easiest way. In Yang Feng's opinion, This is cause and effect.

He is rich and has helped many people. These people are talking about his kindness and reading his feelings. When someone slanders him, they will rise up and prove for him that this is also a cause and effect. All big and small things in life can not escape cause and effect, just like this night.

When he woke up naturally, it was basically this point every day. Yang Feng looked out of the white window and scolded sadly. There was no effect. Yesterday, he drank that drop of Baijiao blood and waited for his beast to break out. But unexpectedly, he waited to fall asleep. He slept until dawn. There was no other reaction except the natural early morning reaction, This is absolutely completely ineffective. Maybe the effect is not big enough.

"With the strength of your body now, a drop of blood can make you appear. It's not a Jiao, but a dragon." Zhang Daofeng's words solved Yang Feng's question at the bottom of his heart.

"Increase the amount! Increase the amount!" this is the only way. Yang Feng went to Xuexue in the morning and asked for ten drops of blood. After Yang Feng left, Xuexue thought for a while, and a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth. The smile was a little strange. If Yang Feng saw it, he would know that Xuexue didn't think of anything good. I don't know who was going to be unlucky.

There was not much blood in ten drops. Yang Feng drank it and finally tasted it. There was no fishy smell. Instead, it was sweet and a little cold. If he didn't know it was blood, he would think it was a drink, a special drink.

Ten drops certainly can't be compared with one drop. After drinking it for almost half an hour, Yang Feng felt a sense of dryness and heat all over his body. This dryness and heat became more and more serious, but a trace of cold air passed to his mind through every pore of his body, maintaining the clarity of his mind. Yang Feng seemed to be able to see the changes of his body, Every cell is in an extremely active state. The blood seems to be boiling. The beating of the heart is abnormal and reasonable. The fan of the lungs is like two big banana fans.

"No!" this is Yang Feng's first reaction, but when you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong. The power contained in Bai Jiao's blood after thousands of years is absolutely huge, and it is normal to have some abnormalities. If you want to say wrong, I'm afraid only one aspect he expects has not responded, and the most primitive impulse of his body has not yet appeared.

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